Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 188 Making money for free tickets

"You can still get money for free prostitution, so even if you don't know how to sail a boat or read a chart, you still want to come to Higurashi Island?"

In the dense woods of Nigurashi Island, the sunlight is mostly blocked by the wide canopy of the trees, leaving only spots of light on the ground with thick weeds.

Shia sat on the ground with her arms folded, looking resentfully at Li Feng, who was lying next to him and had just woken up from a coma.

Since Higurashi Island is a place where mermaids seduced male crew members, Shia began to question Li Feng's motives.

"What the I that kind of person?"

Sit up from the grass.

While picking the leaves of grass on his body, Li Feng roughly explained that the mermaid Delana asked him to help find the mirror.

"So you have to go all the way to deal with her?"

The dragon clan and the mermaid clan have enmity, and Shia always finds Delana distasteful.

It's obviously the first time we meet, and it's so troublesome to ask someone else. Mermaids are really good at charming and taking advantage of men.

Moreover, Shia inexplicably remembered the first time she met Li Feng. At that time, this human being planned to drown me.

But what about the mermaid? Not only did he take her in, he also went out of his way to help her!


I don't know whether it was the recall of the feeling of having her head pushed into the water or the difference between the two, but Shia felt short of breath. She folded her arms and turned her head to sulk.

"Because Delana said that there is something belonging to the goddess of hunting on the island. As a hunter, I am more curious."

A little helpless, Li Feng lamented that the dragon and the mermaid really hated each other, so he explained the purpose of the trip.

"Things from the Hunting Goddess?"

Shia turned back in surprise, her bright golden eyes blinking again and again, but soon became suspicious and even angry:

"What if she lied to you? What if there is some monster on the island and she wants you to die?

Mermaids are the best at lying. Have they deceived many men?

You...well, so-"

Shia was very irritable at first and wanted to catch Delana.

But as she spoke, she suddenly understood the reason why Li Feng still wanted to wander around the nearby waters even if he couldn't sail a boat.

‘So he was prepared and was not fooled by that mermaid into being confused and didn’t know what he was doing. ’

The golden eyes rolled, and Shia stood up. She stretched out her hand to Li Feng, motioning to pull him up, and said at the same time:

"Let's go."

"Where to go?"

After being pulled to stand up, Li Feng asked unclearly.

"Of course I'm looking for something from the goddess of hunting."

Delana actually knew the secret information related to the Seven Gods, which made Shia very unhappy, and she was still angry.

"Oh - but what if there's a monster on the island?"

Somehow, Li Feng was quite happy to see Shia angry, and he added some insults and jealousy.

"Then I'll burn the monster to death, and then go back and eat grilled fish!"

Shia viciously expressed the price of the mermaid Delana for deceiving them.

Li Feng: "...Okay."

The sea breeze passes through the woods, bringing the freshness of the plants.

"Oh right, wait."

Looking at the mist floating in the distance, Li Feng thought of James and the crew of the Sun and asked them quickly.

When they met by chance, James was very enthusiastic. Even though he didn't actually help much, Li Feng thought this person was pretty good.

At least there's nothing wrong with his character.

Li Feng was still unwilling to stand idly by when innocent people who showed kindness to him were in danger.

"There's nothing we can do about it, they've been charmed by the mermaid and they're going to give birth to a baby."

Shia rolled her eyes. She didn't know whether she was disgusted with the mermaid's methods or resented the lack of success of the humans.

Afterwards, seeing Li Feng confused, she added:

"But the mermaid will give you money, so it can be considered as some compensation."

Li Feng:? ? ?

Hearing what Xia said, Li Feng became even more confused.

"No, maybe I don't quite understand."

Thinking about Shia's words, Li Feng asked:

"When you say the mermaids give birth to children, do you mean that James and the crew will have a little mermaid in their bellies, and then give birth to them many months later?"

"...This is the first time I've heard that human males have this function."

Shia was also confused. She didn't know how Li Feng could be so active in thinking.

"Well - it seems I'm overthinking it."

Talking to himself, Li Feng thought of the plot in Zhiwei again.

What about the story of a scholar who stayed in a ruined temple at night, met a vixen, had his yang energy sucked away, and finally died? He asked again:

"Then will they die?"

"If the mermaid wants their lives, why give them money? And I think even the people who often hang out in the flower street don't seem to have died because of that?"

Shia asked strangely, is she so fragile when her face is full of human men?

Li Feng: "...It turns out that I think too much."

However, if you think about it carefully, you don’t have to get pregnant, it won’t kill you, and you still have money to take...

Thinking of the small advertisement on the telephone pole in the player world, isn't this mermaid the same as the rich woman in the advertisement borrowing it to have a baby?

No wonder Shia said just now that she still had money for free prostitution.

" much will the mermaid give?"

I had heard about this kind of thing before on rule of law programs. It was not easy to meet someone who was so sincere and not deceitful. Li Feng was very curious about the price.

"Well - what I once heard was about a bag of pearls."

Shia thought about various rumors, and then gestured to the size of the bag, which was about the size of an A4 paper.

"so much?"

Surprised at the price, Li Feng blurted out.

Based on the market price he knew, such a bag of pearls, even if they were only of medium quality, would be enough for a person to eat and drink for half a year.

If the quality is good, it is not impossible to live a prosperous life directly.

Li Feng suddenly felt that this was a way to make a fortune.

"Hey! What's this?"

Seeing that Li Feng was surprised that the mermaid gave too much, Shia complained dissatisfiedly because of his wealth, and then changed the subject and asked:

"So, are you still going to save them?"

Shia was referring to James, whom Li Feng was about to rescue just now, and the crew of the Sun.


After learning the true situation, Li Feng hesitated.

Normally, rescuing people means rescuing people from danger, but now, James and the others are not in danger.

Moreover, hearing the laughter and laughter coming from the distant woods, they should be very happy and still have money to take.

And it’s a lot of money.

If he intervened at this time, wouldn't he be a bad person and do a good deed?

"Then...I think it's getting late, let's go find the temple."

Li Feng looked up at the sun blocked by the tree crowns, and walked deeper into the forest.

Shia glanced at the mist in the distance behind her, ignored the mermaid, and stepped forward to follow Li Feng.

On Higurashi Island, the forest is deep and secluded, and everywhere is green and green.


Pushing aside the dense weeds half as high as a person in front of him, Li Feng cleared his mind of all the ridiculous things just now and asked Shia:

“Why is the mermaid’s mist useless to you?

In other words, I am already at level 4, why am I still being controlled by the mermaid? "

When he went to the island just now, Li Feng fell into coma and lost his mind as soon as he was wrapped in the mist.

If it weren't for Shia, he would probably have gotten a bag of pearls from this trip, so this made Li Feng very insecure.

Moreover, he once heard Delana say that the mermaids who come ashore to abduct male humans are all very young, have the need to reproduce, and have not even embarked on the path to transcendence.

Li Feng also felt wary of being controlled by such a weak mermaid.

"They are also an ancient extraordinary race."

Shia rarely spoke for the mermaid, she explained:

"The mermaids are all good at spells such as illusion and charm. After all, this is a necessity for survival.

Thinking about it from another angle, if you need to charm others to enhance your own power and reproduce offspring, then you will definitely be very interested in spells such as charm and illusion.

Over time, mermaids naturally became good at this.

As for why you can't resist even at level 4, I think it's because you haven't learned the hunter's heritage. "

"Hunter inheritance?"

After Xi Ya reminded him, Li Feng remembered this incident.

Among the seven extraordinary professions in the Endless Sea, each profession has its own inheritance.

Inheritance is knowledge and skills.

Every time an extraordinary person is promoted, he will realize extraordinary abilities and strengthen his physique.

And through learning and inheritance, extraordinary people will absorb the experience of their predecessors and use these abilities to the extreme.

Then I thought of the wood elf Chenxing. As the hidden person of the Black and White Courtyard, she was the first to tell Li Feng that there was such a thing as inheritance.

And not only that, she also showed what kind of fighting skills and strength the invisible person would have after learning the inheritance.

Now, if you analyze it carefully, it's probably like the difference between self-study and full-time study.

Not fundamentally different, but the gap is indeed huge.

"You are now a fourth-level hunter, and you should have understood many hunter abilities."

Seeing Li Feng's silence, Shia continued to explain:

“But in fact, the promotion of extraordinary people only understands the most basic abilities.

In fact, there are many things that fourth-level hunters can do, but those require you to learn the relevant inheritance.

For example, placing traps, anticipating dangers, and using some to expel unknown marks.

This is also the reason why most hunters choose to practice in the northern forest, while the hidden ones enter the Black and White Courtyard.

Because in those places, there are relatively comprehensive inheritances of their own extraordinary systems. "

Xia explained, seeing that Li Feng was still a little confused, she picked up a few grass leaves.

She crumpled the blades of grass into a ball in her palm, and then held it for a moment.

The next moment she spread her hands, and under Li Feng's gaze, the ball of grass turned into a rabbit made of grass.

The rabbit jumped out of Shia's palm and ran happily around the tree trunk in the woods.

Then Shia's fingers touched the water droplets on the leaves, and then the water droplets turned into many transparent butterflies, flying around the two of them.

"The abilities that Spellweaver understands at the fourth level are freezing, burning, petrification, and hurricane."

Looking away from the butterfly, Shia, who is in the fourth and seventh level, immediately said:

"But the essence of these abilities is to control elements. After I was promoted, I learned more ways and techniques to control elements by studying relevant inheritance.

For example, turning the elements of wood and water into what I need, and even giving them life for a short time.

These abilities will not be understood when you are promoted, but only when you are promoted can you have the conditions to learn.

But there is another prerequisite, that is, you need to have relevant inheritance. "

Shia said as she waved her hand gently, the rabbit turned back into a blade of grass, and the butterfly made of water disintegrated into mist in the air, leaving pieces of rainbow behind.

At the same time, Shia was confused, Li Feng didn't have a channel to inherit? How can this be?

Because he was promoted too quickly, and every time he asked, he would just lie and excuse himself.

This made Shia think that before coming to Storm Island, there must be elders or teachers in Li Feng's family who had taught him.

Perhaps it directly gave him the inheritance his family owned.

Some big families are like this. As the descendants of extraordinary beings, they don't need to join certain organizations to practice.

Because the resources in the family and the inheritance accumulated over generations are enough for the younger generations to learn and use.

And often the secret inheritance passed down in the family is more precious than what those organizations use to teach apprentices.

As for Shia, as a giant dragon, of course she also has a legacy left within the dragon clan.

However, after many years of strife and rebellion within the clan, the clan was finally wiped out, and she continued to wander away. In the end, she only retained the inheritance of the Spellweaver.

Originally, because Li Feng had never discussed these matters with her, and because Li Feng was not interested in the northern forest, he did not care much about the Black and White Courtyard.

It all made Shia feel that Li Feng must have his own way of learning inheritance.

But just now, if he had really learned the hunter heritage, then he must have the "danger prediction" that hunters basically know.

This ability will allow hunters to know the impending danger in an instant.

As long as he has this ability, Li Feng will not be inexplicably affected by the mermaid's mind-controlling fog.

After all, he is a fourth-level person, which is different from the first- and second-level transcendent crew members on the Sun.

As long as there is a little preparation, even if the mermaid is good at illusion, there is nothing that can be done as long as the level gap is large enough.

However, judging from the actual results, it seems that Li Feng has never learned inheritance and has no family support.

However, how did he get promoted so quickly with no one behind him?

Shia was puzzled, but she knew that if she asked directly, she would definitely be fooled by Li Feng again, so she could only be secretly curious and depressed.

On the other side, Li Feng was also depressed.

For a long time, because of the tasks issued by the system and the identity of the players that had to be hidden, Li Feng had no time to take care of these for the time being.

With his resources, if you want to learn the inheritance comprehensively, you have to go to the northern forest where the hunters are.

Secondly, what is more time-consuming and troublesome is that as a hidden person, he also has to contact Chenxing to enter the Black and White Academy to study.

Li Feng felt repelled from the bottom of his heart by the constraints of joining the organization and the prospect of being a second- and fifth-level kid on both sides.

So he always wants to lie down in this world once he has the ability to protect himself.

But today, with his fourth-level strength, he actually fell into the mermaid's illusion.

Although he will definitely not be like James and the crew of the Sun, who will not be sober in the subsequent process, nor will he be able to resist, and be tempted into something.

But he was tricked from the beginning. Even if Shia said that the mermaid used strong drugs at the beginning, Li Feng was very worried.

The road was long, Li Feng thought about it, and finally decided on the plan.

He planned to wait until the matter in Wind's Breath City and the tasks in Wind's Breath City were completed, and then he considered going to the Northern Forest, or contacting Chenxing to enter the Black and White Courtyard.

After all, he must learn those inheritances, but...

‘It seems that I will inevitably have to live like a kid from now on. ’

After all, if he went to the northern forest, he would have to hide his identity as the Hidden One.

If you go to the Black and White Courtyard, you must also hide your ability to hunt people.

'It's time to compete in acting again...'

Li Feng was laughing and complaining in his heart, but Li Feng, who wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings, was suddenly pulled by Shia.

She pointed to the front right and said to Li Feng:

"It's a temple."

Following the direction of her hand, Li Feng saw a simple and spire-like building covered by vines and moss.

According to Delana, this is the mermaid temple where the items of the Hunting Goddess are stored.

Quickly walking through the woods, Li Feng and Shia approached the temple, and the patterns carved on the walls of the temple became clearer and clearer.

Li Feng carefully observed the weathered carvings, but when he saw clearly the star pattern covered with moss on the temple spire, he suddenly realized something.

In this temple of mermaids, what is enshrined is not their true god, the system bound to the player, right?

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