Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 488: Accidental miss

Under He Shan's power, all the filth in the entire Fengren Street was blown into the sky.

   Then He Shan lightly held the palm of his hand, and everything gathered in one ball.

  Because of that monster, the closed streets that had become gloomy before, instantly regained their clarity, but there was something more like a big piece of nose in the sky.


   While others were marveling at He Shan's power, He Shan himself looked at the thing in the sky suspiciously.

   "This thing is a bit sturdy!"

   He Shan originally thought that this little power was enough to kill the monster.

   But he didn't realize it, he just crushed the monster into a ball, and the strange energy in its body was still trying to break through.

   Behind the monster, there is a thread that continuously transmits power to this side, so that it can resist He Shan's power, and even wants to counterattack.

   "Weird, weird, this is the first time I have encountered this kind of thing."

   He Shan's figure came to the sky instantly.

   put his hand next to the huge sphere.

   Although this monster can resist He Shan's power, it is only able to resist it.

   "So, how should you deal with it."


  A dazzling light flashed, and a second sun seemed to rise in the sky, and the hot and violent energy directly engulfed the monster.

   The people on the earth all felt the pressure of terror.

   They yearn for that power, but they dare not approach it, because compared to that power, they are just fragile moths.

  The powerful monsters fell apart in a flash, and all the flesh and blood tissues disappeared into blue smoke.

   "It's not over yet!"

   He Shan did not stop his hand, facing the northeast, stretched out his palm.

   In his eyes, there is a silk thread there, which is retracting at an extremely fast speed.

   But when he retracted halfway, he was caught by an invisible big hand and stopped in the air.

   "How much strength does it take to deal with you?"

   He Shan counted for two seconds, then screamed, a force that was more than ten times stronger than destroying the monster, and struck along this thread.

   In the process of conveying power, He Shan is more cautious.

   This time his attack has a higher power level than against Canglian, but the damage range is smaller.

   Li Yuansheng came to He Shan once before and showed him the damage caused by his last long-range strike.

   The result of the damage is spectacular, but the damage area is too large.

  If Canglian was hiding in the crowd, He Shan estimated that he would accidentally injure tens of thousands of people.

   So this time, He Shan is deliberately controlling his strength, not wanting to cause a lot of accidental injuries.

   But it was precisely because of He Shan's intentional control that his transmission of power was a bit slow.

   This power was about to hit the opponent, and the thread connecting the monster and the black hand behind the scenes suddenly broke.


   He Shan's power exploded in mid-air, engulfing all the ten-meter radius and dyeing it black, and the city underneath shook at this moment.

   Countless people ran out of the room and looked around suspiciously.

   Is there an earthquake just now?


   He Shan retracted his hand and scratched his hair, his expression a little awkward.

   "Tsk tsk, run very fast."

   Then He Shan raised his head and sighed. This was the first time that he used Suiyuan Shop's power to attack but missed.

   This does not mean that the opponent is stronger than He Shan.

   But at least it shows that the opponent controls the power very deeply.

  The fighting demon in Jinpan City is like a good baby compared with that thing.

   "It's interesting, let's go and play with him if you have a chance."

   At this point, this demon master of destiny has been remembered by He Shan.

   Then He Shanfei fell down and walked to the side of Xue Tudou. At this time, he was already kneeling on the ground in fright, his face was pale, the veins on his head were violent, and the area was soaked with sweat.

   He Shan squatted in front of him, smiled and asked, "Excuse me, what is the Destiny Demon Lord you mentioned before?"

   Xue Tudou was inexplicably horrified, but didn't mean to answer He Shan, but slapped his forehead with a palm.

   He serves the Demon Lord with all his heart and will never reveal a trace of the Demon Lord.

   He Shan stopped him, and then flicked on his forehead.

  A force was injected into Xue Tudou's brain, and his eyes became confused.

   "I want to take refuge in the Demon Lord of Destiny, can you introduce it to me."

   Xue Tudou suddenly became excited, he put on his clothes to preach, and talked to He Shan endlessly.

   "The fate of this planet has long been doomed, and all life is bound to sink in hell."

   "The devil came from the starry sky and will guide the destiny of this planet in the right direction...Let us face our destiny in advance."

   "As long as we take the initiative to welcome hell, **** will treat us tenderly."

   "If human beings have to resist, then what awaits us is the endless great terror!"

   He Shan raised the corner of his mouth and asked frivolously: "Then where can I see Destiny Demon Lord, is it the Zhulin City you came from?"

   Xue Tudou was silent for a while, then said: "The devil is..."

   Just as he was about to give out the address, his expression suddenly became painful.

   He Shan sighed: "It seems that the clue is broken."

   In the next second, Xue Tudou's eye sockets burst open, and the breath of life completely disappeared.

   In his eye sockets, there are countless small mung bean-sized spiders crawling around randomly.

   "From their mouths, there is nothing to ask."

   He Shan snapped his fingers, and Xue Tudou and the tricksters who came from Zhulin City all burned, and there was not even a strand of ashes left.

   The bodies of these guys have been hollowed out by those is just a conscious body.

   There is not even the value of decomposition.

   He Shan's eyes flickered, and he was very curious about this demon master of Destiny.

   He is going to have time to take a look at Zhulin City.

   Judging from the direction in which the silk thread stretches, even if the so-called Demon Lord is not in Zhulin City, he is at least in that direction.


   From He Shan's appearance to killing Xue Tudou.

   During the whole process, all the magicians present were silent. They were immersed in He Shan's overwhelming power.

   Guo Tianlei's face was covered with sweat.

   He never knew that there is such a strong person in Lianhai City.

   He had been in Sheng'an City, and had the honor to see Minister Qi taking action. Although dealing with the overlapping areas was like a ruin, but compared with the person in front of him, his aura seemed a little bit worse.

   Sheng'an City's sorcerer is still like this, and the others are naturally shocked.

   A sturdy white-bearded old man, touched his beard and looked excited, but seeing this scene, they did not lose any money even when they came to the sea market this time to observe and study.

   Most of the young sorcerers are in agitated mood.

   Their limit is far from reached. Some people even imagine that one day they will have the same strength as He Shan.

   He Shan planted a seed in their hearts.

   inspires them, constantly climbing towards the peak of strength...

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