Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 427: He Shan's good intentions

After setting up the devotees, He Shan found that the angel guards also moved.

Those white eggshells began to shatter, and ray of light flew out from it, which was a sign that the angel guard was about to wake up.

But what is strange is that ten of the eggshells emit a lavender light.

The remaining five pieces are pure white light.

This makes He Shan feel a little puzzled.

Click, click.

The eggshell broke apart, and men with wings walked out of the eggshell.

Ten of them were dressed in clothes, very similar to the previous Worm Nest guards, with lavender wings behind them.

This is a Worm Nest Guard, exuding a powerful aura, which is estimated to be comparable to the lowest-level Holy Emblem monster.

The other five are unclothed, tall and fit men with pure white wings behind them. Although they look more mysterious and powerful, they are actually just a little more powerful.

He Shan hurriedly handed them some clothes.

He didn't want to look at the body of the angel guard for a second. The Suiyuan Shop was a normal shop, so it's not for people to play hooligans here.

After that, He Shan tentatively asked: "You, are you Guard One?"

The angel standing in the first nodded, he was indeed the previous Worm Nest guard.

He Shan nodded, and he understood that after switching the theme, only the appearance and part of the guard's ability changed, but the guard itself would not change.

They were blessed by the power of the evil **** before, and now they are still blessed, so they are so much stronger than the other five angels.

In fact, the personality of the angel theme is much higher than that of the Worm Nest theme.

Not only has the number of guards increased, but the strength of the guards has also improved to a certain extent. If the original guards had not been strengthened, they would probably be completely crushed by the current five angels.

Five ordinary angel guards, named by He Shan, are guard one to guard one five.

Their abilities are the same as the angels of heaven on earth, except that their appearance is closer to the archangel rather than the inhuman appearance of ordinary angels.

This has the advantage that when they go out to act, they no longer need to deliberately hide their appearance.

In the past, every worm's nest guard was like a monster, and now they can help He Shan do more.

In peacetime, He Shan doesn't need these angel guards.

So he sent these guards to patrol the site of Fengrenjie.

When someone encounters a problem, they have to provide help, and when someone wants to do something, they have to solve the problem.


Angel guards were arranged, He Shan looked at Miao Miao.

Miao Miao was very calm at first, but she found that He Shan's eyes had been staring at her, staring at her a little hairy.

"What's the matter with you, meow?"

Miao Miao asked weakly. She was suppressed by He Shan's momentum, her ears and tail drooping.

He Shan said coldly, "You are very dissatisfied with your current situation."

Miao Miao gave a quick reminder. Did He Shan discover about her secretly persecuting the rats in the closed street?

"No, meow, I'm very satisfied, I'm full here, dressed warmly, and there are big chicken wings to eat at night..."

Mei Shi's eyes brightened when she heard the chicken wings, and she instantly thought of dozens of ways to cook.

He Shan seriously refuted Miao Miao's words: "No, you are not satisfied!"

Seeing He Shan's expression, Miao Miao was stunned again, the hair on his tail was a bit exploded.

How should she react now?

I heard from the young lady in the Trickster Tavern next door that men have very stubborn tempers, and sometimes they have to follow them and cannot refute them.

So Miao Miao said to He Shan, "I am indeed not satisfied."

"The work is busy, the salary is low, and the boss has too much control, and he always makes me work overtime. I am trapped in this small place and can't play rough..."

He Shan: "???"

He originally wanted to bully Miao Miao, but he didn't expect Miao Miao to say these things.

"Busy at work, now someone helps you. The salary is low because you are not capable enough. Since you want to go out to play, then I will go out to play!"

"I'm outside, I have arranged a trial for you, where you have to exercise to the first-order limit, or the second-order strength before allowing you to come back!"

Miao Miao was stunned again, she didn't want to exercise!

But He Shan couldn't help speaking, grabbed the back of her neck, and disappeared in Suiyuan shop with her instantly.

In the shop, only Mei Shi was left, and she didn't know what happened.


The three-level overlapping area is above the wonderful hand-crafted workshop.

He Shan carried Miao Miao and appeared here out of thin air.

"Go and exercise, your strength has not met my requirements, don't come back to see me, don't think about chicken wings, cat food and dried fish!"

After talking about He Shan, he threw Miao Miao down, gave her another ring, and then flied back to Suiyuan shop.

Miao Miao wanted to cry without tears, how could things become like this.

She wants to be a lazy domestic cat.

After seeing Miao Miao, a monster whose face was all burned, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He walked up to Miao Miao, stretched out a hand and smiled: "Hello, do you need help?"

"Help your mother, meow!"

A red pepper boomerang appeared in Miao Miao's hand, and he held the boomerang into the monster's mouth, and the blood suddenly came out.

The monster covered her mouth and ran around the ground, shouting constantly in her mouth.

"Ah! It hurts!"

"No, it's so spicy..."

"It's spicy and painful, I'm going to die!"

While this demon was dancing, Miao Miao opened the ring in his hand and saw what was inside.

Miao Miao suddenly laughed.

"This stinky shop manager is not so cruel."

It was a set of high-quality equipment, including the Archangel Shield, which was not sold during the day, and top equipment such as greasy machine guns.

Although He Shan threw Miao Miao here fiercely, Miao Miao's own strength was not outstanding in the first level.

And I have been working and have no time to exercise, so I may not be able to improve my strength here.

Therefore, He Shan gave her enough protection. After all, a clerk who can help him forge he couldn't bear to let her die here.

He Shan just didn't want to lose a tool man.

And Miao Miao, brain made up a big magical plot.

He Shan has all good intentions and wants to make Miao Miao better, so he doesn't hesitate to discredit her image in her heart.

After thinking that he understood He Shan's painstaking efforts, Miao Miao decided to use these props as little as possible and work hard to improve his own strength.

She went over with a few pepper boomerangs, first solved the scarred face, and then Miao Miao looked at the workshop in the center of the overlapping area, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

The domain owner in the overlapping area immediately fought a cold war.

Since the strange atmosphere appeared here before, he has not been carefully hand-made, and now he feels inexplicably being targeted.

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