Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 383: Weaving the Holy Emblem

In the northwest corner of the overlapping area, He Shan grabbed a white beard and a strange beard, and turned the strange beard in circles.

He asked sternly: "Say, what do you know about your domain master?"

"Young hero, hero, grandpa forgive me, I really don't know."

The monster turned dizzy, and replied while crying.

He Shan immediately retorted: "Nonsense, you are so old, you must have lived here for a long time!"

That monster was speechless, he was just exuberant, could he be blamed?

All the monsters and strangers were tortured to death by He Shan, and gradually the bait could hardly attract the strangers.

The human caterpillar has entered an extremely angry attitude, being hung by people with delicious food, but they don't even know what the delicious is. This almost destroys the lack of reason of the human caterpillar.

And it also instinctively discovered that in the recent period of time, its food in the overlapping area has become less.

How does this make the ultimate food-eater human caterpillar accept?

But no matter how furious he was, he couldn't catch any kind.

After all, the crying heads on its body are just an indicator light. When he and He Shan are close enough, He Shan will just flee quietly.

As long as He Shan doesn't want to, the two of them will never meet.

In addition, He Shan also inquired about a piece of information, that is, the rule of this overlapping area, that is, when someone is crying, you must cry too.

The act of crying reminds people of the most painful things in life.

The human caterpillar does not actually have the ability to cry, it just has to cry.

Because after the normal monster cries, the effect can be removed by finding a place to be alone for a while, but the domain owner's human caterpillar has dozens of heads.

One started crying, and the rest of the heads all cried, which made it impossible to stop at all.

Therefore, human caterpillars have evolved a system for using body waste water. The tears from those heads will be absorbed directly before they fall to the ground.

But even so, it only improves the water utilization rate.

Therefore, every night, the human caterpillar has to go to a fountain to restore the water in the body, otherwise it will die from dehydration because of crying too much.

Only in such heavy rain weather as now can it exert its full strength outside.

After He Shan learned this information, he suddenly realized.

No wonder this guy was so strong just now, it turned out that He Shan came in at the worst time.

At that time, I listened to the old security guard's words. I had a bowl of hot noodles outside and waited until the rain stopped to explore.

"But it's not too late to know this rule now."

He Shan looked up at the weather, and it was a little brighter now.

It seems that the rain is about to stop. If you face the human caterpillars after a while, you won't be as embarrassed as before.

But before that, He Shan needs to find a place to hide for a while.

Maybe one day, maybe ten days, let this caterpillar live for a while.

After He Shan searched, he finally found a cave more than ten meters underground.

In this cave, there was originally a monster that was very awkward.

However, it was attracted by He Shan's **** video, and eventually suffered He Shan's murderous hand.

This cave is not only deep, but also very winding, as long as the entrance and exit are blocked with something, it is not visible from the outside.

He Shan could find it, the best place to hide.

He Shan wants to hide in this cave and explore how to advance to the holy emblem sorcerer!

Through the previous battles, He Shan's last ability, the core of ability, has made great progress, and it has reached the level of 2.9.

He Shan's three abilities have all reached a critical point.

The next wave can be considered, how to advance.

The promotion of Tier 0, Tier 1, and Tier 2 sorcerers.

Mainly highlight a word of recklessness, and ‘luck’.

As long as you keep exploring the overlapping areas, you will definitely have an improvement, and then get the pronucleus based on luck to successfully advance.

After the rise of Suiyuan Xiaopu, the sorcerers in Lianhai City no longer need luck.

They can come directly to He Shan and purchase the pronuclear nucleus they need.

But the advanced holy emblem sorcerer needs more.

‘Talent’, ‘Strength’ and ‘IQ’, of course luck also occupies a little bit.

He Shan needs to adjust the three abilities by himself, so that they can find common ground, and then merge them into one.

As long as the fusion begins, the first stage of the holy emblem has been reached, and the end of the fusion is the second stage of the holy emblem.

This kind of fusion is not automatic fusion after the conditions are met.

The whole process requires guidance and planning by a sorcerer, which is very brain-intensive.

The sorcerer needs to ‘simulate deformation’ of the pronucleus in a place where the strength of the sorcery is sufficient, and then assemble the ‘deformed’ pronucleus together.

If you want to be in a place with enough energy in a trick, it is dangerous for a trick master. To conduct mental activities in a dangerous place, you need to have a strength above the same level to be relatively calm.

Successful assembly is the embryonic form of the holy emblem. If assembly is not successful, continue assembly.

This assembly process requires talent and IQ. Others can't help. Some sorcerers are stuck in the second-tier position for a year or two, and still can't complete their prototype of the holy emblem.

As for luck...

There are some unlucky sorcerers, and the three abilities acquired in the early stage are inherently incompatible.

So they are destined that they will never be able to become a gimmick in their entire lives.

However, there are not many examples of this kind, and He Shan believes that he is not the unlucky group.

In this quiet place, He Shan started his own study...

Control the flying sword, the energy core, and the tricky copper coin blessing.

Among them, controlling the flying sword is He Shan's basic ability, and we must try our best to ensure the integrity of this ability.

The energy core is a versatile ability. He Shan basically doesn't have to worry about this ability when he advances to the Holy

The only trouble is the blessing of tricky copper coins.

How can this ability to use tricky copper coins to advance with the other two abilities be linked? He Shan racked his brains and couldn't figure it out...

The phantoms of three pronuclei appeared in front of He Shan.

Each pronucleus edge has three rings of halo, and these three rings are a manifestation of the strength of ability.

Under He Shan's control, the three halos separated from the pronucleus, forming different shapes in mid-air.

These nine auras will form the shape of a rune, and the different placement and bending of each aura will affect the effect of the final holy emblem.

When the combination of the nine auras succeeded, the embryonic form of the holy emblem appeared.

As it is now, the realization of the pronucleus to draw the holy emblem can only be done where this kind of trick energy is suitable, usually in the fourth or fifth level of overlap.

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