Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 416: 18 hells

The figure observed He Shan for a while.

   He Shan felt that there seemed to be a force to see him through.

   He doesn't seem to have any secrets.

   After reading it, the figure said, "I finally saw you, a bit earlier than I thought, but time is not a problem for me."

   clearly understands his language, He Shan doesn't know it at all, but he can understand the meaning of the language.

   "Who are you?" He Shan frowned and asked.

   Originally, he didn't want to talk, but since the decomposition machine reacted automatically, it should be impossible to hide.

   The man said to He Shan: "I am... you don't understand it. Well, maybe you can use this image to talk to you, you can be familiar with it."

   The light and shadow in front of He Shan changed, and a man wearing a white suit and a curvy beard on his lips appeared in front of him.

"It's you!"

   He Shan's eyes widened!


   Lianhai City three and a half years ago.

   He Shan walked on the street, looking at everything around him, shaking his head and sighing.

   He is now destitute, his hair is about to grow to his shoulders, and he looks very sloppy.

   He looked up at the strange planet in the sky, and his heart was filled with helplessness.

   He wants revenge, wants to kill monsters, but he doesn't have this ability.

  After many attempts, and unable to become a gimmick, He Shan became realistic.

   He began to want to live a down-to-earth life, open a small shop, and survive the troubled times.

   Let go of hatred and start a new life.

   But he looked for many shops, but they were not very satisfied.

   So he can only turn into a street slipper and wander around.

   In front of a store on Fengren Street, a man in a white suit and curly mustache is looking at passersby.

"this is not OK."

   "This is not a qualified person either."

   When he saw He Shan passing by, his eyes lit up and he immediately waved to He Shan.

   "Young man, I want to cash out in my shop, look..."

   He Shan turned his head and looked at the shop. The location is not very good, and the inside is very empty. There is only a dilapidated meat grinder in the middle of the shop.

   "No, I don't like it very much here."

  The man in the white suit smiled at He Shan: "The price is easy to negotiate."

   He Shan stopped when he heard that the price was discounted...

   After that, the new star of a meat shop turned out.


   He Shan looked in a daze.

   The picture just now was not his memory, but the picture of the man in the white suit who directly squeezed into He Shan's mind.

   He reproduced what happened before in He Shan's mind, so that He Shan remembered all the details.

   "You have been to the earth before, you sold me the decomposition machine!"

   The man in the white suit shook his head: "I have never been to the earth, but the person you met is indeed me. The relationship here is a bit complicated, so I won't explain it to you."

   He Shan rolled his eyes. Since he doesn't want to explain, what are you talking about?

  The man in the white suit continued: "Now I have something very important to tell you, you must remember it clearly."

   He Shan stood up straight subconsciously. He had a hunch that this time he would have many doubts resolved.

   "This universe is huge, with life, and there are many planets."

   "There are some beings who are the darlings of the universe. They have broken through the limit of mortal life and reached another realm."

   "I am one of them, in your terms...I am God!"

   "All gods will go to live on the same planet. This huge planet is the God Realm, or'heaven'."

   "It's also what you call... a sly planet!"

   He Shan fell into contemplation.

   Before he chose to become an independent explorer, Li Yuansheng told him that the practice system of a sorcerer is very strange, and it is a path to becoming a god.

   also gave a certain explanation to "God" by the way.

   So He Shan can understand what he means, but the strange planet is the realm of the gods?

   This is a bit unacceptable.

  The man in the white suit continued: "But if there is heaven, there will naturally be hell!"

   "In the universe, there will occasionally be a special disaster."

   "Evil power will randomly descend on a planet, cannibalize the planet's life, and twist the planet into another appearance."

   "It will eventually turn the planet into an area with eighteen different power levels."

   "Monsters of different strengths are flooded with it, and the original planet will be completely destroyed. We call it..."

   "Eighteen layers of hell!"

   He Shan's pupils dilated.

   Eighteen layers of hell!

   There are a total of 18 levels in the overlapping area!

   There has always been a saying among Zhongzhou folks that the different overlapping areas of the eighteen layers correspond to the eighteen layers of hell.

   He Shan has always been scornful of such claims.

   I didn’t expect this kind of joking folklore, but the real situation facing the earth!

   The man in the white suit made He Shan digest for a while, and then continued when He Shan's expression returned to normal.

   "Our God Realm naturally can't bear it. Watching such a disaster spread, an innocent planet is persecuted."

   "So we sent a disintegrator to your planet."

   "The decomposition mechanism can decompose some monsters in hell, and the power of the decomposed monsters will be purified."

   "In other words, the more monsters you use to decompose the decomposer, the more likely it is to save the destiny of this planet."

   He Shan still has many questions to ask But at this time, another voice came from the screen.

   "It's time to change shift...Tonight, there is a reception at the Buddha's place. Do you want to attend?"

  The man in the white suit immediately changed his face and said happily, "Of course, I will be done right here, I don’t know if the goddess will come..."

After   , the white suit looked back at He Shan, Wen Qing disappeared from his face, but a little more impatient.

   "Hellification is a difficulty that the entire universe has to face. That's all I can help you. The next step is to rely on your own efforts."

After    finished speaking, the picture in the circle disappeared.

   "Is this... over?"

   He Shan stretched out his hand, but the circle in front had disappeared.

   This caused He Shan to rise, an absurd feeling.

   This important dialogue between the two worlds has ended just like that?

   At first, the man in the white suit was very solemn, but after someone asked him to go to the reception, he seemed to be a different person.

   This made He Shan realize the reality.

   Although the other party said that he could not bear the encounter with the earth, so he sent the decomposition machine to save the earth from fire and water.

   But looking at his expression, I'm afraid it's just a routine.

   He doesn't care about the earth at all, nor does he care about the life and death of life on the earth.

   is like a game player, in order to complete a certain character, hunt monsters in the game, this player may indeed save the character in the game.

   But does this player care about the life and death of the npc in the game?

   actually doesn't care.

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