Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 555: The real battle has just begun

He Shan's expression gradually returned to normal as he listened to the words of the Demon Lord of Destiny.

He was clearly caught, but he couldn't see a trace of horror on his face. His calm eyes were like the victor who was caught, not the devil of fate.

The Destiny Lord frowned: "Why are you not scared at all? Do you think I'm bragging."

He Shan shook his head: "I believe what you said."

"But the outcome has not yet been decided. It is too early for you to say the declaration of victory now."

The Destiny Lord was expressionless, but his heart was stunned.

He knew from the beginning that since He Shan dared to provoke him and came to Xiongzhou, he must have a hole card in his hand.

But he thinks that he can threaten the land of the devil master of fate.

Before, he thought that the trump card was He Shan's projector projection.

It now appears that He Shan's real hole card has not been shown yet.

But now the Demon Lord of Destiny doesn't want to continue to test He Shan. The death of Bonoyev just now made the Destiny Lord's actions a little big, which attracted some other things.

The other three demon masters watched the excitement just outside the realm.

If he allowed He Shan to take advantage of it, the three guys would laugh at it.

So he raised his hand, and silk threads rushed toward He Shan's head.

No matter what hole cards He Shan has, as long as he is parasitized by his thread, those hole cards will be the master of his destiny.

The strands of white silk are about to approach He Shan.

And He Shan closed his eyes.


The sound of silk thread piercing into the body appeared, and it spread far in the quiet snow.

But what makes the demon master of fate a little unbelievable is that these threads pierced into the bodies of those snowmen!

When his silk thread was approaching He Shan, it was bounced away!

So he immediately ordered the snowman to twist He Shan's head, he no longer wanted He Shan to be his puppet.

But He Shan, who was originally restrained by a steady voltage, stood up!

The snowmen wanted to complete the instructions of the Destiny Demon Lord, but their hands stopped when they were one centimeter away from He Shan, and they couldn't stop any movement of He Shan.

He Shan put away the fairly complete longsword, and then looked at the Destiny Demon Lord with calm eyes: "The battle just now was to collect some information, and now the real battle begins!"

His shoulders shook, and all the snowmen around him suddenly broke apart.

This time they became minced meat directly, and even the silk thread of the Demon Lord of Destiny could not bond them together.

"This... what happened?"

The Destiny Demon took two steps back and looked around in horror.

He suddenly felt that the concentration of trickery energy in his domain had suddenly increased.

This should have been something to be happy about, but the energies of the ascension did not listen to his orders, and a strange feeling appeared in his heart.

The Spider Silk Domain is clearly his domain, but now he feels like standing in someone else's domain.

He Shan stood on the spot, wearing a white robe and a white mask on his face.

This is how he looks at the Suiyuan shop, and now he has turned on the Suiyuan store manager mode!

He is not a fool, knowing that he is not the opponent of Destiny Demon, of course it is impossible to come to the appointment like this.

Before provoking the Destiny Demon Lord, He Shan collected a large number of domain master certificates.

He used those domain owners to prove that a narrow overlapping area was paved along the highway all the way north, until it reached the boundary of the two continents.

Then he laid a big circle in Xiongzhou.

After preparing for all this, He Shancai provokes the devil of Destiny and comes to Xiongzhou for the appointment!

As long as the Demon Lord of Destiny appears, then the final winner must be He Shan.

Even if the Destiny Lord does not come out, He Shan hasn't lost anything. Anyway, the road to follow the fate will be paved to the north one day.

Outside of the spider silk domain of the Destiny Demon Lord, He Shan also felt the other three powerful wills.

The master of these three wills, now staying outside the spider silk domain, smilingly watching the troubles of the Destiny Demon Lord, did not realize that the danger was approaching.

Suddenly a powerful aura burst out of the Destiny Demon Lord.

This momentum is more than ten times stronger than when he fought with He Shan, and the ground was shaken out of the cracks.

When He Shan put on that suit, he recognized He Shan.

One of his servants wanted to sow his power in Lianhai City, Central Continent, and control the young sorcerers there. That incident was caused by the shopkeeper Suiyuan.

"It turned out to be you, so you came this time because you hated me for going to your site a while ago, so you came to me for revenge?"

"Don't think that when I withdrew my strength, I was afraid of you. I just don't want to fight in your territory."

"Now this is my place, even you don't even want to leave alive!"

Endless silk threads spread out from the underground, turning the entire field of spider silk into a white world.

When dealing with He Shan before, the silk thread used was only a few cubic meters above the sky, but the white silk thread mobilized now has the volume of a big mountain!

This is the real strength of Destiny Demon Lord!


"Desperate Silk Sea!"

A huge amount of silk thread, like a tsunami, flooded He Shan's location, and under the friction of the huge force, there was a faint sound of thunder.

Everything within the range, whether it was snow, rocks, or those long sword fragments that He Shan hadn't recovered, all silently turned into powder.

But this was not over yet, the Destiny Lord folded his hands together, and then opened his eyes wide.

"Magic Silk Hanging Tomb!"

All the silk threads began to rotate and squeeze and finally turned into a white silk ball with a diameter of more than ten meters and suspended in the air. There is huge pressure in this white silk ball, even if it is Coal will be squeezed into diamonds!

The Destiny Lord looked up at the silk ball, his eyes narrowed, and a slender silk thread appeared in his hand.

"Don't you, it can be solved so easily, if you are still alive, don't stay in it."

Dozens of huge rings appeared outside the huge skein.

These rings quickly turned, and all the highly compressed silk threads suddenly turned into powder and fell on the ground. There was no wrinkle in He Shan's white robe in the center of the ball.

He looked down at the Destiny Demon Lord, a little surprised in his heart.

Is this the eighth-level monster? The power just now made him feel a little bit of pressure.

Although this pressure is not obvious, it does exist.

The only thing that made He Shan feel pressure before was the attack from across the starry sky.

The eighth rank is already like this, so what about the ninth rank powerhouse, is it the same level of strength as yourself?

Below, the Demon Lord of Destiny was even more shocked and inexplicable.

He had already made a full shot just now. Although he knew that He Shan would not die under this trick, he didn't expect that He Shan would have no reaction at all.

If he avoided, then Destiny Demon could still understand.

But he took his attack head-on, and he was unscathed!

What kind of powerhouse can do this?

Destiny Lord looked up at the sky, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

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