Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 504: Jian Zhan Xie Lou

In addition, within Jinpan City, going to Jinpan City to exercise through the hunting special line has also become an upsurge.

   This has become something that even the sea city magician wants to do.

   Even the tricksters inside the Abnormal Authority are all itchy.

   Can exercise, can make money, can buy things in Suiyuan shop, who can refuse this?

   And at this time, Lianhai City, most of the overlapping areas, have been removed, and there are not many tricksters in the administration.

   So Li Yuansheng waved his big hand and he didn't restrict them from exercising on their own.

   The most important thing for the exploration of the holy emblem-level sorcerer is to be safe.

   Now there are Suiyuan Shops, and Suiyuan Hunting Line...

   It's safe to go to him!

   Work harder, get more money, and kill more monsters is the safest way.

   The more they go to the hunting line, the more corpses in He Shan's hands and the more goods.

   When the equivalent is large enough, more and more high-quality props will appear.

   He Shan has already ordered the succubus to guard, and he is going to change himself to a new set of equipment from top to bottom.

   It is a pity that there is only one domain owner in the huge Jinpan market.

   Therefore, all the monsters from Jinpan City cannot decompose the domain owner's certificate.

   If He Shan wants to further expand the influence of Suiyuan Shop, he can only kill the domain owner himself.

   But because of the attack from the abnormal administration, the remaining overlapping area in Lianhai City is no longer sufficient, which cannot meet He Shan's daily exercise needs.

   Therefore, He Shan planned to leave Lianhai City after a while and explore the vast Central Continent.

   But He Shan recently heard that Zhongzhou is not at peace.

   There are many things hiding in the dark, and they have already taken action.

   Like He Shan, at the entrance of Suiyuan Xiaopu a few days ago, the monster from Destiny Demon Lord that was killed did not only appear in Lianhai City.

   Several cities in the north have been recruited.

  Some killed and injured a large number of civilians, and some the entire anomaly administration was wiped out.

   is not only the Demon Lord of Destiny, but also many strange things appear. Other cities are far from being as peaceful as Lianhai City.

  The taboo rituals of the hidden sects, the disappearance of the boundaries of large overlapping areas, the unrest of the strangers, the schemists with wrong minds want to separate the land from the abnormal administration, and become the gods of ordinary people...

  Something bad, a brainstorm emerged.

   Other cities are not as peaceful as Lianhai City, so He Shan’s trip this time may not be peaceful.

   Before traveling, He Shan needs to improve his strength.

   He took out a sword-shaped pronucleus and held it in his hand.

   In the pronucleus, bursts of light were emitted, and these lights merged into He Shan's body one after another.

   And the pronucleus in He Shan's hands disappeared invisible.

   This is the one-sword triptych pronucleus that was decomposed from Grandma Pig!

   After fusing the pronucleus, He Shan felt that his body had undergone a miraculous change, and the ability of this pronucleus had been integrated into his power system.

   It is difficult for him to describe how he feels now, and he does not know how effective this pronucleus is.

   "Go find something and try it!"

   He Shan appeared at the No. 9 Station in Jinpan City with a little toe.

  The hottest thing right now is the No. 1 to No. 5 stations.

   The staff at these stations are very busy every day, and there are not many people at stations 6 to 13 for the time being.

   The staff here adopts a rotation system, and the high-intensity work every day does not take too long.

   The functions of Station No. 9 are the same as those of Station No. 5. They are all suitable for Tier 4 sorcerers to explore.

   He Shan didn't stay here, and flew into the overlapping area without anyone noticing it.

   After flying for a certain distance, He Shan saw a dilapidated building. The building was wrapped in unpleasant decayed material and contained some terrible creatures.

  In Jinpan City, the most dangerous place is not on the street.

   It is the buildings. No one knows what monsters live in the buildings. The internal space of some buildings will expand, like a small overlapping area.

   Of course, the probability of having good things in the building is much higher than that outside the building.

   But He Shan didn't plan to enter the building, he just came to find a target to test his abilities.

There are countless pairs of eyes around   , watching He Shan in the shadows.

   They think they are concealed, but in He Shan's eyes, they seem to stand directly in front of them.

   But He Shan didn't pay attention to them, after all, he didn't come to buy the goods this time.

  The monsters in Jinpan City can be handed over to the sorcerers in Lianhai City, and he does not need to deal with them.

   He is already the big boss behind the scenes, and it would be too much to compete with the tool man in front of him.

   He Shan walked to the front of the building, pulled out the nuclear magic sword, and took a deep breath.


   He Shan slashed across with a sword.

  The golden and green sword light flashed, and the load-bearing wall on the side of the building was cut into a crack a few meters long, and the filth attached to the wall was splashed around.

   Some of the buildings in this overlapping area have been strengthened by the rich magical energy here, so they are stronger than the outside.

   A monster hiding in the shadows, after seeing the power of He Shan's sword, he was a little eager to move.

   It is a fifth-order monster, and finally saw a human being here, but I can’t just let it go.

   But in the next second, another invisible sword light appeared, and the cracks a few meters long suddenly expanded and became more than ten meters long.

The monster hiding in the dark stopped his steps. He couldn't understand He Shan's After less than a second, at the place where He Shan's long sword fell, a huge appeared out of thin air. Incomparable sword light.

   The original fissure was instantly covered by sword light, and the scope of the fissure became larger and larger, eventually covering the bottom of the entire building!


   This sturdy building slowly collapsed under the golden green sword light.

   The monster in the dark place suddenly covered with cold sweat, and disappeared into the darkness without looking back...

What is this stuff?

   can't beat it!

  The monsters around him almost peeed his pants in fright by He Shan.

   Even He Shan himself was a little surprised by the power of this sword.

   You have to know that this is just a zero-order pronuclear, can it bring such a big improvement?

   "The power of the pronuclear itself may not be worth mentioning, but the basic value of my other abilities is high, so the blessing effect of this ability is extremely terrifying."

   "Such a pronucleus is just a waste in the hands of a sorcerer who does not know how to use swordsmanship."

   "Sure enough, the choice of ability is more important than the speed of raising the realm."

   He Shan knew in his heart, and he had some new ideas about his future ability planning.

   The effect of this one is to release the power of the sword three times.

   So is there a pronucleus that enhances sword aura, enhances deceleration, or increases the damage range of sword light!

  He Shan is looking forward to this.

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