Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 491: Xiaopjie's self-confidence

He Shan asked Miao Miao to print a batch of flyers and hand them to the succubus guards.

   Then these charming girls, under the scorching sun, went out to hand out flyers.

   I hope they don’t let the already hot crowds become even hotter...

   After all, the temptation of succubus is not only for people.

   Let alone men and women, old and young, it is the same for cats, dogs and dogs.

   Ordinary customers, did not notice the change of Suiyuan Shop.

   But the anomaly management bureau noticed, so Li Yuansheng rushed to Suiyuan Xiaopu the first time.

  As soon as he walked to the door, Li Yuansheng saw a enchanting girl who walked in front of him, took his arm and stuffed a flyer into his arms.

   Then introduced it intimately. After the introduction, Li Yuansheng's ears became red after the introduction of the benefits of the hunting line.

   Succubus Thirteen left Li Yuansheng, blew a kiss to him, and reluctantly left.

   Only Li Yuansheng stayed in place.

   "This...this is too exciting."

   He raised his arm, there was a faint scent on it, and then Li Yuansheng immediately gave a shock.

  Azhen’s nose is very good, if you let her smell this...

   I'm afraid today is going to be scratched beyond recognition!

   He Shan's sign, not many people watched it, but the succubus sent out flyers, but it instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the sorcerers.

  The sorcerer who got the flyer will inevitably pay attention to and discuss this matter.

   There are a lot of tricksters who come to Fengrenjie to receive flyers. Among them is the director of the Abnormal Management Bureau, Mr. Lao Buxiu.

The enthusiasm of the hunting special line broke out directly, and even observation groups from other cities joined the discussion.

   It's just a discussion, no one has tried it yet.

  Exploring overlapping areas is a serious matter, and if you are not careful, you will lose your life.

   So even if someone wants to be the first person to eat crabs, they need at least two days of preparation time.

   Li Yuansheng found He Shan and wanted to know more about this hunting line.

   So He Shan took him through the entire process.

   When he returned to Suiyuan Xiaopu again, Li Yuansheng's eyes were full of excitement.

   This reckless hunting line really helped him solve big problems!

   When opening the road to Jinpan City, Lianhai City’s wishful thinking was done very well, but when it was actually executed, it was met with dust.

   At the beginning, there was also a magician who was interested in Jinpan City and went to Jinpan City to explore.

   But after trying a few times, the number of people going to explore Jinpan City has gradually decreased.

   Tier 0 sorcerers, fortunately, they just want to explore directly on the edge of Jinpan City, and just run out in danger.

   But if you are a Tier 1 sorcerer, you must pass through the territories of Tier 0 monsters before and after the exploration.

   It's okay to say before, but if you get injured during the exploration, it will be very dangerous to want to go back outside.

   And Jinpan City, unlike normal overlapping areas, there is only one high-level domain owner in one area, and some common-level little monsters are different.

  In the Jinpan City, you may even encounter a bunch of domain master level monsters.

  Explore, the degree of danger is higher than the normal overlap area.

   Under the blessing of various reasons, the popularity of the Jinpan market is not too high.

   But with the requisite hunting line, all these problems will be solved, and the sorcerers do not need to go through the low-level areas when exploring the corresponding areas.

   And there are tricky copper coins as a temptation, plus these stations as an absolute safety zone, this increased a little bit of danger, it is completely acceptable.

   In addition, Li Yuansheng has new ideas.

   That is a competition with Sheng'an City.

  The method of the test has not yet been decided, so it is better to use the exploration of Jinpan City as the test.

   Let these young tricksters go to Jinpan City to explore together through the revolving hunting special line, and then use the number of tricky copper coins sold at the end of the corpse as the scoring standard.

   All teams from all cities can participate, and Lianhai City, as the host, also has certain advantages.

   After leaving He Shan, Li Yuansheng released the news.

   This kind of competition method was directly praised by all the teams.

   Although Guo Tianlei was not satisfied, he could only pinch his nose and agree.

After   , Li Yuansheng found He Shan again. After hearing about the new game method, He Shan did not refuse.

   He is unwilling to get involved in some fights for the benefit of other people.

   But if this struggle itself will bring him huge benefits, then it's a different matter.

   I heard that Li Yuansheng proposed to change the game mode to this mode. He Shan looked at Li Yuansheng a lot.

   made up his mind to save a portion for Li Yuansheng when a good cat food is broken down in the future.


   Observation groups in various cities, of course, are not just shopping in Suiyuan Shop.

  Lianhai City's various work and various achievements, they all have to visit and learn.

   Until noon on the third day, the agreed test is the official start.

   The content of this competition is to explore the huge overlapping area Jinpan City through the hunting special line of Suiyuan.

   There is no limitation of strength, as long as it is a conspirator can participate, so no city is absent.

  The participants in Lianhai City are He Shan, Xiao Pujie, Bao Lili, and Le Qingyi.

   He Shan chose the candidate, but in Lianhai City, among all the people who became sorcerers within a year, the three of Xiao Pujie are indeed the three best in Lianhai City.

  Especially the reputation of Xiaopjie's desperate angel, it resounded throughout Lianhai City.

  The three of them, after stepping into the holy emblem realm, also chose the same path as He that is to become free explorers.

   The frequency of exploration during this period is also very high. Although it is not as good as He Shan, it can be regarded as a great ride.

   He Shan arrived outside the Suiyuan Train Station early in the morning, waiting for his teammates to arrive.

   The first person to come was Xiaopjie. He was wearing a mammoth coat, his face was full of weather and frost, and his face was full of confidence.

   Confident men are the most handsome, even with a look like Xiaopjie, it seems a bit pleasing to the eye at this time.

   If you want Xiaopjie, use one word to describe yourself.

   That is-invincible of the same rank!

   Just a while ago, he had entered the second stage of Tier 3.

   But instead of using an enhanced pronucleus like others, he used an ordinary pronucleus.

   This pronucleus is the most suitable for him.

   is called the pronucleus of **** power!

   To put it simply, you can manipulate the feces, even if it is in the stomach of the enemy.

   In addition, he now has a pair of Yoneda throwing gloves, even if the enemy is a little fairy who doesn't shit, he is just a terracotta dog in front of Xiaopjie.

   He Shan naturally knows what pronuclear Xiaopujie bought.

   So he guessed that Xiaopjie's confident look at this time was not because of his strength.

   But he has broken the jar and no longer cares about his image...

   After choosing that kind of trick, it is impossible to have an image.

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