Zhao Dianna has a bumpy figure, and all the flesh that should be grown has grown where it should.

It's just that Lu Yang didn't expect that the deputy director of Mohe Hospital, Paper Man, could do such a thing. It was obvious that the deputy director of Mohe Hospital, Paper Man, used his authority to get a foreign woman for himself.

But I have to say that this Zhao Dianna is pretty good, and Lu Yang is looking forward to it.

Becoming the property of Mohe Kuimin Hospital and signing an agreement with Mohe Kuimin Hospital means that life and death have fallen into the control of Mohe Kuimin Hospital.

Although Lu Yang paid a little attention to the fact that the paper man, the deputy director of Mohe Hospital, wanted to offer Zhao Dianna to his bed, he didn't pay too much attention to it.

It's just a woman. As long as he is willing, how much does he want in the future?

As long as it was a woman sent by his subordinates, Lu Yang would not mind trying it. In Lu Yang's opinion, it was nothing if not free.

As for holding him accountable, Modo said.

After he has tried it, the paper men under his command will generally not treat them badly.

After all, no matter what, they are all women related to Lu Yang. As long as these women are not too outrageous, the paper man's attitude is still very good.

But if these women are ignorant, then the paper people will not be polite.

If the paper man takes action, most of it will not be a good thing.

For Lu Yang, it is not that easy to truly become his woman.

At least Lu Yang is not ready to find a girlfriend or a wife yet.

It's another thing to just try and try.

Although this approach was somewhat immoral and scumbag, Lu Yang didn't care.

Because in Lu Yang's view, only the weak would think like this. If the weak had such an opportunity, they would probably do even more outrageous things than the strong.

This is just like in real society, a certain group of poor people are very jealous and incompetent and furious when they see a certain group of rich people constantly changing their wives.

The fact that rich people keep changing women to beautiful women does not mean that the rich people are wrong. It can only be said that it is immoral to keep changing women.

Don't poor people want to keep changing to beautiful women? The answer is definitely yes, it’s just that poor people don’t have the capital that rich people do.

Lu Yang himself has this capital. The key is whether he wants it or not. In addition, if the paper people under his command bring it to him, Lu Yang will not refuse it.

No one is a saint. Lu Yang doesn't think he is a good person, but he doesn't think he is a bad person either.

His eyes moved away from the conversation between the deputy director of Mohe Hospital, Zhiren, and Zhao Dianna. Soon, Lu Yang saw the president of Mohe Hospital, Zhiren, and the highest official of Mohe City Government, the chief of Mohe Town. The director's conversation in the office of the director of Mohe Juimin Hospital.

After seeing the conversation between his eyes, Lu Yang narrowed his eyes slightly.

The director of the Mohe People's Hospital has already set out the conditions for releasing the Seven Knights (dbfc). Each person will be replaced by a People's Hospital in the Kingdom of Great China. It depends on whether the People's Republic of China agrees or not.

It doesn't matter if you don't agree. The director of the Mohe People's Hospital, Zhiren, is right. Even if Great China does not agree with this matter, the People's Hospital will be strong throughout the entire Blue Star world.

Lu Yang believed that a group of people in Great China would seriously consider this matter.

Immediately afterwards, the paper man's memory information came to the location of the No. 2 Hospital of the People in Mohe City.

The memory information about Mohe City's No. 2 People's Hospital appeared in Lu Yang's mind.

At this time, the No. 2 Hospital of Mohe City has become popular on the Internet.

Countless people are talking about the No. 2 Hospital of Mohe City on the entire Internet.

Regarding the appearance of the No. 2 Hospital in Mohe City, some people are gloating about the misfortune, some are complacent, some are indifferent, and some are full of anger...

In short, among the billions of people in the country, everyone Everyone looks at the emergence of Mohe City's No. 2 Hospital in a different light.

But one thing is for sure, the emergence of Mohe City’s No. 2 Hospital has made all the patients very excited.

When Mohe Hospital appeared in Mohe City, almost all patients had been paying attention to Mohe Hospital.

The popularity of Mohe Guimin Hospital is revealed on the Internet every day.

The dense crowd of patients made everyone's scalp numb when they saw it.

There are too many patients. Some people are queued from day to night, and some are queued from evening to day.

As more and more people rushed to Mohe Guimin Hospital, there were even people queuing up from the first day until the third day.

This is not all the critically ill and terminally ill patients across the country. If all the critically ill and terminally ill patients across the country rush to Mohe Hospital, even if Mohe Hospital is a hospital, it cannot treat all patients at the first time. Patient patient seeing a doctor.

If we count all the patients across the country, the number of patients suffering from various diseases would at least be calculated in hundreds of millions.

Although the Mohe Hospital has been around for a while, many seriously ill and terminally ill patients are still waiting to be seen.

As for why they wait and see, there are several reasons. First, the distance is too long and there are too many patients queuing up. They are waiting for there to be slightly fewer patients before going there.

Second, because some patients can still wait for a while and will not die within a few months, so we also want to give the opportunity to patients who are more in need first.

Third, patients who want to go to Mohe Hospital can no longer bear the trouble at present. If they go to Mohe Hospital, it is best to get treatment immediately.

But with the emergence of Mohe City's No. 2 Guilin Hospital, most of these patients began to take action. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the eyes of this group of patients, the emergence of the No. 2 Hospital in Mohe City is enough to share some of the patients with Mohe Hospital. At this time, they go to Mohe City. The river market is also a good time.

There were also people who saw the emergence of the No. 2 Hospital for People in Mohe City and immediately started shouting on the Internet, hoping that a hospital could be built in their city.

If there is a mysterious hospital in his city, then all patients in his city can receive treatment and no longer have to worry about any problems with their bodies.

This comment just appeared on the Internet and immediately received responses from countless people.

The strange hospital appeared in Mohe City, and the health problems of people in Mohe City, including cities near Mohe City, were completely solved.

The most important thing is that the mysterious hospital is many times more powerful than the actual human hospitals.

For example, all kinds of terminal and difficult diseases can be treated by strange hospitals, and the results are immediate and recovery is immediate. Which of the real human hospitals can do this?

This is true even for all kinds of terminal and difficult diseases, not to mention those common illnesses.

In addition, the cost of medical treatment in Guizhou Hospital is much cheaper than that in real human hospitals. Can real human hospitals guarantee that the cost is lower than that in Guizhou Hospital?

Obviously, no.

In the eyes of countless people, if the hospital doesn't harvest their patients and let them waste their money, they should do various examinations as soon as they come in, try to cure the diseases that can be cured at once, and don't drag them out over and over again. They all feel that the hospital has a conscience.

However, actual human hospitals cannot do this.

The word greed can be said to be most vividly reflected in human hospitals.

Of course, the most important point is that the mysterious hospital can treat patients without money, and it is still a promising one. This is something that real human hospitals cannot do.

Therefore, in the eyes of countless people, the Strange Hospital is good news.

For a time, countless people on the Internet hoped that their city would have a mysterious hospital.

This kind of voice gets louder and louder than ever before.

In the video account of Paperman, the director of Mohe Juimin Hospital, countless private messages came in. There was only one video comment area under the paperman's account, the director of Mohe Juimin Hospital, and the comments exceeded 100 million at an incredible speed.

The latest comments basically all want a hospital to be built in their city.

Some people are willing and some are not..

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