Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 559: Wayward Shop

However, He Shan is not the only famous sorcerer.

Three months' time difference, coupled with He Shan's non-stop opening of small stoves, He Shan's friends have also become Tier 5 sorcerers, becoming famous in Lianhai City.

Desperate Angel Schopje is the hottest gimmick below the crown level.

No one knows what Xiaopjie's abilities are, and everyone who has fought with him keeps silent about his abilities.

People only know that Xiaopjie often likes to explore overlapping areas on his own.

There was even one who was too curious about Xiaopujie, so he had a private discussion with Xiaopujie.

The details of that battle were not released to the outside world.

But no matter how people asked, the crown-level powerhouse kept silent about it, and his face was very weird, so people guessed that the crown-level powerhouse should have lost.

This has made Chopjie's reputation soaring.

He Shan felt that it was reasonable for Xiaopujie's current position of strength.

Because when Xiaopujie was promoted to Tier 4 and Tier 5, He Shan helped him choose his abilities.

Back in Danning City, He Shan's robot hunted down a terrifying Tier 5 monster.

That monster's name is-dung sea mad maggot!

If it wasn't because the robot guards weren't creatures in the traditional sense, maybe even He Shan couldn't do anything about that overlapping area.

And the essence abilities of the dung sea maggots have been received by Xiaopjie!

In addition, Bao Lili established a martial arts school in Lianhai City and became the premier martial arts master.

Many sorcerers can get a higher level of strength through her guidance.

Although his strength is not as good as Xiaopjie, he is still a figure in Lianhai City.

Le Qingyi, with peerless appearance and white hair, is now the second female idol in the sorcerer world.

The appearance is invincible, he can heal pain, his personality is good, and he is very good at playing at critical moments.

Both male and female sorcerers have absolutely no resistance to Le Qingyi, and even a deformed sorcerer organization like Le Qingyi's guard army has appeared.

This magician world goddess, every once in a while, would like to find opportunities to get together with He Shan.

But after seeing the strength of Sagatos, He Shan has been busy exercising, wanting to improve his realm of strength, so he refused Le Qingyi's invitation every time.

This made Le Qingyi very sad. If the guards knew He Shan's existence, someone might come to He Shan desperately.

Many people may be curious at this time.

Le Qingyi is so beautiful, she is the second female idol, then who is the first female idol?

The first female idol, in He Shan's bed.

That's right, it's the emerald that He Shan used as a pillow.

Suiyuan Xiaopu has ushered in an earth-shaking change in the lives of all the sorcerers in Haibei Province. As long as they are not the white-eyed wolf sorcerer, they are very grateful to Suiyuan Xiaopu.

And now Jade is the owner of Suiyuan Shopping Mall, and people have more impressions of her than He Shan, the shopkeeper who shakes his hands.

In addition, the jade's appearance and strength convinced the sorcerers.

In addition to Xiaopujie, Le Qingyi, Bao Lili and other three teammates.

"Mad Dog" looked deeply, "Endless Rebound" Yuan Run, "Sun Rider" Tian Chong, "Ammunition Depot" Lao Zhilan, etc., all of which are famous.

At this time, Lianhai City had become a forbidden area for monsters.

In addition, the relocation of the headquarters of the Abnormal Management Bureau has also been completed.

In Fengren Street, there are a few more Crown-level residents, and there are often Crown-level powerhouses appearing in Lianhai City, which makes Lianhai City safer.

After playing for an afternoon and experiencing the changes in Lianhai City, He Shan put his heart away and prepared to go home and continue to exercise.

However, on the way home, he saw a small advertisement on the street lamp near Suiyuan Shop.

Seeing this small advertisement, He Shan was immediately unhappy.

How can this kind of urban psoriasis appear here?

Fengren Street is his site. Posting small advertisements here is as annoying as the toilet cover of He Shan's house.

When he was about to tear it off, He Shan was attracted by the content on the small advertisement.

The headline of the small ad is: Wayward Shop!

The following is:

There is recklessness in the north, and willfulness in the south. Come and visit Qingteng City's Wayward Shop!

Bartering, intense and exciting, gives you a different shopping experience.

He Shan's face was full of question marks, what is this all about.

Qingteng City is in Ludong Province in the south of Lianhai City. The two cities face each other across the sea, and the straight-line distance is even closer than Jinpan City.

However, because it is not in a province and the sea is not open to traffic, Qingteng City does not enjoy the convenience of Suiyuan Shop.

This little note gave He Shan a very uncomfortable feeling.

He Shanyou's casual shop, the other party is called willful shop, and the advertisement has hit the Fengrenjie. Is this a rush, is it a provocation?

It's like Kang Shuaifu, Lei Bi, six nuclear bombs, and the great dew...

But if this wayward shop really has something that can bring benefits to the sorcerer, He Shan won't bother with this shop.

After returning home, He Shan ordered the people to clear the small advertisements on Fengren Street.

Then on the Internet, search for information about Qingteng City.

The most popular is a video taken by a passerby.

In a busy city, a pitted man riding a motorcycle came to a melon stall and asked in a vicious tone: "How are these melons sold?"

"Twenty-eight," the boss with small eyes like a bull terrier replied casually.

The cheating man smiled: "Your melon skin is made of gold, or the melon particles are made of gold."

The small-eyed man disdainfully said: "Don't say so much, do you want it?"

The cheating man smiled and said, "If your melon is cooked, I will definitely want it!"

After speaking, he picked up the watermelon knife and slashed it on a watermelon.


There was a crisp sound, and the scarred man's hands were numb, and he saw that the watermelon skin was shattered by his cutting, and the golden light appeared inside.

This turned out to be really a golden watermelon!

The small-eyed man was angry when he saw it: "You dare to chop me!"

He deceived him to and took the watermelon knife of the cheating man, stabbing it into the stomach of the cheating man, and the cheating man fell unwillingly.

"Kill, kill!"

The surrounding crowd yelled in horror, and the little-eyed man rode on the pit-faced man's motorcycle and disappeared into the crowd with a smile.

Looking at the comments at the bottom of the video, the murdered cheat-faced man was a big bully in Qingteng City, nicknamed "Melon Chopper", and his biggest hobby is to harm the vendors.

A bully was killed, which seems to be a good thing.

But since that day, the order of Qingteng City seems to have undergone tremendous changes.

Murders on the street have become commonplace. Vendettas, murders, love killings, gang fires and... all kinds of violent cases have emerged one after another.

The Abnormal Management Bureau of Qingteng City does not have a strong desire to manage this situation, and the lives of ordinary citizens have been greatly affected.

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