Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 466: Panic spreads

He Shan realized that although he had become a football, he was not deprived of his ability.

   And judging from the strength of the driver, his strength is quite a rookie, on the same level as those of the passengers.

   So whether it is turning himself into a football, or avoiding his own attack just now, I am afraid it is not due to his own strength.

   Now that He Shan has been turned into a football, that kind of weird ability will not continue to work.


   A wing spread out behind the football, and He Shan flew up.

   The wings of the sky have become as big as chicken wings, with He Shan's football body, and the face of bitterness and hatred, it looks a little cute.

   "Accept my anger!"

   He Shan's wings moved slightly, and all the swords that had been turned into footballs floated up and hovered in the sky around He Shan.

   Then, under He Shan's control, it was a mess at these passengers and the driver.

  In a short while, they became bruised and swollen.

   But they still dare not stop, the ability to turn He Shan into football.

   If He Shan changes back to a normal human form, I am afraid that they will not have a bruised nose and swollen face, but they will be chopped into meat like what He Shan said.

   "I can't go on like this!"

   The driver looked at He Shan angrily:

   "Let's talk about a deal, I'll let you go, you don't come to trouble us, we are not in trouble."

   He Shan curled his lips, he wouldn't let these guys go.

   Although this railroad train has never killed people, it does not hinder the bad nature of this thing.

   The driver's face turned sullen: "You forced me!"

   "If you honestly let us play, you can go back alive, but now you can't go back!"

   The football flying in the sky, He Shan frowned, what else does this guy have?


   After a faint sound, a puff of white smoke appeared on He Shan and those long swords.

   Then He Shan returned to his normal body, and the swords returned to him.

   He Shan was overjoyed, after he changed back to his original state, he could show even more powerful strength.

   But immediately he discovered that those passengers were also disappearing one by one.

   After they disappeared, they turned into a white smoke and penetrated into the driver's body.

   The driver’s breath is rapidly strengthening!

   He is not a magician, so it is difficult to measure his strength, but He Shan can clearly feel that his threat to himself is growing a little bit.

   After the last passenger disappeared, the driver felt that He Shan was no less than a fourth-order monster!

   And his appearance has also changed.

  'S height has doubled, his body seems to be spliced ​​from the previous passengers, his neat uniform has become ragged, and his eyes are filled with black air.

   Around the driver's body, there was a substantial black air, which was draped on him like a coat.

   "You forced me, you forced me!"

   Among those black air, human faces faintly appeared, and every face was a screaming expression of horror. He Shan even saw Xin Yuqing who he saw yesterday.

   "This ominous power..."

   He Shan saw the driver's posture, and his heart was full of vigilance.

   This driver, this tram, is definitely not as harmless as it appears.

   This disturbing power made He Shan feel a trace of fear just by standing there.

   is like standing in front of him, an extremely terrifying monster of the abyss.

   But in fact, the strength of the driver did not pose a threat to He Shan of that level.

   This fear is probably due to a certain ability of the driver.

   The previous driver and the previous passengers are probably not real things, but phantoms created to achieve a certain purpose.

   This thing in front of my eyes represents the true power of the tram.

   The driver stopped talking nervously to himself, stared at He Shan suddenly and stretched out his hand to He Shan.



   The black energy on his body exploded, turning into a monstrous black fog, and it drowned all the neighborhood in a moment.

   No matter what kind of building it is, it cannot stop the erosion of this black air.

   Near the football field, there are large residential buildings.

   The windows of these residential buildings were invaded by black fog, and the faces of people who were sleeping showed pain.

   They are starting to have nightmares!

   There are terrible monsters chasing them in their dreams, and after catching them, they will be brutally killed.

   Those who are not asleep are even more miserable, invisible fear appears in their hearts, the world is distorted in their eyes, and everything wants their lives.

   Then he could only cry desperately.

   Only the black mist emanated less than a minute, and the vicinity of the football field was completely messed up.

   But He Shan is not in the mood to care about these things, and his state is not right now.

   In his mind, he started to think wildly.

  If the black fog that spread out caused a lot of casualties, would the account be counted on him, which would cause the Abnormal Authority to chase him down?

   He has been flying in the sky, will he suddenly stop flying and fall to his death?

When    falls on the ground, will an earthquake suddenly appear and bury him?

   Is this black mist poisonous?

   Is there a centipede in the grass?

   Is this driver the kind of ghost that can't be touched?

   The fear is getting stronger and stronger. Everything seems to be a great threat to He Shan. He Shan was soaked in cold sweat in less than a He knew that this kind of fear was the effect of the opponent's ability.

   The wings of the sky emit a faint light to separate the black mist, but the effect of the black mist is still exerted on He Shan's mind.

   He has so many defensive methods, and he was so frightened that it would be even more difficult for ordinary people around him.

   "It seems that I have released an incredible thing."

   "Calm down, calm down, calm down!"

   "Fuck him, I am afraid of my own sword now, how can I calm down!"

   He Shan's heartbeat started to speed up, and the thought of leaving him spread in his heart.

   just when he wanted to escape.

   He suddenly remembered a scene.

   A shivering young girl shrank at the corner of the bed, picked up a bottle of Suiyuan Erguotou, tons and tons...

   He Shan's eyes lit up, he has a way to deal with this fear!

   Suiyuan Erguotou!

   He immediately took out two bottles of Erguotou, smashed the mouth of the Erguotou bottle with a flick of his finger, and then he held a bottle in one hand and began to pour it into his mouth.

   Ton Ton...

   Halfway through, He Shan was stunned. Will he die of alcohol poisoning?

   Forget it, no matter what, keep going!

   As the saying goes, wine is strong and courageous.

   He Shan didn't persuade him, but this wine still let him get rid of the influence of fear temporarily.

   He killed five bottles in a row, and with the power and alcohol inside, he barely broke free from this special fear.

   Then he stared at the driver, and walked over staggeringly.

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