Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 521: Anti-beating robot

Most of the overlapping areas of Songyang City are clustered on the north side of Songyang City.

The patterns of these overlapping areas are all very monotonous, and the domain owners are also the kind of abstract distorted giants.

However, there are still some differences between regions of different levels.

The seventh-level overlapping area is the beast area. The monsters here are mostly tigers, leopards, buffaloes, sika deer and the like. He Shan has contributed a lot of fur coats and some animalized pronuclei.

The sixth level of overlap is the bird region, from hummingbirds to ostriches, from shrikes to bald eagles, and even penguins.

This area has contributed a lot of flight-related, pronuclear and props to He Shan, these things are still precious.

The five-level overlapping area is the domain of insects. There are all kinds of insects here. The pronucleus and props contributed are much more complicated, such as toxins, flying, folds, chemical heat...

In the four-level overlapping area, most of them are reptiles, such as frogs, lizards, snakes, and crocodiles. All of a sudden, there are countless pairs of shiny leather shoes in the shop.

In this hunting process, He Shan discovered some laws.

The overlapping areas close to the north are very homogenized, while the scattered overlapping areas on the south side of the city mostly have their own unique styles.

Otherwise, it would not take him five days to clear out all overlapping areas.

Therefore, He Shan had 12 expectations for the train cemetery in the south.

There is a high probability that it will not be the same as the overlapping area in the north, so He Shan may harvest a lot of train-like monsters here!

The train cemetery is on the southern edge of Songyang City.

As a whole, the overlapping area is covered with a layer of mist, and the inside cannot be seen from the outside.

But I could hear the roar of the train moving inside.

Hearing this voice, He Shan felt that his actions this time must be stable.

However, it was the first time he explored the ninth-level overlapping area. Although the domain master here is also the fifth-level strength, it is definitely better than the eighth-level area.

So this operation is still somewhat difficult.

As soon as he stepped into the overlapping area, He Shan hesitantly withdrew from the illusion, and then began to look at the area in front of him.

This overlapping area has been highly alienated, and it is completely invisible to what it used to be.

The ground is made of metal, and there is a sound of thumping when stepping on it, and there is a track when it gathers at every interval. These tracks are randomly distributed throughout the area. From a high altitude, this place is like a maze.

In addition, there are buildings here too, the architectural style is very strange, all in metal style, and outrageously, like it was designed for giants.

In addition, there is a black metal tower every 100 meters.

These towers seem to be service stations for trains. In front of most of the towers, there is a train, one by one, extending from the tower, and making gestures on the train.

When the train is running, heavy smoke will be emitted, which will cover the entire overlapping area, and the inside cannot be seen from the outside.

He Shan, a human being walked in this kind of metal land, seemed very small.

"This smell is mixed with the smell of rust and engine oil. Just standing here makes me feel a bit motion sick."

"Fuck, if oil sticks to my shirt, will it not wash off?"

He Shan walked in the overlapping area while thinking about how these trains would attack him.

Could it be that they drove into each other?

But soon, He Shan knew how the monster here attacked.

A huge spear with a length of more than ten meters, like a missile, flew down from the sky.

He Shan's body shifted strangely, avoiding the spear.

The spear was directly inserted into the ground a few meters deep, and the solid metal ground was smashed open, and the metal debris flew around like bullets.

This long gun has a sci-fi style, and the painting is simple in black and white.

Toot toot, toot toot...

Just as He Shan was looking at this spear, a white train rushed towards He Shan at a very fast speed.

"Tsk, this is a high-speed rail!"

The train roared past, and He Shan easily avoided its trajectory.

But this train, just after passing He Shan, began to deform violently.

Cars, seats, windows, shells, wheels...

After everything is compressed, it is reassembled to form a huge white robot over ten meters high!

The robot drew its spear, the huge eyes that the train lights turned into, and stared at He Shan closely.

"Human, intruder, obliterate!" the robot said in an electronic voice.

After speaking, he put up his spear and poked it at He Shan.

He Shan drew his long sword and drew it horizontally in front of him.

His long sword is like a toothpick in front of this huge robot.

But this kind of toothpicks blocked the huge spear.

He Shan pushed **** the spear with his hand, and the spear and the sword staggered and plunged directly into the ground.

Then He Shan flew all the way up with the spear, a ten-meter-long golden-green sword energy slashed on the body of the robot, and its huge body fell directly to the ground.

He Shan, who hit the robot, turned twice in the air, and landed lightly with one hand on his hat.

"Humans, invaders, obliterate!"

Behind He Shan, the robot stood up again, with scary red lights shining in its eyes, and his claws grabbed the ground.

Ten meters away, He Shan squinted his eyes and looked at the robot.

"I did cut on him just now, but the wound is too shallow, and his body is much stronger than it looks."

In the normal overlapping area, the monsters are mostly flesh and blood, and this guy is a steel body that compresses a whole train into a ten-meter body.

Therefore, its body density is higher than the average monster of the same level, and it is more difficult to cause damage to it.

The robot hand pressed on the ground, and the metal on the ground was sucked up, automatically filling the position of its wound. The damage caused by He Shan's sword just now quickly recovered automatically.

The recovered robot had rows of rollers sticking out of its feet, and air holes appeared behind it.

Flames suddenly erupted from the air holes, pushing the robot forward at high speed, and He Shan and the robot fought again.

"Big body, high strength, and fast speed... The monsters in the serious overlapping area are really not comparable to those dinosaurs."

The robot in front of him is also Tier 4 strength.

Tier 4 Tyrannosaurus will be killed by He Shan in seconds, but Tier 4 robots can fight He Shan back and forth.

The battle between the two attracted the attention of other monsters here.

One train after another, moving towards here, every train can become a robot.

He Shan felt his scalp numb when he thought of so many rough-skinned robots.

Not afraid, but there is really no need to fight against so many iron bumps with flesh and blood.

Even if I could fight, it would be too tiring.

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