Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 473: Fighting Demon-Celeus

Fengren Street Suiyuan Train Station has been manufactured.

   But He Shan's mission this time has not been completed. This is just the beginning.

   The bodies of him and the steam conductor suddenly disappeared into the air.

When    appeared again, it was already on the edge of Jinpan City.

   The speed of the steam train is amazing, but for He Shan, as long as it is within his control, the speed is meaningless.

   He plans to build substations one by one inside Jinpan City.

The structure of    Jinpan City is like a big doughnut, which can be divided into seven major areas according to its strength.

   The outermost layer is suitable for the training of level zero sorcerers, and the level zero overlap area.

   One point in the inner layer is the second and third level overlapping area suitable for first-level sorcerers.

   and so on, one ring is one ring, the middle one has the strength of 13 levels of overlapping area.

   In other words, the domain master is a crown-level monster with at least a seventh-order strength.

   He Shan plans to build thirteen stations in Jinpan City, one in the middle and two on each other floor.

   He took the steam train conductor into the outermost passage.

   He Shan left a six-meter-wide channel in Jinpan City. The six-meter range is the intensity of the six-level overlapping area.

   At the beginning, the monster who was drawn in the line was not very comfortable.

   A few days later, this passage has become a paradise of monsters.

   In the passage, there are many monsters of Tier 4 and Tier 3, and the lowest strength is Tier 2.

   As soon as the two of He Shan came in, the monsters and strangers opened their teeth and claws at He Shan.

   A huge bug floating in the air showed a stench of drool at He Shan, opened his sharp teeth and rushed over.

   The whole Jinpan City has not had blood for a long time.

   Fresh and big people like He Shan are extremely rare here.

   He Shan frowned, his eyes condensed on this monster body, a huge shock wave appeared, and the monster directly disintegrated in midair, leaving only a skeleton.

   But even if they showed such terrifying power, the monsters around were still watching them.

   As long as these monsters find a chance, they will come and die.

   He Shan scratched his head in distress.

   "This can't work, it seriously delayed my construction progress, and even if the station is built, these things will destroy the station..."

   "In addition, there are these monsters, why are my passengers waiting for the bus here?"

   After thinking for a while, He Shan smiled dumbly.

   Why is he obsessed with making stations? Wouldn't it be good to add a safe house to the station?

  Since these monsters are troublesome, let them drive away instead of letting them in.

After    figured it out, He Shan flashed away and disappeared.

When    appears again, it is already in the center of the overlapping area.


   There is a gloomy hall in the center of Jinpan.

   This hall is dark red as a whole, with a dark and curious style, and it is called the Hall of Demon!

   "Praise my lord, great fighting demon!"

   In the gloomy hall, a group of weird monsters bowed before a throne.

On both sides of the    hall, there is a group of beautiful dancers, playing music while dancing twisted dances.

   looks like cramps.

   These dancers are slim, luxuriously dressed and save fabrics. There are always one or two things on their bodies that are very strange, making them look like humans.

   And when they are excited to play, special lines will appear on their bodies.

  All the dancing girls are all monsters of the Holy Emblem level!

   The songs they played were as hoarse and unsound as scratching the blackboard with their nails, but all the monsters present were all heard with gusto.

   Sitting on the throne was a creature with dark purple skin and two horns on its head.

   This creature wears a twisted crown and a black robe. The robe is embroidered with crazy howling human patterns. His most distinctive feature is his six arms!

  He is the actual ruler of Jinpan City and the owner of the Pantheon.

   Fighting Demon—— Celeus!

   Celeus watched drunkenly, the monsters lying on the ground, and the moving dancers.

   "This is my country!"

   For a monster, Celeus can be regarded as a successful monster.

   He successfully destroyed a city and had such a large family business, but when he was happy, Celeus was also a little lonely.

  Because he is bored.

  His race is a fighting demon.

   Celeus has never seen any of his other people. He has been in the overlapping area of ​​the earth since he was conscious, but he just knows that his race is a fighting demon.

  The nature of fighting demons is to fight.

   In the entire Jinpan City, no one can fight Celeus anymore.

  The special structure of Jinpan City made it impossible for Celeus to reach the edge of the city.

   Before the "Giant Doomsday", Celeus waited eagerly, hoping that he could also go out and do things, but in the end the Giant Doomsday ended prematurely.

   So in the end, Celeus did not find his favorite opponent.

   Therefore, I can only sensuality every day, enjoy life, and live the standard life of the big devil with the beautiful demon girl.

   Some time ago, his palace had a six-meter-wide route, which was turned into a concentration of six-level overlapping areas.

   This makes him very upset, because all the toilets in the palace are on that path.

   But no matter how he probed, he couldn't find exactly how that route appeared.

   Suddenly in the palace, a human wearing white clothes appeared.

   The dazzling white, even the shiny clothes, seemed a bit out of place in the Pantheon.

   And he happened to be standing on the six-meter-wide route.

   The drunkenness in Celeus's eyes gradually disappeared, and then his eyes widened!



   "I have been waiting for you for a long with me!"

   Seleeus' upper body clothes shattered, and a weapon exuding a cold atmosphere appeared on each of his six arms. A huge energy gathered beside his body, and some of the monsters who served him around were directly blown out.

   He Shan looked at Celeus curiously.

   "I look at you, a little familiar, you are a demon fighting."

   He Shan had seen Dou Mo in the illusion. Although he looked different from the one in front of him, he should still be of the same race.

   "This is the 13th-level overlapping area, the strength of the seventh-level monster is really incredible."

   Judging from the pressure exuding from Celeus, He Shan can realize his power.

   I am afraid that He Shan's body, in front of this guy, can't hold on even one round.

   But what is good at now is not the ontology.

   "Do you know that I am a fighting demon?"

   Celeus became excited. This person had never met him before, and he could tell that he was a fighting demon. Maybe he could solve the mystery of his own life experience.

   "I have a lot of questions for you, but before that... have a good fight with me!"

   He Shan shook his head and said to Celeus, "Is it okay to be alive?"

   As soon as he said this, it was as if a large basin of cold water was poured on Celeus' head.

   Invisible fear enveloped his heart, he put down the weapon in his hand, screamed and ran out of his palace.

   Only the monsters in the hall were left, looking at each other, not knowing what happened.

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