Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 393: Paradise on earth

He Shan pretended to be in his own shop for a long time.

After strolling to Jade and Miao Miao, rolling his eyes and feeling upset when he saw He Shan, he bought the Thousand-Hand Avalokitesvara backpack and left the Suiyuan shop.

This time he has been shopping for so long, and his presence should be enough.

However, in the future, he will come again every once in a while, with a frequency similar to that of a normal trickster, so as to avoid being suspected.

He couldn't do this before because he couldn't leave by himself. Now he has the ability, of course, to be foolproof.

He Shan knew that although the Anomaly Administration did not investigate Suiyuan Shop, the residents of Fengren Street were always within their observation range.

Out of the Suiyuan Shop, He Shan wanted to go to the Trickster's Tavern for a stroll.

But when he thought of Jade's face before, he put his mind off. It is always not good for his boss to go out and have fun when he is so busy.

When Suiyuan Shop had more goods, He Shan changed a rule.

In order to prevent the leakage of the abilities of the items in the Suiyuan Shop, the abilities of the items placed on the booth are only generalized, and not too detailed.

So when customers want to buy, they need a waiter to give some explanations.

So although compared with normal shops, Suiyuan Shop does not sell much, but the two waiters are still very busy.

After the end of the day's work, He Shan counted the tricky copper coins in his hand.

A total of two thousand sly copper coins were sold!

This made He Shan very happy. In the decomposition machine, he exchanged these two thousand tricky copper coins into tricky silver coins.

At this time, the number of sly silver coins in He Shan's hand had become fifty-five.

When closing the shop, He Shan noticed that the motorcycle he had placed in a hidden place in the Suiyuan shop had finally completed its evolution.

At this time, the Bat Shadow Motorcycle is no longer completely dark, with some blue and purple lightning patterns on it.

It should be called Raikage Motorcycle now!

The super battery completely replaces the original motorcycle's power system. Now this motorcycle is all driven by electricity. If necessary, high-voltage current will appear around the motorcycle when driving, and the place where the motorcycle passes by will be injured by electricity.

Moreover, the original short-term flying ability of the Bat Shadow motorcycle has been greatly improved. It can also move forward against the wall, and can continue to travel 20 or 30 centimeters above the ground.

The coolest thing is that the cannon that was originally in front of the motorcycle has now become an electromagnetic cannon.

After hitting this thing, even the ordinary holy emblem demon may not be able to bear it.

After getting the new motorcycle, He Shan immediately couldn't put it down, the original Che Guevara was like scrap iron in his eyes.

This is called having a new love, forgetting the old love...


A few more days have passed, and in these few days, He Shan has been practicing his abilities.

This is preparing for my next exploration.

Now he is a holy emblem sorcerer, and then exploring the four-level overlapping area, it is somewhat inappropriate.

So He Shan planned to explore the five-level overlapping area by himself.

And to capture a domain owner back alive, he wants to see what the so-called proof of the domain owner is all about.

In addition, he also wants to catch some female monsters with excellent ability to come back. Now that Suiyuan Shop is so busy, he has two clerk places in his hand, so he can't just waste it.

As for why it is a female monster...

He Shan can only say that he likes it.

This is also human nature.

After all, the work of Suiyuan Shop can be done by individuals, so of course He Shan has to choose, which can make him pleasing to the eye.

It's not that he has no choice.

For He Shan's decision, Jade and Miao Miaoju agreed with both hands.

Miao Miao's thoughts are very simple. With one more victim in He Shan's hands, the work of the two of them will be easier.

On this basis, Jade had one more requirement, which could not threaten her status like the Hu Meizi she met before.

Although in He Shan's heart, she actually has no status.

Since it is the first time to explore the five-level overlapping area, He Shan's selection process is very cautious.

Because there was still a demand for arresting slaves...the clerk, He Shan approached the Intelligence Department of the Anomaly Administration Bureau and asked for some information.

After a while, a call came.

On the opposite side of the phone, there was a girl with a sweet voice. She was the liaison officer assigned to He Shan by the Logistics Department.

He Shan can talk to her if he has any needs...

Well, it's normal, work demand.

So He Shan stated his criteria for choosing overlapping areas, and the girl's voice froze at the time. Isn't this holy emblem sorcerer a pervert?

He Shanti's request is an overlapping area with many beautiful monsters and monsters of the type of good wives and mothers.

However, she was patient and helped He Shan select suitable targets.

In the end, an overlapping area was locked, and this place was called ‘paradise on earth’.

Of course, this is not a real paradise, and most of the overlapping areas are not beautiful either.

It is called this name because the most famous place here was called Paradise on Earth.

Heaven on earth is a private club.

Around this club, there are many massage centers, bathing centers and other places, and there are even rumors that there are underground casinos and the like.

It was once the Golden Cave of Lianhai City's dignitaries, ordinary people like He Shan had only heard of this place.

Before it became an overlapping area, it was still a place of drunkenness. The average person who walked here all night saw more girls than he had seen in reality in his entire life.

Although the specific situation of this overlapping area is still unclear, there must be monsters that meet He Shan's requirements.

After He Shan got the news, he immediately became excited.

He didn't have a chance to see here for a long time before, but now that he has a chance, of course he has to go and take a look.

Since the number of sorcerers above the holy emblem is relatively small, and their exploration frequency is, in general, independent explorers need to travel to and from different cities to form teams to complete them again and again. explore.

But He Shan does not need to leave Lianhai City for the time being, and now he has the ability to explore the overlapping areas on his own.

And he believes that as the number of demons he breaks down gradually increases, he will increasingly leave behind the sorcerers of the same level.

After preparing for two days, He Shan came out of paradise on earth.

The five-level overlap area is obviously larger than the lower-level overlap area, and the vicinity is surrounded.

On the side of the overlapping area, there is a brightly colored trace, which looks like a crack, and strange energy radiates from it.

On the opposite side of the rift, there were more than a dozen people with live ammunition, members of the Action Three Divisions, and even a sorcerer.

They should have come to look at this overlapping area.

Such overlapping areas with obvious loopholes cannot be seen by ordinary security guards.

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