Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 598: I have a showdown

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The team leader hesitated for a moment, and left with his men.

This task was issued by the Anomaly Management Bureau, and they must unconditionally obey He Shan's order.

Now in the warehouse, only He Shan and twenty-two prisoners were left.

He Shan smiled and looked at these people: "This day's time, I have been interesting enough for you, so I need you to repay me next."

The prisoners glanced at each other, and then rushed towards He Shan'gratefully'.

Some of them have scissors from the clothing store in their hands, and some with chopsticks from restaurants. In short, they have all kinds of weapons.

Although this day comes down, He Shan may treat them better than their parents.

But they knew in their hearts that they had never been kind to them for no reason.

The better He Shan treats them, the more dangers they may face.

So you can't wait for the danger to appear before reacting. He Shan should be killed now.

The watch jewelry on his body can sell for some money. This person has a lot of money, and he must have a lot of money.

After killing him, he hid in the corner of Laizhou City.

If you are lucky, you will be able to broaden the sky, and if you are not lucky, you will only be in prison again.

There was a mocking look in He Shan's eyes: "Is it really good for you to be like this? I paid for your food and clothing today."

"The cat is crying and the mouse is falsely compassionate. Go to death." A female prisoner waved a knife with a bitter expression.

These people wielded their weapons indiscriminately, without any tactics. He Shan just moved slightly, and they couldn't even touch the corners of He Shan's clothes.

He Shan sighed and shook his head: "I wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, but I only got resentment in return."

"Now I don't pretend, I have a showdown, I'm a schemist."

As soon as He Shan talked, everyone calmed down. Their faces were horrified, as if they were facing something terrifying, their bodies trembled slightly, and they didn't even move.

This is not because they were shocked by He Shan's words, but because He Shan released his aura.

Put a long sword against their skin, and if you move it rashly, they will be cut into pieces of flesh and blood.

Moreover, their spirits were also being pierced by the long sword, and in just a few seconds, they all fainted.

In fact, He Shan did not release the long sword. All they saw were their own imagination. This is the majesty of the sword king that He Shan exercised in order to advance to the crown!

There was only a thin woman, holding an awl in her hand, standing trembling in place.

She can stand, not because she is strong, but He Shan needs a gasp to act as the first bait.

He put all the others away, and then looked at the woman, with a grin at the corner of his mouth: "What's your name? The name of Yingzhou people is a bit long, it's not easy to remember."

The woman swallowed: "Tomoko Komizuuchi."

He Shan patted her shoulder: "Very well, Nai Tomoko, let's start with you first."

After talking about He Shan, he disappeared in the same place, leaving only Nai Tomoko standing in the empty warehouse.


The lights of the warehouse were directly extinguished, and in the huge warehouse, only the sound of Nai Tomoko's breathing remained.

"Light, where is the light, turn on the light!"

Nai Tomoko panicked all of a sudden. In the past few years, the fear of darkness has penetrated into the hearts of every Yingzhou person, even in the prison, with constant lights 24 hours a day.

If you are a normal person, you will always have a candle lighter at home, and you will also have a flashlight when you go out.

But she just came out of prison, and now she has nothing in her hands.

"Sorry, the power went out. You can hold on for a while. I'll go out and find a candle for you." He Shan's voice came from and then he didn't respond to Tomoko again.

Based on memory, Uchiko found the door of the warehouse, and wanted to open the door and walk out from here.

Even if it is dark, as long as there is moonlight, she will feel more at ease.

But she immediately discovered that the door of the warehouse couldn't be opened at all. It had been locked by heavy chains, and she couldn't get out even if there was a light.

From childhood to adulthood, Naitoko had a grumpy temper and had a serious tendency to hurt others.

She was put in prison and became a death row because she had an argument with the taxi driver and pierced the driver's throat with a knife.

But even such a ruthless woman, in such an environment, was scared to cry.

Crying and crying, her body stiffened.

Because she felt that something cold had hit the back of her hand.

Those are the tears she shed...

The air is getting cold!

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