Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 412: Fallen angel

Fall in love with you reading book net, a guide to weird decomposition

   Having mercy on the angel, he suddenly became cold all over.

   He knew that he was going to die, once the flesh and blood monster wrapped him up, he would be completely swallowed!

   But he should never die.

   He Shan slashed the strange beast he released with a sword gas, and the shock wave smashed into a large pit nearby.

   There are more than 20 energy long swords, with golden-green light, directly stabbing the flesh and blood monster, and flying him out.

   Have mercy on the angel, He Shan’s enemy is right.

   But He Shan didn't want to watch, the flesh and blood monster ate the mercy angel.

  Because of pity the angel, he is also the prey of He Shan at the same time!

  His prey can only be caught by himself, others cannot eat it!

   Then a chaotic battle officially began.

   The battle was deadlocked for a while, and the angels discovered He Shan's difficulty.

  He is a more terrifying opponent than that flesh and blood monster!

   When the abilities of the archangels were used to He Shan, they were all avoided by him. He seemed to know the information of these archangels in advance.

   In fact, for He Shan, these archangels need to be vigilant, just so few.

  Rhythm Angel can use music to manipulate people's actions and make people make wrong actions at critical moments.

   He Shan can disturb his rhythm by shouting loudly when he is playing the piano.

   The things drawn by the painting angels can become reality in a certain period of time.

   But this ability will exist in the form of ink for a second before it takes shape.

   That one second was enough for He Shan to come up with a countermeasure.

  The ability of a healthy angel is to strengthen one's own body, and it's just a brash man.

   Warm angels can emit high temperature and heat......

  The unique ability of each archangel, He Shan has all seen it in the place where the stone stele is located.

   If you change to an ordinary magician, even if you know the abilities of these archangels, it is impossible to do everything in battle.

   But He Shan is not ordinary.

   His brain has been strengthened, which allows him to respond as quickly as possible when facing different situations.

   The three sides fought for a period of time, and each had some losses.

When    was halfway through, the angel and the flesh and blood monster joined hands to deal with He Shan!

   One is irritated, and the other is difficult to eat because of He Shan's troubles.

   How can this be tolerated?

   The dazzling gold wings spread out behind him, and he quickly left the battlefield...

   The enhanced dazzling gold wings are faster than ordinary angels.

   Both sides chased He Shan together. After a while, they fought each other again because of a sneak attack by the flesh and blood monster.

   fought for a while, and He Shan joined the battle group again.

   The merciful angel saw it, and he was vomiting blood with anger.

   He looked up to the sky and shouted: "Master Guos, his subordinates are incompetent and unable to solve the current situation, please take action!"

   In his opinion, as long as Goos is down, no matter what He Shan or this flesh and blood monster is, it is just a chicken.

   But something unexpected happened to him, and Guos did not respond to his words!

   Having mercy on the angel, I suddenly felt a chill.

   The blood all over his body seems to have become cold.

   The angels can't hold on anymore, now they are casualties every second.

   But the strongest on his side turns a blind eye to this, what is this?

   But no matter how he yells, it can't save the status quo.

   The battle continues ruthlessly, and the good momentum is like a broken bamboo, constantly reducing the effective strength of the two enemies.

   The health angel was directly violently crushed by He Shan using the maple leaf model.

   Cadance Angel’s strings were cut by He Shan, but his throat was smashed with one blow.

   The drawing board for painting an angel was splashed with a pile of ink by He Shan, and the effect was completely lost.

   The love angel was hit by He Shan grabbing his hair and shouting, "Go to your uncle's love..."

  All the angels were arrested by He Shan.

   Now standing on the battlefield, there are only three figures left.

   are the Angel of Mercy, He Shan, and the monster of flesh and blood.

The mercy angel was full of scars, but he did not look at He Shan. Instead, he looked straight at the sky and asked angrily: "Are you satisfied now? The only remaining compatriots were slaughtered, and you were there watching. ?"

   He Shan's success in the second half of the battle actually has a lot to do with the attitude of the merciful angel.

  Before, the mercy angel had been commanding him. All kinds of tactics gave him a headache, and the mercy angel's own strength was also considered tricky.

   But after he gave up on himself, these angels are like scattered sand, kneaded by He Shan heartily.

   "Archangel Goos, my brother, what is the matter with you!"

   Have mercy on the angel, and said bitterly.

   He has followed the angel of mercy Guos for thousands of years, and he knows the strength of Guos.

   Even if he came, the strength of this inexplicable place was greatly reduced, but he still retained the power to turn the tide of the battle.

   If Guos was willing to take action, this absurd battle would have already ended.

   Why did he fall to the present point, he was the only one left on the angel side.

   The ultimate winner will be the human being in front of him.

   The eyes in the sky are closed, and now he doesn't even listen.

   He Shan faintly heard a sigh, and then from the sky to the top, no more information came.

   "Damn, damn!"

   "Everything is Why does it suddenly appear here!"

   "Why do I meet such a strange human being, why are there so many different memories in my mind, why did Goos become like this!"

   The pity angel keeps breaking and breaking thoughts, his innate compassion has turned into a strong hatred because of the successive blows.

   His hair and feathers turned directly into black, and his body exuded a strong sense of darkness.

   Like a scene in mythology, the mercy angel has fallen.

   "Guos, tell me why all this is!"

   Seeing his appearance, He Shan also felt a little sad.

  Although the opponent is his own enemy, he would feel aggrieved and desperate if he brought He Shan into the role of this guy.

   His comrades died one by one. The leader who was able to change the situation just watched but did nothing.

   There was still no movement in the sky, the look in the eyes of the pity angel disappeared, and he turned to He Shan.

   The culprit responsible for all this is He Shan, a human being.

   If it weren't for him to attack the paradise on earth, if it wasn't for him to bring that irrational monster, none of this would happen.

   A strange beast made of black energy appeared in front of him, and then he rushed towards He Shan.

   Seeing his posture, He Shan put away the long swords around him, and a twisted hilt appeared in his hand.

   This is twisted justice.

   has an additional killing effect on evil forces and light forces.

   "Folding the Royal Sword Flow——Earthquake Dragon Flash!"

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