Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 405: Alien race

"Ah, that evil star is finally gone."

Wen Suxian, who had been forced to work for a few days, sat directly on the ground.

She has never worked like this when she grows up.

Dong Jing looked at the sky with hope in her heart. She hoped that He Shan would die on it so that she could continue to live the same life as before.

Although I only experienced it for a short time, this woman who has been struck by life understands that she will not live a better life than now.

Suddenly everyone standing on the earth mountain saw a group of angels flying down from the sky.

The devotee Eva burst into tears immediately.

"Great angels, you have finally come to save us, the devil before, then the devil actually forced us to work!"

Originally, these devotees were instrumental people with no intense feelings.

After He Shan tossed so much, they learned to complain to the angels.

But the angels did not notice their changes, but solemnly said: "The devil has been killed, and what we have to do now is to restore the heavens to its original appearance."


Over a thousand, devotees and beneficiaries, their expressions stiffened at the same time.

"So you have to restore this soil mountain, and then rebuild those houses."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone exploded.

But in the face of He Shan, they dared to scold others, and faced these angels who were obviously not like human beings.

Fortunately, the angel's heart is more kind than He.

Their working hours are not so exaggerated as zero and seven, but just the normal ninety-six working system, so they can still enjoy some of them outside of work.

But no one noticed that the hearts of devotees became more and more like a person.

At least when they faced the orders of the blessed, they had obvious resistance.


Outside the crack, Tian Chong and Lao Zhilan were sitting together for dinner.

During the meal, the two of them flickered.

After working together for such a long time, coupled with the complementary abilities, the two of them have a good impression of each other.

Suddenly the two stopped filling their mouths at the same time, and they noticed a loud noise coming from the overlapping area.

"It's He Shan, have you finally cleared out this overlapping area?"

The two of them knew that after independent explorers entered this overlapping area, they had been paying attention to this place.

After asking the above, I knew He Shan that this independent explorer was.

He Shan, who was about the same strength as theirs, had already surpassed them by so much, which made their hearts mixed.

Sure enough, their talents are just middle-aged, and they are still incomparable with top geniuses.

But this did not make them lose their fighting spirit, on the contrary, it made them more determined.

However, after He Shan went in for several days, there was still no movement in this overlapping area, which made them worry again.

After the loud noise, the overlapping area returned to calm.

This made them somewhat unclear about what happened inside.

What is certain is that the domain owner of this overlapping area has not been defeated.

Otherwise, it will disappear without a trace.

After waiting for another moment, a large area of ​​brilliance suddenly appeared in the crack.

"My name is the Angel of Beauty, and I bless the mortals in this place..."

"I am an angel of wealth..."

A graceful female angel, a fat male angel, came out of the crack.

As soon as they took off, there were some little angels.

After these angels came out, they scattered around, trying to capture humans.

Seeing the angel's appearance, Luo Zhilan's expressions changed.

These monsters came out to arrest ordinary people again, which means that they are relatively stable inside, so they can separate their strength.

And the loud noise just now proves that there has just been a battle inside!

As soon as the battle was over, these monsters dared to disperse their forces, and what it meant shouldn't be too clear.

But even with an ominous premonition in their hearts, the two immediately acted.

Lao Zhilan held up a heavy machine gun used on the plane and fired frantically at the angels, and her bullets were very accurate.

The angels fell one by one, unable to fly to the residential area at all.

On Tian Chong's body, a set of white armor emerged. He rushed to the two second-order monsters alone, and the hot power made the two angels' complexions slightly change.

After only coming out for about ten minutes, the two angels couldn't stand the pressure a little, and then retreated into the overlapping area.


"Huh, it's quite exciting." He Shan appeared in Suiyuan's shop.

Of course he was not killed by the cross just now, but returned to the Suiyuan Shop.

He originally planned to catch enough monsters on the sky island and then return here.

However, the way he came back was somewhat unexpected.

The strength of those monsters seemed a bit too much.

He didn't even make a move with the holy emblem demon, so he firmly suppressed He Shan. If he didn't return to Suiyuan Shop at any time, his trump card would really not end well at that time.

Although there were not many opportunities to confront the angels head-on, He Shan still figured out something.

Now he is quite sure that these angels are different from the normal overlapping area.


Monsters and strangers are basically very cruel. They have a natural hatred of humans, and these angels basically have no desire to kill ordinary They arrest humans, it seems that they just want to extract something, and then Enslave humanity.


From the shape of the overlapping area to the appearance of each angel, the style of everything is so unified, there is no other overlapping area, that chaotic feeling.

These angels even clean up spontaneously, and normal monsters do not urinate and urinate at will.


These monsters are hierarchical, and their weapons are very regular. They are not props alienated by the power of trickery, but more like the product of some other civilization.

And their fighting style, it should be impossible to do without long training.

All angels have their own set of things, not only Yaoyi's own abilities, but also like the old gods' sect.

If the number of joint operations is large enough, the power may be quite terrifying, and there is more than one mode of joint operations.

Based on the above three points, He Shan felt that the guys in this overlapping area were not pure monsters, but some kind of alien race outside the human world.

Maybe they are really angels in myths and legends.

But they are indeed in the overlapping area, and their bodies will dissipate when they die.

So He Shan would still treat them as monsters.

Regardless of their true attitudes, they are all invaders, and they all regard human life as horrible, and He Shan will not have any psychological burden to kill them.

So he turned on the decomposer and released the collected angel corpses.

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