Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 530: Hotel monsters

The ghosts in the haunted hotel, entwined with black energy, pounced on the monsters.

The looks of these guys are more terrifying than monsters, and their moves are all eerie and weird.

The monsters killed by them all died in an extremely painful state, which made the monsters who witnessed all this fear war.

Strictly speaking, these ghosts are incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Facing the monsters, their strength is strong, but compared with the overall strength of the monsters, they are still not worth mentioning.

After all, there are only dozens of them, which is just the power of an overlapping area.

But what scares the monsters is that these guys can't be killed!

And the fighting style is extremely exaggerated, it's a totally desperate style of play. As long as they can cause a little harm to them, these ghosts will be very happy.


The black energy rises on the one-eyed old man. Although there is no special trick, the black energy itself is already very lethal.

While fighting, he said to He Shan: "I wanted to kill you a few times before and make the children feel better. I apologize for you."

"I thought you were from Songyang City, but later I learned that you were an outsider."

"We will do our best to help you defeat these monsters."

He Shan didn't care about these words, but curiously asked: "What is the matter with you, why don't you die, and what kind of grudges do you have with Gassem and his party?"

"Are you a human, or a ghost like them?"

The one-eyed old man sighed: "That's a long story. Those monsters built the inner city and can live in the inner city..."

In his narration, He Shan had a better understanding of Songyang City in his heart.

Before He Shan cleared all the overlapping areas, those monsters who escaped from the overlapping areas could only live in the inner city.

What maintains the existence of the inner city is the one hundred-meter-high golden fruit tree.

They have to make a sacrifice every week, and the sacrifice is ten young people. These young people have to die in the most painful posture in order to meet the needs of the golden fruit tree.

So the monsters began to ask for ten young people from Songyang citizens every week.

In order to maintain a certain population in Songyang City and keep the inner city from disappearing, they inject energy into the residue of sacrifice and turn it into a festival that supplies food every week.

However, part of the energy they injected into these residues entered into the ten young people who died of extreme pain every week.

Because of the special environment of the inner city, the grievances of these young people eventually turned into terrifying monsters.

They were raging in the inner city, so Gassim exiled these monsters outside the inner city, and was eventually taken in by the one-eyed old man.

The one-eyed old man’s hotel, by chance, became a trick, and the one-eyed old man was the holder of this trick.

With the trickster hotel, he restrained all the ghosts and prevented them from going out during the day to hurt people. Only those who entered the hotel's attack range were the targets of those ghosts.

For those young people who died of cruel torture, only one-eyed elders are the only light in Songyang City.

So even if their minds are full of hate and killing thoughts, the ghosts have never really hurt the one-eyed old man.

All the energy left by ghosts in their daily life in the hotel is collected by the hotel.

In today's battle, it was poured into the one-eyed old man, which allowed him to gain the ability to kill the four directions.

This kind of power composed of hatred and resentment possesses additional lethality to the subject that caused this resentment, that is, those monsters.

In the face of these monsters, the performance of the one-eyed old man was even stronger than He Shan, who went all out.

But He Shan knew that his power had its limits. After those powers were used up, the one-eyed old man would be torn apart by these monsters in an instant.

The two of them worked together and first killed the silly muscle crocodile.

He sold another flaw, led the beautiful lady bug to the front, then pierced the chest with a sword, stab her to death on the ground.

After killing two Tier 5 monsters, the pressure on the two of them was much less.

The one-eyed old man had already started to pant, but he persisted with a burst of power: "I will hold it here, you do what you should do the most!"

He Shan knew what the one-eyed old man was talking about.

"Before I come back, you better not die."

After finishing talking about it, He Shan initiated a change of form and disappeared in place.


"Damn, damn, all against me!"

Gassim stood on the wall, watching the chaotic battle raging.

Originally, he had the chance to win, with such a big advantage, and the enemy only had a Tier 4 foreign sorcerer. How could he lose?

But I didn't expect that this fourth-order sorcerer was unexpectedly powerful and could kill his dog!

Secondly, the ghosts who were expelled chose to make trouble today.

This has caused the chaotic situation now. With the advantage of numbers, he may win if he continues to fight, but he may also win tragically.

It is estimated that it will be dormant for a period of time before the previous plan can be implemented again.

He has to rely on his special ability to continuously draw in powerful monsters as allies, until one day he takes over the entire Middle Continent and becomes one of the great lords of hell!

Suddenly, Gassim's eyes widened and he hurriedly backed away for a certain distance.

But he still stepped back late, and a long sword cut a long trace on his chest

The wound healed in the blink of an eye, but Gassim's expression was not pretty. I saw He Shan in a black suit in front of him, with his hands in his pockets and two long swords floating around him.

He Shan only took the strongest Blood Slaughter Sword and Nirvana Sword with him, while the other long swords were outside to help hunt the monsters.

This would make He Shan only show less than half of his strength, but only this half would be stronger than when he was fighting a maglev.

"Damn it, that old man would actually drag other people and let you come by yourself, is he going to die!" Gassim cursed.

He Shan stroked his finger on the blade: "You monsters, you may not understand. For human beings, some things are more important than life."

"And I... will kill you to thank that old man."

Gassim licked his lips: "Do you really think you will be my opponent? If you win my dog, it will make you swell?"

He Shan shook his head: "Expansion...I don't have one, but I really feel that your strength is not very strong."

"Because you have never seen you shoot yourself from the beginning to now, even if your men are being killed."

Gassim gritted his teeth and said: "I just disdain to shoot myself, but since you are looking for death, I will let you see my horror!"

He Shan raised his middle finger, a ground thorn flew out directly, flew it out, and landed in the inner city. This time he urged the ground thorn. He Shan injected additional energy, and Gassem's lower body was smashed. .

"Where is your horror?"

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