Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 541: Old man in red

Driving a motorcycle, He Shan came to the edge of Zhulin City.

After another distance, He Shan narrowed his eyes when he reached the edge of the city's buildings.

A strange breath directly confused He Shan's face.

This force is not strong. Calculated according to the energy intensity of the overlapping area, it is at the level of four at best, and it can produce a third-order monster on its own.

But the aura here gave He Shan an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

It was as if there was something hiding behind this aura, staring at everything in this city all the time, giving He Shan a sense of being peeped.

In addition, there is another feeling, but He Shan is hard to describe.

A thin layer of energy appeared, completely separating He Shan from the outside world. He Shan felt much more comfortable and then proceeded along the road.

As soon as they walked more than 100 meters away, dozens of people pounced on it.

These people are men, women and children, rushing towards He Shan frantically, and some even jumped directly from the top of the building.

Most of them are the same as the couple He Shan met before, with red lines on their faces.

A small part of the body has been alienated. Some have insect mouthparts on their mouths, and some of their hands and feet have turned into scary limbs with **** mucus.

When the first person is about to meet He Shan.

He Shan stretched out his left hand across his chest, and then shook it towards the back. A strong wind spread out around He Shan, and dozens of leaves were flying in the wind.

When this gust of wind passed, all the alienated humans nearby stopped their movements.

He Shan twisted the accelerator and continued to drive deep into the city.

After a while, another breeze blew by, and all the alienated people who stood still in the same place turned into pieces everywhere!

After successively strengthening, He Shan's strength is no longer what it used to be, and these alienated people do not threaten him at all.

The deeper he went into the city, the more gloomy He Shan's face became.

There are too many alienated people, and they all add up to millions, and there will be a bunch of people attacking wherever they go.

Among them are some alienated people who are almost completely alienated, as well as guys who have become alienated people from sorcerers.

Although He Shan is confident in his own strength, he doesn't like the feeling of mowing. Although these guys have some kind of pollution, they still have a human body. Killing too many will affect their mental health.

So He Shan put away the motorcycle, covered his breath, and continued to move forward calmly.

When he walked to the center of the city, He Shan saw a group of weird things floating in the sky, like a deformed monster spliced ​​by countless spiders.

This monster was floating in the air, and countless silk threads were "spattered" down and spread to the entire city.

Under the monster's body, these silk threads are white, but when they spread far away, these threads become thinner and thinner and more transparent.

Those alienated people who came to He Shan should have similar threads on their heads.

And the weird blood vessels in the alienated human body should also be transformed from this silk thread.

While He Shan was observing, a figure quietly walked behind He Shan.

"Unfamiliar sorcerer, do you want to understand, the savior of the world, the sage who guides the earth on the right path, the supreme existence who makes trouble anyway, the great devil of destiny."

He Shan turned around and found a white-haired old man in red standing behind him.

There seemed to be no energy aura in this old man. There are also no conspicuous red lines on the face.

But if you look closely, you can see that every fiber on the red robe on his body is squirming slightly. Others just have some alienated blood vessels in their bodies, and his whole clothes are woven from that kind of weird stuff. of.

In addition, He Shan thinks that hiding is perfect, but this old man can find him, so I am afraid that there are all areas of heaven and that thing around here, and he will be discovered as long as he enters.

But even if he was discovered, He Shan didn't panic. He turned his head and asked, "Do you know the main money of your family's destiny?"

The old man smiled: "You don't need to spend money, just have a sincere heart."

He Shan shook his head: "If you don't spend money, then I don't understand, I just can't spend more money."

The old man was stunned for a moment: "Then... want money?"

He Shan curled his lips: "Are you asking for money again? Backward, without a word of truth, I don't want to understand false things."

The old man's face turned gloomy: "Are you playing tricks on me?"

"You are right." He Shan gave a thumbs up.

Chi Chi!

The old man looked angry at once, his robe disintegrated, and the blood-colored thread formed a fierce blood dragon, roaring towards He Shan.

He Shan spread his wings behind his back and flew lightly.

The blood dragon slammed on the ground, making a faint sound, and then leaped into the air to chase He Shan.

The ground that had been attacked by the blood dragon seemed to have nothing happened, but when He Shan fell again, the land with a radius of more than ten meters suddenly sank, and dust was flying to cover the vicinity.

It turns out that the ground has long been penetrated countless times by fine bloodshot eyes, and it still looks intact on the surface, but the inside has already been full of holes.

Looking at this destructive power, it is much more dangerous than the normal fifth-order monster.

It’s just that although the blood dragon is powerful, the old man who controls the blood dragon is a bit This blood dragon is made from his clothes, so the old guy is wearing only one piece because he hasn’t washed it for a long time. And the yellowed boxer briefs, the shriveled figure trembling in the cold wind.

He Shan dodged several times, but did not counterattack.

The old man still feared him because of why Shan, and kept ranting wild words to He Shan.

"You will taste what the real pain is, and your body will become a hornet's nest..."

"Excuse me, please shut up first."

He Shan stretched out his hand to the old man, then raised his head to look at the sky.

"Aren't you going to make a move? You don't really think that this old thing can take me down."

" can't do anything to me?"

The behemoth in the sky remained motionless, it seemed that it was a dead thing, and would not react to He Shan.

But He Shan once killed one such thing in the form of Suiyuan store manager.

He knew in his heart that although this thing was not a living thing, it should be able to react to the surroundings.

But the one that He Shan killed has not yet become its current final form, so maybe there is a difference between the two.

"Since you don't move, then I won't play with this old man!"

He Shan turned his head and looked at the old man. Ten energy swords floated in front of his fingers. Then he pushed his fingers forward and all the energy swords shot towards the old man.

These long swords began to split in mid-air, and when they were about to hit the old man, they had already become sixty!

On the way to Zhulin City, He Shan exercised the ability to double the number of projectiles to the fourth order, and the multiple became six times.

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