Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 480: Imagination determines dreams

After He Shan fell, the surrounding tapirs also darkened their eyes and fell to the ground, and they all fell asleep.


   Mei Mo's body is not strong.


   So the way they fight is to make people dream, and then in the dream, show their true ability to kill the enemy.


   And this is to ensure that the enemy will definitely fall asleep.


   So Mei Mei has the ability to force the other party to sleep, but the price of using this ability is that they themselves will go to sleep with all their hearts.


   Moreover, He Shan's mental will is so strong that it completely surpassed the expectations of these Mei Mo tapirs. It was at the price of all Mei Mo tapirs falling into a dream that He Shan also entered sleep.


   Next, it was a battle in a dream.


   He Shan opened his eyes and found himself in the feasting city again.


   "Am I asleep again?"


   "Find a way to force wake up!"


   Have previous experience, He Shan wants to forcefully break away from the dream, it can be done, and it will be faster than before.


   But no matter how fast it is, it will take some time. This time Meishou will not give He Shan time.


   They want to kill He Shange at the fastest speed.


   In the blink of an eye, He Shan was surrounded by people.


   These people are all beauties with hot bodies, wearing various colors and fabric-saving battle uniforms.


   Different from normal humans, these beauties have different horns on their heads, different wings on the back, and a tail under the back.


  All the beauties are all standard succubus forms.


   He Shan raised his head: "That's true, there is something like a succubus domain, then how do you want to deal with me?"


   In He Shan’s view, since the images of these succubuses in dreams are the appearance of succubus, the main attack method should be those succubus routines.


   This battle should be very indescribable.


   But I didn't expect that all the succubuses took out their long swords and shields at the same time, and slashed towards He Shan.


   "It's not serious, but the way of fighting is surprisingly serious..."


   Brush Brush!


   First there were more than 30 leaves flying around He Shan, and then when these leaves flew out, they all turned into different long swords.


  , like a storm of sword blades, attacking the surrounding area.


   But as He Shan expected, the scene where the succubuses fell like mowing grass did not appear.


   Those succubuses are more than just looks, they are terrifyingly fierce!


   With a scorching flame, like a long sword with a huge fireball, it is about to stab a succubus.


   The succubus suddenly screamed, and with a sudden wave of the shield, He Shan's long sword flew out directly.


   She didn't even burn a single hair.


   This simple and neat, attacking He Shan, I am afraid that ordinary holy emblems can barely be done.


   Then she slashed to the ground angrily, and a crack spread directly to He Shan's feet, almost making He Shan unstable.


   In He Shan's view, her strength, among the third-order holy emblem, is probably also at the forefront.


   But the scary thing is that this is just one of them.


  The succubus present are all so vigorous, and the few leading them even put He Shan's fourth-order monster under pressure.


   This caused He Shan to rush into a mess, defeating these charming succubus, defeating and retreating into an army.


   can only fight and retreat, retreating to the position of Yuan Xiaopu in the dreamland in his own memory.


   Standing on a high tower, there is a hot woman wearing a red open coat outside and only red underwear inside.

   The woman looked at He Shan's embarrassed appearance and pursed her lips and laughed.


   She is the incarnation of the King Mei Kui in his dream.


   In her opinion, after He Shan was forced into a dream, it was over.


  Because Mei Ke can exert her strength in dreams, which is far from what she can compare in reality.


   "Human, you may be strong outside, but you don't know how to fight in a dream."


   In the dream, there are two factors that determine the fighting ability.


   The first one is the strength of mental will.


  The strength of the first-order spirit can show the strength of the first-order, and the strength of the second-order spirit can show the strength of the second-order.


   The sacred symbol Meikou, who is weak outside, is the succubus succubus who can kill the Quartet in his dream.


   If this were the only situation, He Shan would definitely not be so embarrassed.


   But the strength in the dreamland involves another factor.


  That is imagination.


   The succubus imagined that their wrist strength, grip strength, arm strength, and all physical qualities were overwhelmingly strong, so they showed this strength.


  In a dream, imagination itself has power.


  The power of imagination can change the reality in dreams, so that people who do not originally have power have extraordinary strength.


   But this kind of imagination is not an unfounded imagination.


   Otherwise, King Meiwan directly imagined a ‘Buddha Lu’, he could be killed with just one finger, or he could simply imagine that he was invincible in the world.


  This kind of imagination must be familiar enough with that thing.


   You must have enough knowledge of the details. It is best to imagine that you will be blinded by yourself, so that you can successfully affect your dreams.


   is just pure cranky thinking, which is completely meaningless.


   Suppose a person, imagine that he has two tongues.


   But he hasn't experienced the feeling of two tongues, so no matter how he imagines it, he won't really become two tongues in a dream.


   It's hard for a person to imagine something that doesn't exist, so it's quite difficult to rely on imagination to increase strength in dreams.


   Therefore, all Mei Mo tapers invariably choose to increase their strength. The simplest imagination is the easiest to achieve.


   But even if it's just a simple strengthening of, the succubuses' strengths have all increased by at least one level.


   To some extent, the succubus domain is the weakest level six overlapping area.


   As long as he doesn't fall asleep, even a Tier 1 sorcerer can slaughter the entire field.


   But at the same time, this is also the most terrifying level six overlapping area.


   Although the Meimos are weak and weak in the outside world, in their dreams, they can exert their strength far beyond their own.


   If He Shan knows the trick, he might also be able to improve his strength.


   But the king of Meimoo would not tell He Shan.


   He wanted to watch He Shan and die in despair.


  The battle is continuing, and He Shan slowly backed away, thinking of a way to retreat from the enemy.


   It's definitely impossible to continue to fight like this.


   can't be beaten, so you have to think of some special methods.


   That is to use imagination to enhance oneself!


   Okay, He Shan has known the secret of the dream of King Meimo.


   He Shan had caught a cartilage-headed Mei Mo tapir before, and that Mei Mo tapir almost said everything he knew, so when He Shan fell into a dream again, he was so calm.


  Because he knows how to defeat these Mei Mo.


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