Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 410: Desire Triplet (4th)

Seeing everything that hadn't changed, He Shan frowned.

   "This is... illusion?"

   "Or something else, can you talk to me?"

   The three angels showed contempt in their eyes.

   Although this mortal's own strength is strong, how can he understand their true strength?

   Although coming to this backward planet greatly reduced their strength, they still retained their original fighting skills and moves.

   The trick now used to deal with He Shan is called the ‘Trio of Desire’. It is an ability that only the three of them can display. It is more like a test than ability.

  Food, wine, and beauty correspond to the three desires of human beings.

   Enemies who enter this trick must pass the triple test to pass this test.

   Once in this process, succumbed to a certain desire, then it will end up in a situation where it is impossible to recover.

   Even a strong man like He Shan at the Saint Emblem level may die directly.

   Even if He Shan is really determined and able to pass the triple test, he will inevitably waste a lot of time in these triple tests.

   When he breaks through the test, the other angels should have killed the monster.

   When they all join forces to deal with He Shan, even if He Shan grows three heads and six arms, he is definitely not their opponent.

   But they still have some concerns in their hearts, that is, they don't know how He Shan escaped from the previous siege.

   can't explain the reason for He Shan's disappearance, it is difficult for them to grasp He Shan completely.

   He Shan took a deep breath and took out the nuclear magic sword.

The power from    poured into it, and then he chopped out a few huge sword auras toward the front side according to the position in his memory.

   Even if he is in his illusion now, this sword aura should be able to hurt people in that direction, there are many angels there.

   But this Jian Qi did not get any response.

   "This is a futile struggle. Based on your knowledge, you can't understand your state at this time." The beauty angel raised her red lips and mocked He Shan.

   "Now, the first round of trials has begun."

   He Shan frowned and asked, "The test? What test, I have graduated a long time ago, why should you test me?"

   The beautiful angel did not answer He Shan's words, the other side of the wine angel opened his arms, his body radiated white light, and the first round of trials began. He was the examiner.

   The refreshing aroma of wine envelops He Shan, and He Shan's body is suddenly piled up with all kinds of wine.

   In addition to wine, there are countless kinds of unique drinks around. The power of wine angel covers all drinks, even soy juice...

   Under the influence of inexplicable power, He Shan suddenly forgot his current situation, and the vigilance in his heart also disappeared.

   It was like he was attending an ordinary cocktail party instead of facing an enemy.

   The so-called Trio of Desires test the most essential desires of human beings, which can not be carried over with the spirit.

   He Shan picked up a glass of wine and tasted it gently. The beautiful taste made He Shan's eyebrows dance, and he felt like he was about to fly.

   "This wine, is it delicious."

   The wine angel, standing behind He Shan, asked softly.

   "As long as you like, all the fine wines here belong to you."

   "I have wine now and I am drunk now, and there are so many troubles and sufferings outside, so put them aside, and enjoy everything in front of you."

   "As long as you nod your head, you can stay in this blissful world forever."

   He Shan, chirp, put the wine in front of you on the table.

   "I refuse, I don't want to drink this kind of thing forever."

   The wine angel was taken aback for a moment. This human being has been completely immersed in the test, so why can he refuse so simply and neatly?

   He Shan's mouth curled up: "Although these wines taste good, they lack some very important things."

   "What is it?" The Wine Angel asked.


   He Shan shook his head and said, "Suiyuan Erguotou, it's more comfortable than yours."

   After He Shan finished speaking, the light on the wine angel disappeared, and the test on the wine had passed.

   And the wine angel is whispering the word ‘happy’. He has extremely high attainments in winemaking, and even his strength is related to winemaking technology.

   Now from He Shan's mouth, he heard that there was a better wine, and he was plunged directly into contemplation.

   But no matter how he thinks, he can't figure out what Suiyuan Erguotou is.

   Mei Se and Gourmet Angel looked at each other, and they could see that there was something wrong.

   This guy was able to get out of the wine so quickly, it was beyond their expectations.

   Now if they want to hold He Shan, they must increase their efforts in the next two levels, and must let He Shan fall into it.

   The food angel's body radiated light, and now the second test began.

   He Shan suddenly appeared in a hall, and a long dining table appeared in front of him.

   Various kinds of delicacies appeared on the dining table, boiled meat, barbecued meat, fried meat, stew, bacon... The variety of meat alone dazzled He Shan.

   Not to mention all kinds of, pastries...

   The abundance of food makes it difficult for even the emperor of the world to resist this temptation.

   The food angel sat on the opposite side of the long table, put part of his body weight on the table, and looked at He Shan and smiled.

   She is an angel. The food of angels is completely different from that of human beings, and the food in her memory is not suitable for people on earth.

   These foods appeared in her mind inexplicably after she appeared in the overlapping area.

   After some improvements, the taste has been greatly improved.

   The ordinary egg fried rice in it, take it outside, and someone will buy it if it sells for more than 100 yuan.

   He Shan saw these big meals and couldn't wait to start tasting them. He quickly ate his mouth full of oil, which greatly satisfied his appetite.

   And the best part is that I don’t seem to feel any support here, so I can enjoy the food without restriction.

   Food Angel, smiled at He Shan and said:

   "The people regard food as their heaven, and appetite has always been the most basic and important desire of mortals."

   "As long as you are willing to stay here, you can enjoy delicious food every day without having to endure those crude dishes. This is the greatest satisfaction in the world."

   "How about, do you want to stay here with my sister?"

   He Shan ate more than a dozen dishes in a row, then stopped and shook his head at the food angel.

   The food angel's expression froze.

  Is this human self-control so terrifying? With his vigilance removed, can he stop tasting this endless delicacy?

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