Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 510: Late Night Inn

After escaping from the child, He Shan planned to find a place to stay first.

Although he doesn't need to live here, for tomorrow's work, he is still planning to find a place close to the overlapping area before leaving.

The entire Songyang City, more than half of the north, is surrounded by overlapping areas.

He Shan chose a hotel in the north of the city.

This hotel can be regarded as a scenic spot in Songyang City. It is said that it was a concession on other continents decades ago. The architectural style is very peculiar. There are various colorful bricks on the outside, and some will glow under the sun.

He Shan hasn't traveled for several years, so I just have a fun this time.

As he approached the hotel, He Shan discovered something wrong. It was clearly not covered by the overlapping area, but it was basically free of people.

At a glance, it was pitch black everywhere, like a dark space devouring life.

But when He Shan walked to the entrance of the hotel, he found a dim yellow oil lamp was still on.

"Oh, what age is it, and I still light the oil lamp."

He Shan sneered, then opened the door and walked into the hotel.

There may be a problem with this hotel, maybe even a big problem.

But he doesn't care.

Because he came to Songyang City just to look for things. It was too safe and boring.

The hotel owner, who looks like a one-eyed old man in his seventies or eighties, has ravines on his face. A smile can even kill mosquitoes, leaving only seven or eight teeth in his entire mouth.

There was no light in the hotel lobby. The boss himself was carrying a burning candle, and his face was shining with a dim light, which looked gloomy and terrifying.

"Sir, do you want to stay in a store."

He Shan proudly said: "I want the best room, I don't need money!"

The one-eyed boss laughed, his smile as if he was about to cry.

"Okay, please follow me."

The one-eyed boss, with He Shan, staggered up to the third floor, and opened the door of a room with his room card.

Then insert the room card into the groove at the door, and the room will light up.

There was dust in the room, but it was neat, but the light was unstable and flickered, and the wind outside the window kept blowing, giving people an unspeakable sense of horror.

"Guest, let me give you a piece of advice. If you hear something or someone tells you, don't go out, otherwise..."

He Shan raised his eyebrows: "Are you trying to say, are you a haunted hotel?"

Although the net celebrity can't finish checking in, he can still play here as a haunted house.

The one-eyed boss shook his head: "At least, this room is clean."

Well, what does he mean is that everything is not clean except this room?

"Boss, please come back, I'm going to rest."

After dismissing the boss, He Shan closed the door and disappeared in place. He came here only to get a coordinate point, so he wouldn't really sleep here.

Back to Suiyuan Shop, a sumptuous dinner was already set on the table.

Braised pork knuckle with sauce, dry pot duck head, grilled steak, steamed tiger prawns, mixed mushroom soup...

After eating, He Shan put his arms around the emerald pillow, and fell asleep beautifully.


After He Shan closed the door, the old one-eyed boss, his eyes widened suddenly, jumping around in the corridor like a flea.

"Hahaha, there are guests again, and finally there are guests again."

"Children, come out, there is something good..."


The entire hotel was suddenly shrouded in inexplicable power, and all doors and windows were attached with a power barrier that was stronger than steel.

Don't even try to escape from the hotel even if it's a cockroach.

The other doors of the hotel opened one after another, and deformed monsters walked out of them.

Some are women flying in mid-air wearing ragged robes.

Some are zombies with highly decomposed bodies.

There are also twin children with pale faces, men with nails all over their bodies, and fat boys with blisters...

These things were gathered in the dark corridors, and the strong malice caused strange and terrifying graffiti to appear on the surrounding walls.

Except for He Shan's room, the other places seem to have become a different-dimensional space.

The one-eyed boss reminded He Shan in front of him, of course not because of his kindness.

But he felt that a reminder in advance would arouse He Shan's curiosity and make him even more afraid.

Only human fear can comfort these terrifying creatures.

About two hours later, these weird-looking things have never heard a sound from He Shan's room.

They felt that He Shan was asleep now, so they began to make all kinds of noises desperately.

Some play glass marbles on the roof.

Some hold a bunch of light bulbs and crush one at intervals.

Others dragged a corpse, walking around in the corridor, and sometimes knocked on the door when passing by the door of He Shan's room.

Everything is looking forward to He Shan coming out, and then torturing He Shan to death.

They just imagined that He Shan's now fearful expression was already extremely happy.

But they worked hard for more than an hour, and there was still no movement in the room, which made them stare at each other.

"It doesn't matter, I can't help it anymore, I want a shark!"

A silly looking guy without a nose kicked He Shan's door directly, and then a bunch of monsters rushed in behind him.

There was nothing in the room at the time, as if no one had lived in it.

"What's going on, didn't the boss say that there was someone inside..."

Many monsters looked at each other, and even put their heads into the eyes of the toilet, without seeing He Shan.

"That old turtle actually lied to us!"

Thinking of their hard performance for more than an hour, the monsters felt angry.


The one-eyed boss looked out the window with a gloomy expression.

"Tomorrow is the day of the festival again. I don't know what new guests will come to my hotel."

"Don't make any more sins..."

The boss was pretending to be gloomy. Suddenly a bunch of monsters rushed down upstairs and beat the boss violently before leaving.

The boss looked confused.

"Who am I, where am I, why am I being beaten?"


"Good morning, I slept well last night."

Early the next morning, He Shan dressed in a suit, yawned and passed in front of the boss, beckoning him.

"You, you... how did you get out of it?"

The boss with a blue nose and swollen face pointed at He Shan, so angry that he couldn't speak smoothly.

He Shan looked at the boss like a fool.

"How did it come out? I've been sleeping in it all the time. Would I rent a house and go to sleep elsewhere?"

The boss opened his mouth, not knowing how to refute.

Could it be those monsters who let He Shan be careless?

"Then you, do you still want to live?"

He Shan counted a few more banknotes and went over: "Live, of course live, I have to stay in Songyang for a few days."

The boss smiled faintly. As long as this guy continues to live here, it is impossible to escape from his children.

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