Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 539: 6 new clerks

He Shan's first ability is leaves.

His fighting style has always been based on this ability.

These leaves are very useful, but they don't have roots, they just wander unconsciously.

After using the golden veins, these leaves no longer wandered disorderly, but took root on the big tree He Shan.

He Shan didn't know how his leaves and power had changed.

But with roots, it will always be different.

Putting away his wanton agitation ability, a dark golden light flashed in He Shan's eyes.

The specific changes in abilities can be seen after the fact. Now, let's talk about the harvest after checking and decomposing the Ten Thousand Demons Tree.

The next pile of things is a pile of fruits.

The fruit is golden in color, with a human face on it, the size of a human fist.

This is the fruit of the golden fruit tree, each fruit contains powerful energy.

It can instantly recover all the injuries of the sorcerer below the crown, even if the sorcerer is only flexible, he can use this fruit to reshape his body.

He Shan intends to keep twenty of them as his own rejuvenation medicine.

The rest is sold in Suiyuan Shop.

After the golden fruits, there are more black fruits, the energy of these fruits has been exhausted, and they are all filled with resentment and hatred.

It may be very useful for those who hide in the dark, but for He Shan, the value is not as good as a basket of pears, so he plans to destroy these fruits in a while.

In addition, there are dozens of domain owner certificates stacked together.

Those monsters that were integrated into the Ten Thousand Monster Tree were not completely digested, so these domain masters proved to be rescued by the decomposition machine.

These proofs of the domain owner are enough for He Shan to plan several more roads, and he doesn't need to deliberately collect the domain owner's certificate in the near future.

In addition, there are several auxiliary holy emblems, a lot of pronuclei of various abilities, and some other props.

These were all decomposed from thousands of monster bodies, and the number was astonishing. If the decomposer had just evolved once, the warehouse of Suiyuan Shop really couldn't hold these things.

Finally, there is a set of furniture made of golden fruit tree wood.

As large as beds, tables, chairs and benches, cabinets, bookshelves, coffee tables, as small as bracelets, fan bones, tickles, etc., they are all made of one kind of wood.

Gold wood is golden in texture, heavy and heavy, and much harder than metal. In He Shan's view, its value is far more than that of golden nanmu.

He Shan chose a few pieces of these pieces of furniture, and the rest were uniformly deployed by jadeite.

The few he chose were dung pegs, toilet seats, shit-stirring sticks...

Now the stalls of Suiyuan Xiaopu are bigger, and you need high-quality furniture everywhere.

After all the tasks were completed, He Shan went to Jinpan City alone to test his abilities.

After a riot, He Shan returned to the Suiyuan Shop with satisfaction.

He was very much looking forward to seeing the big scene when he was cruising against the Ten Thousand Demons Tree again.

In such a situation, he does not need those ghosts to help delay time, he is an army alone!


After returning to Suiyuan Xiaopu, the train guard has successfully hatched.

A total of thirty huge robots of different models were parked in the warehouse, which caused He Shan's headache.

However, their strength still satisfied He Shan. A robot with Demon Flame on its body had already reached the level of an ordinary Tier 5 robot.

And the other twenty robots have reached the fourth-tier strength.

These robots, when they get into the overlapping area, are terrifying fighter machines.

However, some of their styles were too eye-catching. He Shan studied them and changed them back to the style of succubus.

It's just this change, just a change in appearance. When fighting, they still have to break through the skin of the succubus to go all out.

But that's much more pleasing to the eye than so many robots.

Then He Shan called a guard over and asked her to take out all the soul dolls that had been decomposed recently, and He Shan just got two good soul dolls when he was decomposing the domain master.

After some careful selection by He Shan, he finally selected six new shop assistants.

They are three women and three men.

The first female clerk was the stunning female demon that He Shan caught in Songyang City. She was ranked 5th in strength. The reason for choosing her was mainly because of her beauty.

Well, it's so simple.

Her name, He Shan is tentatively designated as Qingdie.

The second female clerk is the flower sheng from the early decomposition, and her soul doll has always been there.

First of all, she looks good, and secondly, she broke it down and the foot bath is very easy to use. Since the foot bath is so easy to use, my massage skills should be even more exquisite.

He Shan named her Jiang Shenghua. From now on, she will be Director Jiang of the Massage Office of Suiyuan Xiaopu.

The third female clerk, the prototype is a violent cow, the reason for choosing her is very simple and rude, so I won't go into details here.

Her name is Niu Ru.

There is probably only one reason for choosing female shop assistants. Choosing male shop assistants value their abilities.

The first male clerk was the maglev train robot that He Shan caught in Songyang!

The maglev is powerful and the ability to manipulate metals can make it easier to lay the railway in the future.

The most important thing is that he is handsome!

Mecha is a man's romance. He Shan feels very comfortable just putting this huge robot there.

The second male clerk was a shriveled old man.

Don't underestimate this guy, he is a strange pharmacist.

Now the area of ​​Fengren Street is full of special plants from various overlapping areas, and the old man can make these plants into special potions to add some extra goods to Suiyuan Shop .

He Shan intends to name him Yaoshui Guy.

The last one is the weird man with blue skin.

This guy's strength is average and looks ugly, but his first-hand space attribute ability is very thorough.

He can help He Shan to manage the goods more conveniently. From now on, he will be the warehouse manager of Suiyuan Shop.

He Shan named this guy Blue Sales.

Blue Butterfly, Jiang Shenghua, Niu Ru, Maglev, Medicine Shui Lao, Blue are on sale.

These six people are the new clerk of Suiyuan Shop. With them, the operation of Suiyuan Shop will be smoother, which can be said to be even more powerful.

After all this is done, it's time for Suiyuan Shop to open again.

Standing at the door of Suiyuan Shop, Li Yuansheng couldn't help feeling sighed as he looked at this brand-new building.

It can be said that he watched the Suiyuan shop develop. In the beginning, this broken shop had nothing but rotten leaves and meat.

And now it can be regarded as the center of Zhongzhou sorcerer, even if you have to queue up to buy Suiyuan Erguotou!

This gave him a lot of accomplishment.

After sighing, he pushed around with the people around him, no matter what, he must be the first to enter the new Suiyuan Department Store.

In the past, no one in Lianhai City dared to compete with him, but with the beginning of the relocation of the headquarters, there were more and more powerful people in Lianhai City, and Li Yuansheng was no longer a unique boss.

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