Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 527: The brave of Songyang

A golden sword light, accompanied by dozens of sword shadows, kept falling from the sky.

The ragged man below, like a flea, dodges every attack.

But avoiding sixty long swords and countless energy long swords at the same time is not something that can be done simply by speed.

Countless wounds were added to his body, but strangely, every wound was not fatal.

When He Shan's long sword was about to stab him at his vital point, he was like an unknown prophet, and he could dodge in advance to avoid He Shan's attack.

"This guy... is too defensive."

It stands to reason that even if he didn't hit the key and got stabbed so many times, he should be unable to move.

But this guy is still alive, his speed hasn't diminished at all, and he has become stronger compared to the beginning.


Mrs. Xue, who was performing three pigs one by one, caught a glimpse of He Shan's fight with the man from a distance, and was stunned.

At this time, other people also reacted, and they recognized the person's identity.

"Then, is that a brave man?"

"How did he become like this?"

When Songyang City was in the most difficult time, Xue Lao and Mrs. Xue's son Xue Yong gained extraordinary abilities and led everyone to survive the initial attack of the monsters.

Therefore, he was called the brave of Songyang City by the citizens of Songyang.

Although Xue Yong's attitude towards Songyang citizens changed 180 degrees in the later period and gradually disappeared from the public's sight, the citizens of Songyang City still thank him very much.

If not, Mr. Xue and his wife would not have such prestige in Songyang City.

No one would have thought that Xue Yong, who was so energetic, as if able to carry everything alone, turned out to be what he is now, with a barbed iron chain tied to his neck, like a slave.

No, he is the slave of the nobleman!


Under the walls of the inner city, the nobles squeezed their own meat into the chairs and watched the battle while eating candied fruit seeds.

The cannibalism between humans is also a good show for them.

Gassim said to the other fat boys: "This outsider cannot win against the brave."

"He is simply the protagonist himself in the novel of the human brave."

"The strong vitality allows him to maintain his combat effectiveness even if he bears several times the attack that is enough to kill the strong at the same level."

"Excellent combat instinct, so that he is almost never killed by the enemy's attack."

"And in the battle, his luck is also very good, and there are several other moves that I am jealous of..."

All the fat nobles, looking at the brave, all showed a greedy look.

They also want such a dog, no, they also want to have the same abilities as a brave!

The big tree behind him also kept shaking its branches and leaves.

It seems that it is also with everyone, watching this battle.

"Such a powerful brave has become your dog, and the most powerful is indeed you." A fat man, complimented Gassim.

Gassim nodded without denying.

"The outsider still has the upper hand, but look at it. The brave man will make the outsider fall off his chin."


Xue Yong exhausted his strength and couldn't get close to He Shan. All the long-range attacks he launched were blocked by He Shan's sky wings.

There were more and more wounds on his body, and the blood flow out even exceeded the blood volume of ordinary people.

Xue Yong's movements began to slow down, and he could no longer hold on.

Starting with Xuetujian, He Shan would end Xue Yong's life.

Just when Long Sword was about to pierce his throat, Xue Yong suddenly looked up to the sky and screamed.

A **** wave came from Xue Yong's body, and He Shan immediately retreated several tens of meters, and the ground around Xue Yong was directly broken by the powerful energy.

"Rapid? He thinks he is a Saiyan?"

Xue Yong, whose blood was running dry, suddenly stood up again, his aura directly restored to its peak state, and he was still improving.

Gassim boasted to the other fat boys on the side: "Resuscitating from death, this is one of his abilities that the brave will envy."

"No matter how many injuries he has suffered, what kind of injuries he has suffered, as long as he breathes out, even if there is only one head left, he can be restored to his best condition."

He Shan squinted his eyes: "Is this an ability similar to that of a golden spear...I only need to kill him one more time, it will be enough."

Four identical long swords formed an array and flew towards Xue Yong like a school of fish.

The abilities of these four long swords are extremely fast, and they are the fastest swords in He Shan's hands. With the abilities Xue Yong demonstrated before, there is absolutely no way to avoid these four swords.

Seeing the four long swords, he was about to stab Xue Yong. Xue Yong suddenly turned over and directly caught the four swords with his body.

He held a sword hilt in each of his hands, still holding one in his mouth, and he stepped on the last one.

He Shan's eyes widened. He didn't even see Xue Yong's movements just now!

On the other side, the commentator Gassim laughed even more exaggeratedly.

"This is the brave, the second foul-level ability, you can call it a'breakthrough in battle'."

"When the brave is forced to use near-death resuscitation by someone who is stronger than him, this ability will be activated!"

"No matter the speed, the strength, or the energy level, they will all get a leap-forward improvement!"

"Now that outsider can no longer give priority to crushing the brave."

Seeing this sorcerer who seemed to have changed his appearance, He Shan exhaled and stepped back a few steps.

"Sure enough, I still underestimated these guys in the inner Next, it seems that we must be more serious to win this battle."

The performance of the previous brave is actually slightly weaker than that of the maglev.

After all, the maglev can manipulate metal in a wide range. In that kind of environment composed entirely of metal, his strength is simply terrifying.

And the state of the brave now has completely surpassed the maglev. If it were the previous He Shan, I am afraid it would not be the opponent of the brave at all.

The four wings of the sky are fully deployed, and they are ready to use at any time.

The four long swords captured by Xue Yong once again turned into leaves and flew back to He Shan's side.

He Shan still has the confidence to defeat Xue Yong, because after awakening his energy core, he is completely different from before.

Just when He Shan thought that Xue Yong was about to attack, he saw Xue Yong standing in place, taking a stride, and reaching out his hands towards He Shan.

"The sky and the earth are all thunder and cannons!"

The invisible power gathered in it, and the shining light turned into a powerful energy group.

He Shan felt that the space around him had been under some kind of pressure, which made him unable to move, and he couldn't even move his shape and shadow.

Gasim stood up in a visual battle, laughed wildly and said: "This is the third ability of the brave to make me jealous. It gathers the energy of the whole body, the energy cannon fired!"

"This kind of energy cannon can increase the damage ability of the brave by more than ten times!"

"You can't dodge, you can only resist, but outsiders, you're done!"

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