Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 265: Storm Island lost its owner, the governor is dead

Just like a doomsday volcano erupting magma, countless strong flames rushed in like waves, turning the originally dilapidated and dark basement into a high-temperature furnace in an instant.

At zero o'clock on October 1st, the world of Endless Sea, the thirteenth game cycle.

Sia didn't know what happened before.

But more than half an hour ago, Li Feng suddenly told her through the contract that Penlos Fell and Mathas would most likely start an attack tonight, and it was time to end the matter.

Sia was shocked for a moment, but she thought that Penlos Fell and Mathas had already obtained half of the godhead under Storm Island.

From the perspective of those two people, they have overwhelming power, and it is logical that they can do anything.

However, Xia regretted that she made a wrong calculation after all, and the Moon Shadow Potion had expired.

The only free bottle of Moon Shadow Potion in the world, he only used it to deal with the Lava Lord.

As for Penros Fell, he happened to obtain the divine status at this time, allowing him to escape the disaster.

So now, with himself as a fourth-level and seventh-level spell weaver, Li Feng as a fifth-level hunter, and a second-level concealer, I am afraid that it would be difficult for him to defeat two fifth-level opponents with half a godhead.

Sia didn't know the specific power of something as legendary as the Godhead.

But since the time of the ancestors, it has been fought over by the mother of gargoyles and mermaids. After several epochs, it still has people from all walks of life fighting for it. You can imagine its importance.

Abandoning the impulse brought by hatred and the desire for revenge, Xia analyzed the gap in strength. Now she just wants to help Li Feng leave Storm Island as soon as possible.

Understanding that the more anxious you are, the more cautious you need to be. Sia thought carefully. She excluded all personal feelings and only analyzed rationally.

Penros Fair has not yet discovered her identity as a black dragon, so for the sake of her parents and the hatred of the black dragon clan, she needs to stay and continue to lie dormant and wait for the opportunity.

But Li Feng was different. Penlos Feier had already found him.

Although Xia couldn't explain what caused their conflict to suddenly break out, the current situation was that the fifth-level Li Feng's chance of winning was too small.

Without any hesitation, Shia contacted Hazan and the trolls on Nusha Island.

Their ranks are not low, and Xia remembers that Li Feng placed the tidal scepter that controls Haishi with Hazan.

So now Hazan can open up space in the deep sea and let Li Feng leave.

As for the future.

Although there is no basis for it, Xia feels that as long as Li Feng thinks about it, even if he loses to Penlos Fell today, even if Penlos Fell already has half a godhead.

But one day in the future, Li Feng will definitely return to Fengxi City and end all this.

With these thoughts in mind, Sia began to contact Hazan.

But what made Shia anxious and suspicious was that Hazan was missing, and not only Hazan, but also the trolls were missing.

'how so. ’

Too many bad premonitions arose in her heart. Since the trolls couldn't count on them, Sia immediately understood what she had to do at the moment.

No longer able to care so much, Sia immediately ran out without responding to maid Shirley's concerns and questioning.

Under the night with scattered stars, Shia, who turned into a black cat, evaded the guards and ran towards the outer city. She wanted to find Li Feng.

But when she just left Storm's End Castle, she suddenly felt something in her heart. Through the contract, Shia discovered that Li Feng had actually appeared at Storm's End Castle.

And upon closer inspection, he was actually in Penros Fair's basement.

Shia was shocked. She knew that Penros Fair would make some move, but she didn't expect him to strike first so quickly.

‘Rhine has been captured by him, what should I do? ’

The autumn night wind was like a knife, blowing through the tallest spire in Wind's End City. There were long iron thorns on the spire, with the heads of Shia's parents on them.

Under the constant exposure to wind and sun, the two dragon heads were nothing but pale bones.

Shia stopped here. The black cat stood in the night for a second, then turned around silently and ran to the basement of Storm's End without hesitation.

Sia guessed:

‘Now that the battle between Penros Fell and Rhine has begun, no matter whether it is the number of people or the disparity in strength whether there is a godhead or not, Rhine will definitely be difficult to defeat. ’

As for herself, she really couldn't continue to think only rationally, so she couldn't just sit back and ignore it.

But Xia also understood that as long as she showed up now, her identity would be exposed.

In this way, her long-term hiding for revenge and forbearance to get closer to the target can only be destroyed in one day.

'Pangros Fell has already obtained the godhead. If I lose my identity and can get close to him again...'

Sia couldn't say that she wasn't conflicted in her heart.

If she leaves Storm's End, her plan to avenge her parents and the black dragon clan seems to become even more distant.

But now that the matter has come to an end, Li Feng is facing Penlos Fell alone. Xia realizes that no matter how many reasons there are, she simply cannot withdraw from the matter and stand by.

Going down the dark and lightless spiral staircase, Shia asked herself anxiously, was she doing this because of the contract?

After all, because of the permanent contract that was made by mistake, if Rhine died, he would die too.

But strangely, Sia found that from the moment she made the decision to return to now, she had not thought about the existence of the contract at all.

I couldn't explain what I felt in my heart. Maybe it was because the life in Storm's End was too difficult for me in the past.

Although she came here for revenge, as time went by, she was still a marginalized and unpopular illegitimate daughter.

It seemed that the only thing she could do originally was to live with Penlos Philby and outlast him with the dragon's racial superiority.

But since he met Li Feng, he seemed to have nowhere to go, and then he came to Fengxi City, and many things happened after that.

As fast as lightning, Shia recalled that in the past few months, although she still encountered a lot of troubles.

Even because of this human being, I encountered many dangers, but I couldn't explain why, and my life was no longer difficult.

Even before going to bed every night, I look forward to tomorrow.

And there are.

‘Although I don’t know where Rhine’s various knowledge comes from, it’s really because of him that I was promoted to the fourth level and seventh level in such a short period of time. ’

This kind of promotion speed is simply impossible when looking at the entire dragon clan and even the entire world of extraordinary beings.

She is no longer the humble Sia she was before.

Moreover, when the real Xia was mentioned, the young dragon remembered that Li Feng also helped the real Xia and her mother get revenge.

'This human has done so many things that I can't do, so...'

So Xia suddenly realized that if Li Feng really left Storm Island, she would not want to stay alone at all.

As for revenge for my parents and the Black Dragon clan...

On the other hand, Sia still analyzed rationally, and she gradually realized.

Rather than staying at Storm's End, it's better to leave with Li Feng to have a better chance of winning.

Although Penlos Fell already has godhood, Xia firmly believes that as long as Li Feng wants to, one day he will return to Wind's Breath City and end Penlos Fell.

Not wanting to scruple, and having no scruples anymore, at the end of the spiral staircase leading to darkness, Sia pushed open the basement door.

Because she drank the Moon Shadow Potion and sought revenge on Penlos Fell, Shia had already destroyed this place.

But when Sia entered the basement again and saw even more broken walls, she was still shocked.

The musty smell of gray stone dust and the fishy smell of blood filled her nostrils at the same time. No need to guess, Shia also instantly understood the brutality of the battle.

Her heart felt like it was being suppressed by a boulder and it was difficult to beat. Xia was extremely anxious. She just wanted to find Li Feng quickly and take him away.

In the lightless basement, Shia followed the smell of blood.

Soon, she saw a person lying on the ground. The person was obviously dead, and based on the hood of his robe, Xia knew that this person was definitely not Li Feng.

Shia let go of the stone in her heart and breathed a sigh of relief. Soon, she also understood who the dead person on the ground was.

Judging from his clothes and attire, this person should be Mathas.

Because she had been to the basement before, Sia had seen Mathas' soulless body in the blood pool used by Penros Fell and the others for soul fusion.

At that time, Shia destroyed the room where the blood pool was, causing the stone pillars and brick walls to collapse, smashing the blood pool and Mathas' body, and setting a fire just in case.

But what Shia didn't expect was that after obtaining half of the godhead, Mathas could repair his destroyed body.

But soon, Sia discovered something was wrong again.

She remembered clearly that because Mathas was contaminated with forbidden spells, his body was like a skinny skeleton.

But now, although this body is completely dead, how can Mathas have the flesh and blood of a normal person?

Afraid of being scammed, Xia didn't dare to be careless, but after thinking about it for a moment, she suddenly understood.

‘Rhine really has a solution at any time. He cured Mathas. ’

As for the healing potion, he should have gotten it from the mermaid. The mermaid tribe had such a thing.

‘Sure enough, he was already prepared. ’

Xia was happy in her heart. She once again felt that as long as Li Feng was given more time, Penlos Fair would not be his opponent.

At this moment, there was a voice coming from a little distance away. Xia recognized who it was and rushed over immediately.

No longer hiding her identity, Shia no longer had any worries about her showdown with Penros Fair, ending her previous painstaking impersonation.

Revealing her identity as the Black Dragon Princess and standing with Li Feng, although neither of them said anything, Xia felt inexplicably at ease.

When Penros Fair learned that Xia was the descendant of the Black Dragon Queen, he was indeed shocked.

But soon the battle continued, and Shia instantly felt the power of the godhead.

By manipulating nature and changing the laws, even with only half a godhead, Penros Fair still has a crushing advantage.

But she and Li Feng could only avoid it.

But even though she was hit hard several times due to her inability to dodge, Xia still found that she did not regret coming here, nor did she regret exposing her hidden identity.

She didn't understand how Penros Fair did it, but Sia saw with her own eyes that he made countless broken bricks and stones tightly fit together to become a sharp arrow wrapped with extraordinary power.

At this moment, the arrow was piercing Xia's dragon flames and heading towards her.

Flailing her already injured wings, Shia knew she had to get away.


The masonry arrows packed with extraordinary power were very fast, and Shia used all her strength to barely dodge them.

But there was a sharp pain in her chest, and before Shia, who was tired of trying to save her life, could breathe a sigh of relief, she immediately discovered that she had been injured by the extraordinary power brought by the arrow.

Fortunately, the dragon has extremely hard scales, which protected her from most of the damage, otherwise...

'No, it won't work if this goes on. We must find a way to leave as soon as possible...'

Falling under the corner, fully realizing the power of having a godhead, Xia knew that she must now discuss a countermeasure with Li Feng.

Looking at the ruins, due to Penros Fair's conscious attack, Shia found that Rhine had been forced to the other side of the basement, and she could not see his condition.

"Are you okay? What do we do now?"

Xia asked Li Feng through the contract.

At the same time, she began to get as close as possible to the basement door, which was the only exit. If she and Li Feng wanted to escape, that would definitely be the only way.

Soon, with the sound of cracking masonry in the distance, Shia sensed a response.

But what shocked Xia and made her confused was that Li Feng asked her to hide first, don't be impatient and wait a while.

‘Wait a little longer? ’

Xia was a little panicked. She wanted to ask in detail, but she changed her mind and decided to believe Li Feng.

He said wait a little longer, then wait a little longer.

At the same time, looking at the basement filled with sporadic firelight, Shia discovered that Penros Fair had stopped attacking.

But he didn't stop, he was walking towards the other side of the basement.

Looking at the ruins, Penlos Fair walked away calmly and confidently, and Shia felt another sharp pain in her injured chest:

'Oops, Rhine can't be his opponent...'

Struggling to get up, Shia followed quietly while thinking about countermeasures anxiously.

Because her head was dizzy after the injury, Sia couldn't hear what Penros Fair and Li Feng said.

But when she flew over quietly, she just happened to see that Penlos Fair had used his tricks to secretly penetrate Li Feng's abdomen with an extremely heavy and extremely sharp masonry arrow.

The smell of blood that filled the air instantly made Shia wake up immediately.

The next moment, Xia felt that she could no longer remember all her previous rational analysis and rational plans.

At this moment, all she wanted to do was kill Penros Fell.

The endless dragon flames surged forward, and Xia understood that she had to take Li Feng away now.

But the next second, the power of half a godhead once again made Shia despair.

She didn't see any movement from Penros Fair, but the dragon's flames, like doomsday magma, just stopped quietly behind Penros Fair.

And those violently beating flames seemed to be frozen at this moment, turning into a static wall of fire.

"Xia? The descendant of the Black Dragon Queen? Ha!"

Penros Fair, who had frozen the flames, slowly turned around. Like Li Feng, Penros Fair was also very unhappy with Xia who had lied to him for so long under his nose.

But at this moment, Penros Fair only looked at Sia with disdain and said:

"That's right, I was the one who killed your parents. After killing them, I also used a heavy sword to cut off their necks bit by bit.

Oh, by the way, your parents' scales are very thick, and their necks are full of hard bones. I chopped them off for a long time. "

As if showing off his victory, Penros Fair smiled contemptuously:

"But Xia, you have to know that it was the other members of your race who really caused your black dragon clan to be wiped out. I was just invited to participate in their killing feast."

When the events of that year were mentioned, Xia couldn't help but trembled with anger. She gritted her teeth with red eyes and said:

"Of course I know, I will kill everyone involved in this matter one by one, starting with you."

"Hahaha - do you think it's possible?"

As if hearing a particularly funny joke, Penros Fair laughed:

"You can't kill me, and you and this kid can't kill me together. I have an identity that you can't have, and I have a godhead that you can't have.

What are you using to kill me?

And Xia, don’t think that I can’t see that you want to save this kid and continue to accumulate strength before you come back to deal with me.

But now that things have come to this, do you think it’s still possible? "

The still firelight reflected Penlos Fell's arrogance, and also reflected Sia's increasingly ugly expression.

"Of course it's possible, why is it impossible?"

At the same time.

A voice sounded from the side. The voice was calm and indifferent. Even though it was a rhetorical question, it was still unhurried.

Clarity fell on the ears of Penlos Fell and Shia.

"Of course it's possible, why is it impossible?"

Hearing these words, Penros Fair suddenly looked towards the speaker.

At that moment, he only saw Li Feng standing well. Although his clothes were covered with blood, the masonry arrow that penetrated his abdomen was missing.

And the huge wound that should have been on his abdomen was actually missing.

He was intact, as if the sneak attack just now had not happened.

And what's even more strange is that Li Feng's condition is obviously much better than before he was attacked.

Penros Fair remembered that in the first few seconds, although Li Feng was calm and composed, it was just the end of his strength to endure the pain.

But now, he actually...

'How can this be? ’

Penlos Fell couldn't figure it out, but at this moment, he no longer had to think about it.

Because it was completely out of his control, the stationary wall of fire behind him suddenly started to pulse again.

The raging dragon flames suddenly came to life, and like a huge wave in the deep sea, they instantly enveloped Penlos Fell.

The bone-gnawing heat burned every flesh and blood in his body, and the broken ruins were filled with the sound of burning flames.

Time passed by, and before he was killed by Xia's dragon flames, the confused Penlos Fell finally understood.

He looked at Li Feng in horror, because he discovered that in this basement, right next to him, there was a person with a godhead that was countless times more powerful than his half godhead.

The flames of the giant dragon that could not kill him were burning and devouring him bit by bit.

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