Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 552: Bonoyev

He Shan threw the whole chicken wings into his mouth, chewing the bones together and swallowing them into his stomach.

Then he started to look at this strong man with hostility on his face.

The aura on this guy is very strong and he is not an opponent that can be underestimated. There is a scarlet mark like a spider on his forehead, and it seems that he should be a sorcerer controlled by the Demon Lord of Destiny.

The destiny master smiled in the dark.

This brawny man named Bonoyev was one of the powerful sorcerers before the collapse of Xiongzhou, and he already had crown-level strength.

Once he was the enemy of Destiny Lord, but in the end Bonoyev could not keep up with the growth rate of Destiny Devil's strength. He was left behind by Destiny Devil and became a sad puppet.

He wants to use Bonoyev to test He Shan's strength.

If He Shan didn't show anything abnormal, he could finally make his debut.

Although he has an absolutely powerful strength, being cautious has always been his motto, otherwise he wouldn't be able to rank among the four great masters of Xiongzhou.


"Although I don't understand Xiongzhou, Suka is not a curse, right? How can you, a big man, be so impolite?"

He Shan said to Bonoyev seriously.

Songyang City, Zhulin City, the encounters in these two cities made him accustomed to the sorcerers controlled by monsters.

He knew that although these schemists were forced to fight for the enemy, they were actually the most painful in their hearts.

So when faced with such a controlled sorcerer, He Shan was willing to treat him as a normal person.

A strange color flashed in Bonoyev's eyes, but his body moved immediately.


He stepped on the ground suddenly, like a huge brown bear, and rushed towards He Shan.

The blood red spread on He Shan, the maple leaf mode was turned on, and his bodily functions were extremely improved.

When Bonoyev rushed over, he suddenly bowed his head to avoid his pounce, and then hugged Bonoyev's belt with both hands, lifted from the ground, and threw his body abruptly.

After flying Bonoyev, He Shan immediately released the maple leaf mode, and dozens of energy swords floated at his fingertips and shot in the direction of Bonoyev.

Before he landed, he was already pierced into a hedgehog.

Bonoyev fell to the ground, his body motionless, as if he was dead.

He Shan frowned slightly, with Bonoyev's breath, he shouldn't be so easy on the street.

But the Destiny Demon in the dark has already curled his mouth.

The dark golden energy sword on Bonoyev's body gradually disappeared, and the wine bottle in his hand turned dark golden. He sat up and drank the wine in the bottle, revealing a refreshing look.

"Bonoyev can **** the attack into the bottle and then ingest it into his body."

Then Bonoyev put his hand on his belt, and suddenly six wine bottles appeared on his belt, three of which were golden and three were red.

He picked up a red wine bottle and threw it at He Shan.

He Shan was vigilant, and an energy sword flew to smash the wine bottle, but a raging fire suddenly appeared in the wine bottle, surrounding He Shan's location.

The Destiny Lord muttered to himself in the dark: "The attack that is taken into Bonoyev's body will be compressed and transformed into several wine bottles. Throwing these wine bottles can return the attack!"

"This is Bonoyev's crowning ability, life-threatening vodka!"

Killing vodka is not simply letting the attack return.

Like the big fire that He Shan created before, in fact, there is no threat to He Shan himself. He can even bathe in the flames.

But when all the heat of the flame is concentrated in the three wine bottles, the temperature is a bit threatening to He Shan.

Bonoyev stood up and threw two red bottles at He Shan's place.

The flame suddenly burned more vigorously, not only the surrounding ice and snow, but even the ground was exposed, and the ground was slowly melting.

Bonoyev's eyes dimmed, and he turned to leave.

But at this moment, a huge energy wave came from the flame.


The golden light was shining, and the six dark golden light wings opened, and each wing was several meters long.

The huge wind pressure brought by the spread of the wings blew all the flames away, and the surrounding snow suddenly melted into a stream of water.

He Shan floated in the air, his dark golden eyes looking at Bonoyev coldly.

Wings moved slightly, He Shan flew in the direction of Bonoyev, and the Sword of Nirvana appeared in his hand. When the distance was more than 20 meters, He Shan slashed at Bonoyev.

The Nirvana Sword could not release its sword aura, but this long sword was strangely extended and directly turned into a forty-meter long sword.

Bonoyev roared and smashed the wine bottle towards the sword. An iron ring appeared on his head. This iron ring was his crown.

The wine bottle collided with the big sword, and there was a roar, the surrounding land was opened, and Bonoyev flew upside down.

After falling to the ground, Bonoyev raised a submachine gun and blatantly fired at He Shan.

This is in addition to life-threatening vodka, his another powerful ability, lethal Bobosha!

This Bobosha submachine gun was realized by his ability. It has an unlimited amount of bullets, and the power of each bullet is extremely amazing.

Da Da Da Da!

Poposa opened fire, and its rate of fire was comparable to that of a Gatling gun.

He Shan's six wings protect No matter which angle the bullet is from, there is no way to hit He Shan's body.

But the power of this bullet really exceeded He Shan's expectations.

Not only was the rate of fire ridiculously high, but every bullet was no less than a sword shot by He Shan, the wings of the sky trembled, and He Shan retreated steadily.

According to this attack frequency, Sky Wings will be unable to hold on after a while.

So He Shan decided to take the initiative, and the two long swords entered his hands, changed their shape and started, and appeared behind Bonoyev.

Bonoyev used his life-threatening vodka skills in front of He Shan twice, knowing that he had the ability to absorb energy attacks and range attacks.

Therefore, in He Shan's view, the best way to deal with Bonoyev is to use a long sword to fight him in close quarters, so that his submachine gun can't be used.

After getting close, Bonoyev was hurriedly backed by He Shanzhan's hands.

But the devil of destiny showed a dark smile.

"This kind of combat strategy is too naive. Doing so does not give him a chance to absorb your energy, but do you think the crown-level ability is such a simple thing."

"He doesn't absorb yours, hasn't he absorbed anything else before?"

After several swords were cut from his body, Bonoyev's eyes showed a red light, and a crimson wine bottle appeared in his hand and slammed it in He Shan's direction.

After the wine bottle fell on the ground, it suddenly exploded, and the bright red lava and dark smoke immediately engulfed He Shan's direction.

This is the energy that Bonoyev absorbed when the volcano erupted!

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