Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 495: Inheritance and Transformation

Xiaopjie's actions attracted everyone's attention.

   When he came, facing the attack, he hadn't taken any action all the time, which seemed very mysterious.

  Secondly, his dressing, looks and temperament are all too different, and every move is the focus of everyone.

   They had asked in Lianhai City a long time ago, before the battle of He Shan Jinxiu City, before turning into fame, in people's hearts, the strongest newcomer has always been this desperate angel, Xiao Pujie!

   So everyone looked at Xiaopujie curiously, wanting to see what amazing strength he would have.

   Even Bao Lili and Le Qingyi are very curious.

  Since he was promoted to the second stage of the holy emblem, he has been mysterious, and he doesn't know what tricks he has mastered.

  Shoopjie walked up to the remaining dozen monsters.

   These monsters cautiously revolved around him, waiting for the opportunity to attack.

  The schemist's strength is fierce. If Xiaopujie hadn't stood up by himself, these monsters would have been ready to escape.

   After choosing the right time, all the monsters attacked He Shan at the same time.

   The tentacles on their faces stretched out, tying Xiaopjie firmly, and at the same time releasing a powerful mental shock, trying to disintegrate Xiaopjie's will.

  Experiencing the feeling of drowsiness, Xiaopjie snorted coldly, and the invisible power fluctuations radiated.

   In an instant, the mental shock disintegrated.

   All the tentacles were also loosened.

   Everyone looked at the battle with weird expressions, and it was obvious that Xiaopujie didn't do anything. Why did these monsters suddenly seem to have no strength?

   Then they saw that the skin of these octopus heads began to turn red, and their movements were restless, like a human face with red and red ears.

   The monsters were eager to find a place to squat down, but Xiaopjie would not give them this opportunity.


   These strange belly swelled up at the same time.


  All the monsters are flying.


   The monsters were in the air, spinning around, their expressions were terrified, and the pain in their abdomen was beyond human imagination.

  Shoopjie put his hands together.


   All the monsters floated to the sky and gathered together to form a huge sphere.

  Shoopjie stopped his power, and these monsters fell to the ground one by one, with distorted expressions and staring at him.

   No one knows what these monsters experienced before they died.

   So everyone is more afraid of Xiaopjie.

   If someone dissects a monster, they will find that the intestines and stomach of this monster have all been rotten, and the indescribable substance has invaded every important organ of his body.

   is only on the surface, and it remains intact.

  Shoopjie put away the corpse, and Bao Lili both marched towards the inside of Jinpan City.

   At this time, Xiaopujie felt quite lonely as a master.

   Get off at the No. 4 station. He may be a bit bullied, but he is still in a high-level area, and he can better exert his strength.


   is different from No. 4 and No. 5 train stations.

At the No. 3 train station, the atmosphere is completely different.

   Approaching three hundred tricksters, like a ghost coming out of the cage, they pounced on Jinpan City.

   Once a monster appears somewhere, it will be stared at by several sorcerers in an instant, and then be beaten to death by various abilities.

   After many years, I finally see that there are humans in Jinpan City.

   did not expect that it was not the delicious sheep that came, but a group of terrifying hunters.

   The monsters don’t understand. These humans want to explore overlapping areas and fight with them to improve their strength. This is understandable.

   But these human beings, seeing their eyes glow, as if they looked at human eyes.

   What do these mean?

   But fortunately, Jinpan City is big enough.

   Only at the beginning, there was a monster robbing incident, and the follow-up can still be tested normally.


   "Little demon, come out quickly."

   "Come out quickly, I want to make a fortune..."

   He Shan hummed, an untuned nursery rhyme adapted by himself, searching for traces of monsters.

   Although it looks carefree, He Shan is actually wary.

   His breath is extremely convergent, and his body is filled with the pungent chili smell. The monsters can't smell the human smell, so naturally they won't rush over.

   If he really swaggers to explore, even if his strength is much stronger than the normal Tier 4, he will not be able to kill many monsters in a fierce battle.

   One day during the game, he didn't want an hour to quit because of injury.

   In a dilapidated street, an ‘old woman’ is working hard.

   She tried to pluck the ‘fruit’ from the tree, still muttering in her mouth.

   "Red fruit soup, green paozi aphrodisiac, take it back and give it to my son."

   The so-called red fruit is the human heart hanging on the tree.

   The so-called green paozi is a human kidney that rots to the point of stinking.

After    picked a basket, she walked home happily, but halfway through, she stopped.

   I saw dozens of dead leaves floating around her. These dead leaves danced with the wind and followed her.

   "Who is following me!"

   The old woman smashed the cane hard, and the wind pressure blew all the leaves away.

   Although Jinpan City was dilapidated, because of the pollution of flesh and blood, normal leaves were not visible here, so she quickly noticed something wrong.

   "Hey, I was found."

   He Shan appeared behind her, and the pungent smell made the old woman hold her nose and take two steps backwards.

   "Actually, I am stalking you, and there is nothing bad about It's just that I like children and want to see what your children are like."

   "Aren't you trying to replenish your child, then a living person like me should be the best choice."

   He Shan took the cane and said politely to the old woman.

   The old woman immediately became vigilant, her body began to swell, and her clothes shattered, revealing a terrifying body.

   That is a humanoid wolf without skin!

   The crutch in his hand turned into a huge mace, a body taller than He Shan, and quickly rushed towards He Shan.

   This is one, fourth-order monster!

   The mace hit the ground, a big hole appeared in an instant, and He Shan escaped easily.

   But I didn't expect it. In the big pit, countless spikes appeared in an instant, shooting at the surrounding no dead ends.

   Four wings appeared, wrapping He Shan like a zongzi, and those spikes hitting it just made the wings sway slightly.

   Then many light spots appeared on the wings, and all the smooth surfaces turned into golden-green energy rays, hitting this humanoid wolf!

   This is the automatic defense counterattack function of Skywing!

   The humanoid wolf was lying on the ground, its chest was scorched by the light, and the saliva flowed on the ground, corroding the ground into small holes.

   It looked at He Shan vigilantly, and retreat had already appeared in its heart.

   was just a simple fight, and he knew that he was definitely not He Shan's opponent. This human being from the outside world was a bit too terrifying.

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