Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 441: Reinforcements are coming

According to He Shan's observations, the murderous horse, sand centipede, wild fox cicada, and grandma pig should be the only monsters in the first stage.

The ten thousand tiger monkeys are the monsters of the second stage.

Even if He Shan meets the opponent in the second stage, he dare not say that he wins steadily.

Not to mention that he still has a few helpers this time.

But despite the critical situation, He Shan became a little excited.

Because in this kind of difficult battle, he felt that his realm was showing signs of loosening!

He himself will be promoted to the second stage!

Then he can use those two enhanced pronuclei.

So his fighting spirit ignited in his eyes, and he hooked his fingers at the four monsters.

"Come on, there is only one result in this battle."

"Either you die, or I live!"

Wan Huhou was stunned for a moment, isn't it all because he won?

However, he did not have time to point out He Shan's speech disorder, because He Shan had already rushed towards him with a ferocious face.

That face, his hairy face, Lei Gong's mouth, he is still hideous!


Outside the Jinpan City Toll Station.

"It's been a long time, but it's not over yet. Only the last Tier 4 is left. What are they doing?"

Li Yuansheng was wrapped in a bandage, sitting on a chair against the edge of the overlapping area, looking sullenly inside the overlapping area.

He fought three fifth-order monsters in a row, and now he no longer has the strength to defeat a fifth-order monster.

So he withdrew from the Jinpan Mountain, recuperating outside while directing the overall situation.

There was only one Tier 4 left in it, originally Li Yuansheng thought it would end soon.

But I didn't expect that after so long, there was still no progress.

This gave him an ominous premonition.

Things will not change, right?

If it drags on, even if the energy of trickery here is already very low, the last Tier 4 still has the possibility to advance to Tier 5.

Once the new domain owner appeared, their mission this time would be a failure.

It was unacceptable for anyone to pay such a large price and the final mission failed.

This is equivalent to letting them surrender the great prospects of Lianhai City, severing the hope of becoming a holy land for sorcerers, and the anomaly management bureau will macro-control the benefits from Suiyuan Xiaopu.

"Come on, can only retreat."



He Shan put his hand against the belly of the grandma pig, and a repulsive force erupted from the gloves, and the grandma pig flew out screaming immediately, breaking the wreckage of several big trees.

At the same time, a spear was poked on He Shan's back.

The tights of the Cthulhu servant were pierced, and a stream of blood spurted out.

"Get out of here!"

He Shan swept back, and a dozen long swords followed. There were many scars on the murderous horse's face, and he quickly withdrew for a certain distance.

The wild fox cicada above brought a tornado and flew down from above with a strange cry.

He Shan activated the ability of walking boots, and his body moved strangely, barely avoiding this tornado.

But I didn't realize that Wanhuhou was waiting for him here, and he hit He Shan's body with a fist, and He Shan flew out like a cannonball.

The charred tree trunks were broken one by one, and then He Shan slammed into the top of a small mountain, sinking deeply into it.

His arms swayed with the wind, the tights of the Cthulhu servants in front of him shattered, and several ribs were broken, looking very miserable.

Wan Huhou and other five monsters looked at He Shan before reaching the top of the hill, and mocked He Shan: "You and I are both Tier 3, but your tenacity is beyond my imagination."

Then he bared his mouth, showing sharp fangs.

"Such a sturdy human being must be very chewy."

The wild fox cicada smiled at each other and began to plan how to enjoy He Shan's flesh and blood.

"Hey, hahaha..."

He Shan embedded in a crack in the stone suddenly laughed.

The monsters looked at each other, not knowing why, He Shan could still laugh now.

He Shan smiled and said:

"Playing with the five of you at the same time, I am indeed a little overwhelmed."

"But the pay and the gain are equal. Although I was beaten so badly, I also got what I wanted."

The aura on his body began to climb rapidly, and Wan Huhou noticed the change in He Shan's aura.

"You broke... to the second stage? But what's the point?"

"The holy emblem of the second stage will make you stronger. The magnitude of the strengthening is not enough to deal with us."

"If you want to really make a qualitative change, you still need to acquire and cultivate abilities!"

He Shan jumped out from the crack in the stone, his pain in his body made him grin, and then he took out the two reinforced pronuclei that he had prepared from the spare decomposition chamber.

"This thing is called enhanced pronucleus."

"There is a Tier 3 ability sealed guys, you have been staying in such a rural place. You probably haven't seen such a good thing."

Feeling the powerful power contained in the two strengthening pronuclei, Wanhu Monkey's face suddenly changed.

He Shan was so difficult to deal with in the first stage. In case he was promoted to the second stage, they would have to pay some price if they wanted to win He Shan.

Seeing He Shan would absorb two powers to strengthen the pronucleus.

Wan Huhou suddenly discovered that He Shan had collected the two enhanced pronuclei.

He Shan looked at the five monsters with a smile:

"There is good news and bad news for you."

"The good news is that I am not going to use pronuclear to bully bad news is that my reinforcements are here!"


A figure fell in front of He Shan, and the five monsters jumped. When this person turned around, it almost made them stop suddenly.

Desperate Angel Chopjie is here!

He looked at He Shan's embarrassed appearance and smiled twice.

"Hey, I'm here to save you, remember to invite me to dinner when the time comes."

Bao Lili, Le Qingyi, whose breath has changed dramatically, looked at the three people deeply, and walked over from different directions.

Those who are surrounded now are these five monsters.

"help me?"

He Shan laughed hard and said: "If I didn't want to give you a chance to exercise, I would be able to save these five pieces of waste!"

In fact, if he hadn't just been promoted, he just wanted to use the Suiyuan Shop to run away.

However, Le Qing relied on a few of them to successfully advance to the third rank, which is always something that makes He Shan happy.

He pointed to the ten thousand tiger monkeys and said, "I will deal with that muscular monkey, that is, he beats me the hardest, and the rest will be left to you."

"Be careful, these guys are not easy."

Xiaopjie's wings vibrated, and he flew to the side of the wild fox cicada and said, "It's not easy for a few of us!"

Shan Shenwang walked to the side of Sand Centipede, looked at this huge body, and felt that he matched him somewhat.

With a little tiptoe, Bao Lili rushed to the murderous horse, stretched out her hand and pushed it gently, pushing it more than ten meters away.

Le Qingyi looked around and found that others had already picked the opponent, so he could only deal with this grandma pig.

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