Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 461: Midnight bus

The little hamster, with his back facing the strange ball, looked at He Shan in horror.

   A pink short finger pointed at He Shan, making a squeaking noise, seeming to be swearing.

  He is guarding this weird orb, not allowing He Shan to approach it.

   He Shan looked at the hamster in surprise.

   In that space, such a terrifying hamster behemoth, in the real earth, turned out to be such a fragile little creature.

   He Shan stretched out his hand and flicked it lightly, and the hamster was shot directly out of the way. After falling to the ground, he fainted.

   Then he grabbed the sphere and plunged his mental power into it, only to find that he could not resolve the sphere.

   This thing is not a trick item that can be used by a trick master, but a special trick!

   He Shan walked to the side and picked up the hamster that was fainted by the bounce.

   discovered that the power of this hamster is the same as this ball.

   This ball has the ability of a trick, and this hamster carries the will of a trick.

   So if you want to release the two of Tetsuri, you need to find a way from the hamster.

   He Shan and He Shan collected materials on the spot, made a small frame, and then **** the hamster.

   The little hamster woke up from the fainting.

   suddenly realized that he couldn't move!

   The tiny human being stood beside him, holding a pair of scissors, and screaming at him.

   "Let’s talk about a deal. If you let my two friends out, I won’t punish you for the time being. What do you think?"

   The little hamster rolled his head in disdain, if it wasn't for this guy's luck, how could he escape from his hamster world ball.

   He Shan took the scissors and poked the little hamster indiscriminately, and let out a smirk: "Yeah, it's still a male hamster."

   Then He Shan took out a slender twig and placed it next to the little hamster.


   The small branch was cut off, and the little hamster trembled.

   "You have to think about it. There are many ways I can punish you. If you are not afraid to become a **** mouse from now on, I can also find a cat..."

   "Squeak, Squeak!"

   The little hamster finally compromised.


   "Brother Tie, He Shan has been flying away for a long time, he won't leave us and escape by himself."

   Tie Sheng shook his head: "No, he promised us."

   In fact, he has no bottom in his heart, but he can only choose to believe it.

   Suddenly he found that the sky suddenly changed color.

  Dark clouds, sun, everything disappeared, only huge railings.

   Outside the railing, there is an indescribable huge eye, this eye is much bigger than the previous hamster's eye!

   "Hello, hello? Can you hear me?"

   A huge sound wave came from the outside world, and the two people inside Zhen Zhen were dizzy, and even their ears were bleeding.

   "Well, it's my fault, I will speak a little quieter."

   "You follow the road and go east, and you can come out from here. By the way, help me push out my motorcycle."

   Tie Sheng and the two realized that it was He Shan who came to rescue them.

   They hurriedly pushed their motorcycles and walked east.


   "Hey, this thing is really interesting."

   He Shan lay in front of the ball, and looked at the villain who was not much bigger than Sesame inside and was amazed.

   Outside the ball, looking inside the ball, the people inside are really as small as ants.

   Then he ordered the hamster to open the way to escape from it.

   A transparent barrier appeared in the middle of the road.

  From the front and back of the road, the existence of this barrier cannot be seen from the outside.

  Only from the side, can you see the slight spatial asymmetry.

   Tie Sheng and Zhao Ying finally walked out of this space.

   After seeing He Shan, the two let out a long sigh. Although they are all tried and tested schemists, the sense of despair given to them by this strange space is the strongest in history.

   Everyone came out, and the matter came to an end.

   Tiesheng and two of them, when they learned that the culprit who made all of this, turned out to be two small hamsters that could trample to death with one foot, they were suddenly surprised and inexplicable.

  In this weird world, you can really encounter all weird things.

After   , Tie Sheng and Zhao Ying rode their motorcycles to Lianhai City. They were going to Suiyuan Shop for shopping.

   And He Shan, also increased his horsepower, rushed to Fairview City.

   This broken space has delayed him a lot of time, and he wants to speed up.


   midnight, 11:50.

   The rain is pattering, two girls holding printed umbrellas, waiting in front of the bus stop.

   The two of them are female workers on night shifts from nearby companies, and they are also two high school students.

   It is their life to go to school during the day and work before midnight.

   A few years ago, only extremely poor families would let high school students go to work after school.

   And now, this is just a daily routine for most families.

  The world is difficult, and the life of every family is not easy.

  Because there are a lot of people who work night shifts, the bus operates as usual at night. At midnight, there will be the last bus passing by.

   "Yuqing, have you heard that." The girl with short hair and white skirt on the left said mysteriously.

   The black long straight girl called Yuqing smiled faintly: "What did you hear?"

   "Midnight Ghost Car!"

   The girl in the white skirt opened her teeth and danced her claws, pretending to say.

   Xin Yuqing looked more solemnly: "This may not be just a rumor. Two days ago, my brother-in-law told me specifically that we must be careful when taking the bus, and we must confirm that the bus is OK before getting on the bus."

   "There is a ghostly bus that shuttles in Jinxiu City. Once you get on the bus... you can't get off anymore."

   The girl in the white skirt wanted to scare Xin Yuqing, but after Xin Yuqing said so seriously, she got scared first.

   She knows that Xin Yuqing's brother-in-law is an employee of the Anomaly Management Bureau, and the information circulated from there is a certain degree of credibility.

   "Our car will have no problem in a while..."

   Xin Yuqing laughed suddenly, which made the white skirt girl realize that she was joking. The two girls were holding an umbrella in one hand and making a noise in front of the bus stop.

   Suddenly a light turned on in the distance, and they knew that the bus was coming.

   Although the two were playing around just now, but after that, they felt a little frustrated, so they wanted to see if the bus was the bus they were waiting for.

   At this moment, the scattered raindrops suddenly connected into a line, and the pouring rain poured down from the sky.

   The umbrellas of Xin Yuqing and the girl in the white skirt made a creaking noise, and the umbrella surface began to deform. Obviously, it would not last long.

   Fortunately, the bus stopped in front of them and opened the door.

   The two of them hurriedly jumped into the car and let out a long breath.

   Xin Yuqing took out a tissue, wiped the water on her face first, then looked at the passengers in the car, her expression gradually stiffened.

   There are not many people on this bus. We are often acquaintances, but this time all the people in the bus are strange faces.

   And I don’t know if there is a problem with the lights of this car, the faces of the people in the car seem to be a little blue.

   The girl in the white skirt next to her suddenly grabbed Xin Yuqing's wrist, her face pale and her lips trembled.

   "Rain, Yuqing, there seems to be something wrong with this car."

   Just now her feet were splashed by rain, so she wiped her shoes first, but when she lowered her head, she saw that everyone on the bus...none of them had legs!

   The driver who was driving, his body still, his head suddenly turned to the back of his head, and said with a smile to the two little girls.

   "Welcome to board the bus, where is your destination?"

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