Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 387: Promoted, holy emblem sorcerer!

The light bands on the three pronuclei began to peel off a little bit, and combined into a special shape.

This time it is not a simulation, but to really complete the promotion of the holy emblem level!

In the entire overlapping area, the energy that should have escaped from the death of the domain master began to gather in the middle against the normal, and converge on He Shan's body.

A special holy emblem in the shape of a long sword was outlined by He Shan with nine light bands.

Green, colorless, brass...

After the shape of the holy emblem was outlined, the colors of the nine light bands began to change continuously, as if they were seeking some kind of special unity.

The energy of the sly copper coin was also sucked into the light and shadow of the holy emblem.

Then the appearance of He Shan's three pronuclei began to change.

The energy core pronucleus, and the pronuclear copper coin blessing the pronucleus, began to shrink in size and become somewhat transparent.

The shape of the leaf pronucleus began to change to a long strip.

After the transformation of the three pronuclei was completed, the color of the holy emblem was also unified.

From a different color to a golden-green color, this is an indescribable color, but it feels pleasing just to look at it.

On the edge of the holy emblem, golden and green light spots floated, reflecting He Shan as a god.

The holy emblem-formally formed!


A violent air current gushed out from He Shan's body, and everything around him was pushed away by this air current.

He Shan knelt on the spot and closed his eyes.

The holy emblem landed on He Shan's back and turned into a special tattoo. At the same time, He Shan also had gold-green lines on his body.

At the same time, He Shan's body was also quietly changing.

Compared with the sorcerers of Tier 01 and Tier 2, the level of the holy emblem is actually completely different.

In addition to no longer using the pronucleus as the core of power, the sorcerer will also undergo an evolution when he is promoted to the holy emblem!

Evolve from human to non-human!

Life span, appearance, brain, physical fitness, hair quality...

The sorcerer will take a big step towards ‘perfection’!

He Shan could feel that every cell in him was cheering.

His energy core has more than doubled.

His physical fitness has been greatly improved, and now even if he does not use the Maple Leaf mode and takes off the tights of the Cthulhu servant, he is not an ordinary melee to the second-order sorcerer.

The abilities in other directions also have their own growth, and even the genes are different from the original.

The only thing that hasn't changed is He Shan's appearance.

His previous appearance is already perfect, even if his life level evolves, it has no effect on his appearance.

Because this overlapping area had been thoroughly cleaned before, He Shan didn't bother him during the entire promotion process.

After a while, He Shan stood up, a look of joy flashed in his eyes.

Now he is also a strong man!

With a thought in his mind, twenty-four leaves appeared in front of him.

After being promoted to the Holy Emblem, the number of leaves has doubled.

Moreover, these leaves are all like willow leaves. Upon closer inspection, you can find that the shape of these leaves is somewhat similar to that of a long sword.

He Shan nodded, put away the leaves, and waved another twenty long swords, appearing beside him, turning lightly around him.

Each of these long swords is not a physical long sword, but a golden-green energy long sword!

While the long sword was flying, a golden or green light spot appeared in the air, like a dream.

"This time I was stuck in the overlapping area for more than ten days, and it's time to go back."

"By the way, break down the accumulated corpses. The Suiyuan Shop hasn't opened for more than ten days. Those schemists should be waiting in a hurry."

He Shan smiled, then rode a Chevala ride, leaving the overlapping area.

The security guard at the door was taken aback after seeing He Shan, and asked in amazement, "Are you still alive?"

He Shan asked doubtfully: "Of course I am alive."

The security guard touched his hair awkwardly. He Shan reported the incident ten days after he entered.

Generally speaking, in this case, the sorcerer will be regarded as a war dead.

After hearing his own ‘bad news’, He Shan immediately rushed to the Anomaly Management Bureau, and after some twists and turns, he intercepted his death statement.

This is no wonder the anomaly management bureau, in this era, a sorcerer enters the overlapping area alone, and disappears for ten days, basically will be regarded as death.

However, it was precisely because of this farce that the Anomaly Authority knew the matter of He Shan's promotion to the Holy Emblem for the first time.


Half an hour later, He Shan sat in a somewhat empty room.

In front of him, four people were sitting.

Among the four, two of them are very familiar with He Shan.

One is the director of the Lianhai City Anomaly Administration Bureau.

This old man who often buys indecent things in Suiyuan's shop has always been a big figure standing at the peak of power in Lianhai City.

The other is Lianhai City’s strongest fighter, Li Yuansheng, Director of Operations.

He Shan was already quite familiar with this guy, but Li Yuansheng didn't know that he had a dual identity.

The other two, one in a black tunic suit and glasses.

At first glance, this person looked gentle, but He Shan always felt that this person had a vile temperament.

That's the kind of temperament that will kill the boss if you are sold raw melon eggs.

His name is Lu Zecheng, and he is the Director of the Logistics Department of the Anomaly Administration.

Although the logistics department sounds inconspicuous, it is actually a department with real power. The ‘Basic Bizarre Management Office’ that He Shan used to visit is the site of the logistics department.

Before He Shan wanted to open a ‘Life and Death’ store, he also needed the approval of the logistics office.

Ran Xue actually knew Lu Zecheng, because this person had been to the Life and Death shop, and after that, the logistics department would regularly come to purchase spiritual liquid and corpse poison.

The other, who also wears glasses and a neat little suit, looks very kind with a smile.

His name is Yu Qiaoshan, the director of the Intelligence Division of the Anomaly Administration, and he controls a very powerful intelligence network He Shan was called here because he was promoted.

The holy emblem sorcerer is a hurdle. Before the holy emblem, the anomaly administration would basically not interfere with the sorcerer, but let the sorcerer grow savagely.

Because to be honest, the sorcerer before the holy emblem was too weak.

Even if there are individual troublemakers, they can all be suppressed easily.

But as a sorcerer, after condensing the holy emblem, it's different.

The strength of the holy emblem sorcerer is not at the same level as the ordinary sorcerer.

Before He Shanneng cross-level battle was because he was on the hook, it was too difficult for ordinary sorcerers to win the holy emblem alone.

If all the tricksters of this level were to let go, then Central Continent would be chaotic after a while.

And Zhongzhou also needs the strength of the holy emblem sorcerer to help all human beings tide over the difficulties.

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