Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 537: The number of projectiles doubled

Next, He Shan got a lot of mechanical waste from the spare decomposer, one pile was for passenger cars and the other pile was for train people.

There are more than two hundred monsters and they only need to be decomposed twice.

The first to be decomposed is the passenger car man.

Decomposed one hundred super buses, a theme of passenger cars, some sci-fi style weapons and props, and some miscellaneous items such as gems and jade.

With these hundreds of buses, Suiyuan Passenger Station can completely connect all cities in Haibei Province. You must know that the speed of these buses is ten times that of ordinary buses!

But for the time being, He Shan didn't have so many domain owners to prove that it would be dangerous to release these buses alone.

Then all the train people were stuffed into the decomposition machine.

Like the passenger car man, the train man decomposes the same thing, but the level is higher.

In terms of transportation, there are 70 old-fashioned green trains, 40 regular express trains, and eight high-speed trains.

These trains, with their own defensive power and fast speed, can make them ignore some ordinary monsters when they are traveling.

Not only is the speed fast, but the passenger capacity is also large. After He Shan has enough domain owner certificates, these things will be He Shan's good helpers.

There is also a theme of train people. He Shan turned his eyes and still used this theme.

The train cemetery is a ninth-level overlapping area, which is much higher than the succubus domain, so the strength and number of guards will also be increased accordingly.

These train guards can be of great help to Suiyuan Shop in all aspects.

But this theme is not without flaws.

The first is that the beautiful succubus lady is gone.

The second is that these guys are too big and it may be inconvenient to do certain things.

However, the things in the theme can be pieced together, just like the Sui Yuan shop under the succubus theme. It should be pink and fascinating, but He Shan modulated it into a dignified and atmospheric appearance.

Perhaps the appearance of the guard can also be modulated.

But that will have to wait for new guards to grow out.

After using the theme, in the basement of Suiyuan Xiaopu, thirty mechanical eggs a few meters high appeared, occupying a lot of space, and it took eight hours for these mechanical eggs to hatch.

"I don't know if these train guards will have the weakness of energy bombs after they hatch. Maybe they should be made some iron panties."

He Shan retracted his gaze from the mechanical egg, and took out dozens of corpses from the spare decomposition warehouse.

These corpses are all domain owners!

Among them, only seven or eight were domain owners who turned into nobles, and the rest were harvested by He Shan from other cities, including the maglev that caused He Shan to suffer some hardships.

There are actually many domain owners in Songyang City, but most of them are sucked in by the Ten Thousand Demons Tree, so He Shan can only decompose these first.

Many of these domain masters are Tier 5 monsters. After decomposing them all, He Shan should be able to decompose the Ten Thousand Demon Tree.

He Shan did not personally handle the decomposition of the domain owner, but asked Jade and other shop assistants to help him decompose.

A total of more than fifty domain owners, one after another to decompose, it took a full six or seven hours.

After they had sorted them out, He Shan went over and took a look and directly received more than 50 domain master certificates.

Seeing the proof of these domain owners, He Shan's eyes glowed.

"With these proofs, plus those trains, I can connect to a few more cities. In addition, there are several places in Haibei Province like Jinpan City. I can incorporate them into my transportation system."

"In addition, when the transportation network is sufficiently developed, I can also add some of the four to eight levels of overlapping areas to the Suiyuan hunting special line."

"Although this kind of overlapping area will disappear as long as the domain owner is hunted, but the body of the domain owner will come to Suiyuan Shop. I can use the domain owner's certificate to connect the new overlapping area again."

He Shan's eyes are getting brighter, and he already has a huge plan in his heart.

However, if you want to connect the transportation of the entire Haibei Province and establish a dynamic hunting line, you need to make careful planning, and you can't do it by just thinking about it.

If He Shan is allowed to do it by himself, it will not only be laborious, but may also make a mess.

So He Shan called Jade over and asked her to set up an expert group to plan.

The members of the expert group must have road experts as well as experts from the Anomaly Management Bureau, who are responsible for providing intelligence and selection of overlapping areas.

During the period when He Shan left, the anomaly management department originally located in Zhongzhou has already begun to relocate to Haibei Province.

So as long as they communicate and coordinate with them, it is completely possible to obtain intelligence on the overlapping areas of the entire province.

After the establishment of this expert group, He Shan only needs to be a tool man once a week to complete the concept of a transportation network.

Every time a domain owner certificate is used, Suiyuan Shop will increase the power of an overlapping area.

He Shan really wants to know how strong Suiyuan Shop will be after getting the certificate of the domain owner for the entire earth and all overlapping In addition, these domain owners have returned to him. Good a surprise.

An enhanced pronucleus that is very suitable for his current abilities!

Prokaryotic name is double the number of projectiles!

The standard for projectiles here is the simple trajectory of the sorcerer's long-range ability, straight line or parabolic attack, all can receive the bonus of this pronuclear ability.

He Shan's long sword can trigger the effect of this ability as long as it uses a straight attack.

Three times the third order, six times the number of fourth orders, and twelve times the fifth order!

In other words, when He Shan raises this energy to rank 5, a sword shot out will turn into twelve in mid-air!

And He Shan now has sixty long swords, all of which are fired in a straight line, it will become seven hundred and twenty!

This is only the limit of the fifth rank, if it reaches the sixth rank... what can be confirmed is that the effect will be terrible!

Although the power of the long sword will be weakened to a certain extent when this ability is triggered, it is completely worthwhile compared to the effect that can be achieved.

So He Shan used this pronucleus without hesitation.

A ray of light melted into He Shan's body, and He Shan gained new abilities.

Like the One Sword and Three Links ability, this ability is also attached with a small energy core. When using this ability, it consumes the energy of the small energy core.

But because of the evolution of He Shan's energy core before, even the newly born small energy core, the energy that can be stored in it, is much more exaggerated than the energy core of an ordinary sorcerer.

He Shan now is a super fort full of energy!

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