Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 497: Sword storm

One, two, three...

   He Shan kept picking up the corpse, with a happy smile on his face, and humming a cheerful little song in his mouth.

   His style of painting, in this eerie and eerie Jinpan market, seems very contradictory.

   Under the shining sun, a monster suddenly appeared, which of course made people feel terrible.

   But in this environment, the appearance of a guy like He Shan makes the monsters feel creepy.

  The long sword kept walking around, quietly harvesting the strange life.

   The monsters begged not to be discovered by this killing star.

   But He Shan doesn't need to look for them at all. The long sword has the ability of Jin Yao's eyes, and the changes in the two forms of leaves and long swords can also travel freely through the terrain.

   is simply a search without dead ends.

   He Shan, who was happily picking up the corpse, suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Oh, it's interesting."


   A huge monster fell in front of He Shan.

   This is the wild wolf that escaped before, and the one that flew back with the wild wolf, there are also twenty long swords that are crooked and oblique.

   "You angered me!"

   The wild wolf roared angrily, a low wolf howl appeared, and there were chaotic footsteps around.

   He Shan looked around and found that dozens of skinless wild wolves were surrounded by monsters.

   These monsters are strong and weak, and they all stare at He Shan greedily with bright red eyes.

   "Your long sword is very powerful, but this is my place. Since you have an inch, die here!"

   He Shan narrowed his eyes, so many monsters really need to be dealt with.

   So he stretched out his hand, and most of the long swords flying around flew back. A total of forty long swords, along with a larger number of green energy long swords, rushed towards the monsters.

   These wild wolf monsters all rushed down, all kinds of abilities, entangled with those long swords endlessly.

   He Shan's pupils shrink slightly. The abilities of these wild wolves are a little strange. They don't seem to want to attack themselves, they just want to control their long swords.

   Each wild wolf corresponds to a long sword. Under the effect of their abilities, all of He Shan's long swords are controlled.

   The biggest wild wolf demon, laughed wildly at He Shan.

   "These are my children, without my order, don't you want to switch a long sword!"

   "Now that you don't have a long sword, what other tricks can you use?"

   He Shan was silent.

  Wild Wolf continued: "You don't have one, I have one!"

   He took out a basket, which contained the blood-colored heart "red fruit" and the green kidney "green bubble". One paw grabbed one and stuffed it into his mouth.

   After eating these things, the wild wolf's breath rose wildly, and its size more than doubled.

   "Red fruits can increase my strength, and green bubbles can increase my recovery ability."

   "Jinpan City is not a place where humans like you can wreak havoc, prepare to die!"

  The wild wolf kicked his back foot, and he stepped out of a big pit on the ground. The whole figure rushed towards He Shan like a cannonball. The claws larger than He Shan's whole body suddenly grabbed He Shan.

   The wings of the sky rose automatically, blocking the huge claws of the wild wolf.


   The two collided, the wings of the sky released a golden light of counterattack, and He Shan was also knocked out by huge force.

   When he was about to land, He Shan's wings shook, stabilized his figure and stopped in the air.

  Heaved a sigh of relief.

   This place is too dirty. If it falls on the ground, you can't ask for this clothes.

  The hand of the wild wolf was burned by the golden-green light, but it recovered in the blink of an eye.

   He looked at He Shan and laughed wildly, and once again assumed a charging posture.

   He Shan landed on the ground, picked up a walking stick, held it in the posture of holding a sword, and whispered to the wolf: "I didn't keep running away, but counterattacked me. This courage is commendable."

   "But you got two things wrong."

"The first piece……"

   The wild wolf didn't listen to He Shan's nonsense, and rushed over again.

   But He Shan's cane suddenly burned, and after the skin was gone, it became a long sword without a handguard.

   "Folding the sword stream... the earthquake dragon flashes!"

   A dazzling golden green sword light flashed, and He Shan and the wolf passed by.

   "You said that I don't have a long sword. This is your first mistake. Whenever... I have a sword in my hand."

  The wild wolf's huge arm flew directly out, and the blood on the broken arm was sprayed like a shower.

   He Shan turned around, tilted his head and looked at the wolf, admiring his horrified expression.

   "The second thing, do you think your children have controlled my sword..."

   "This is also wrong."

  Wild Wolf's heart suddenly choked, and he suddenly felt a sense of imminent disaster.

   He Shan narrowed his eyes and stretched out a hand.

   "What you have seen is that I don't care about the strength and speed of these long swords."

   "If I control it myself...probably it can be doubled in all directions."

  The wild wolf suddenly roared: "Don't worry about these long swords, quickly withdraw..."

   But what he said was a bit late.

   "Sword Array Four-Sword Storm!"

   All the long swords screamed at the same time, and then they jabbed frantically at the wild wolves.

   Before the stab, the long sword will spin around in the air to increase its speed and strength.

   Looking from a distance, the neighborhood is like a storm with a long sword.

   One of the wild wolves couldn't avoid it, and was directly pierced by the long sword, and then the long sword chased another opponent.

   Soon the ground was covered with the corpses of wild wolves, leaving only a big wild wolf whose expression had lost control.

   Dozens of long swords circled in the sky above him, despair rising from his heart.

   He couldn't help but knelt on the ground, and then the long sword in the sky fell like rain...


   He Shan reached into his and took out a sleeping hamster.

   He grabbed the little hamster's tail and turned it around a few times before directly letting the little hamster wake up.

   "So many corpses on the ground, help me collect them all."

   After speaking, He Shan threw a ring to the little hamster, and the little hamster looked confused.

   But under the threat of He Shan, the little hamster became the size of a tractor and began to collect the corpses one by one.

   Seeing someone do it for him, He Shan nodded in satisfaction.

   "This is how pets should be used."

   Then He Shan looked at his palm, with surprises that couldn't be hidden in his eyes.

  Unconsciously, he has become so strong!

   He knew that his strength would change after he was promoted to Tier 4, but he never expected that he would be so strong.

   is only just promoted to Tier 4, if he waits for the limit of Tier 4, how much can his strength be?

   The little hamster who was picking up the corpse suddenly trembled.

The ground suddenly began to vibrate. Suddenly, a huge claw appeared next to a building, a huge monster with a height of more than 30 meters, appeared in front of He Shan, eight eyes staring at the corpse on the ground, licking Licked his lips.

   It is a fifth-order monster, attracted by the corpse created by the previous battle.

   He Shan's mouth curled up, walked in front of this huge monster, and waved frantically at it.

   "Hey, ugly, let's practice for a while?"

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