“Level 6.”

Last night, Ning Yu raided 9 single-player copies in a row.

In the end, it ended with a group book and got 300 experience points.

In just two days, he rushed to level 6.

This speed is simply amazing.

[Name: Ning Yu].

[Level: 6].

[XP: 0/600].

[Attributes: Strength 18; Agile 18; Physique26; Spirit 18].

[Active skills: ghost instantaneous, tricky eyes].

[Equipment: Bloody gloves, baseball bat].

[Props: super lighter, remote control, hanger].

[Roll of points: 400].

Compared with the previous two days, Ning Yu’s personal page was much richer, and his strength was also much stronger.

The regular attribute is close to 20, and the physique has reached 26 points.

“After level 10, you can consider the hidden copy Maple Leaf Hotel.”

Ning Yu took out the Maple Leaf Hotel business card.

Hiding quests is difficult, but more rewarding.

The first person in the world to reach level 10 can open the global player leaderboard for the first time.

The first opening reward is extremely precious, exclusive, and it is also Ning Yu’s confidence to give the Maple Leaf Hotel an idea at this stage.

“And the opportunity for an eternal nightmare.”

The Linghua of the E-grade copy was a chess piece arranged by Ning Yu.

If she dreamed, she would provide Ning Yu with great help.

“Don’t be in a hurry, there are still 28 days until April.”

Ning Yu thought for a moment and temporarily dispelled the idea of entering an eternal nightmare.

He needs to be well prepared.

At that time, even if you do not have the opportunity, you can safely retreat.

[Your ghost has been successfully promoted to Grade D under retreat cultivation in an instant].

[Gained: XP +500, Strength +5, Agility +5, Physique +5, Spirit +5].

“Advanced, so fast.”

Ning Yu was overjoyed.

Ghost Instantaneous was a day earlier than he had budgeted.

After successfully advancing to the D-level skill, he also gave back his 500 experience points and 5 regular attributes.

This was something that Ning Yu had not expected, and it was an unexpected gain.

[Name: Ning Yu].

[Level: 6].

【XP: 500/600】

[Attribute: Strength 23; Agile 23; Physique 31; Spirit 23].

“Master, I’m out of customs.”

The voice of the ghost momentarily happy appeared in Ning Yu’s mind.

“Hey, one more tricky skill.”

“Work hard and don’t discredit the owner.”

“I’ll work hard to advance early.”

Before Ning Yu could speak, the ghost instantly chatted with the tricky eye.

Tricky eyes and humbly ask for experience in advancing to D-level.

The ghost is possessed by the ghost and tirelessly imparts experience.

Ning Yu didn’t bother.

His skills are so motivated, how can he be angry.

He is studying the ghost instantaneous step of the promotion.

D-level ghost teleportation, which can determine the teleportation distance according to physical exertion.

With Ning Yu’s physical strength of up to 37, one step of seven or eight hundred meters is no problem.

But teleporting seven or eight hundred meters at a time, Ning Yu would become a salted fish, and his fingers would not be able to move.

“Very good.”

Ning Yu nodded in satisfaction.

The advanced ghost teleportation adds long-distance teleportation.

In the future, whether it is fighting or breakaway, it is very practical, and it is worthy of being my first skill.

“I see.”

“Master, in three days at most, I can also advance.”

Tricky Eye said excitedly.

It is not difficult for E-level skills to advance to D-level, and you can do it with just a few days of hard work.

But if you want to continue to advance, it is not so easy.

“Continue to raid and strive to rush to level 10 as soon as possible.”

Tuan Ben had been resting for nearly six hours, and Ning Yu was refreshed at this time.

Fifteen minutes later, Ning Yu came to an intersection.

Zebra crossings are not drawn at the full junction.

There is a sign in the middle of the intersection.

[E-level dungeon: crossing the street].

[Mission requirements: stop at red lights, green lights go, yellow lights to see clearly, do not go with vehicles to grab the road, and live a safe life].

[Time limit: 30 minutes].

The task requirements are simple, just choose an intersection and walk safely through it.

But the remaining limbs, blood, and clothes on the road represent that something terrible has happened here.

Judging by the tragic situation, at least 20 people were killed here.

The opposite side of the road just changed from a green light to a red light.

The rousing horn erupted.

Then the ground trembled.

The sound of clanging and whining is getting louder and louder.

In the blink of an eye, a red locomotive rushed over.

The strong wind rustled Ning Yu’s clothes.

The red of the locomotive is not pitch red, but blood red, and there is blood dregs hanging from it.

“Crimson Train.”

Ning Yu’s pupils constricted.

He wasn’t shocked by a train running wildly on the road.

He was shocked that the train was called the Crimson Train.

The Crimson Train is a very mysterious existence.

It will pass by many premium dungeons, and some stations are set directly in these premium dungeons.

No one knows the source, no one has ever reached the end.

In the last life, when Blue Star was coming to an end, no one explored the secret of the Crimson Train.


The speed of the Crimson Train was extremely fast, and the fierce wind it set off almost shattered Ning Yu’s clothes.

Through the window, you can see that there are many figures on the train.

Most of these figures are weird.

If someone can get a Crimson ticket, they can successfully get on the bus.

Once on the bus, you can reach some very mysterious places.

These places are suspected not to belong to Blue Star.

But there is no denying that their existence is reasonable, and there are unimaginable opportunities within them.

After 60 seconds, the crimson train flew away, and the red light across the road turned green.

It’s time to cross the street.

With one foot down, an astonishing black mist seeped out from the ground.

In just a few seconds, the world turned foggy.

The green light across the road was completely invisible.

This is the danger of crossing the street.

Crossing the street and losing your sense of direction is very scary.

The green light is only 60 seconds.

Within 60 seconds, if you can’t cross the road, you will die tragically.

“It’s actually quite simple.”

Ning Yu took out a compass from his pocket.

It’s just an E-rated copy.

The magnetic field here is not yet able to affect the compass.

A lot of things, everyone thinks too complicated.

In fact, crossing the street only requires a clear direction.

“Here, come here.”

Sounds appear in the fog.

Looking at the sound, I could vaguely see across the road.

There was a vague figure waving at Ning Yu.

But look down at the compass and point the opposite.

One of the means of weird and confusing people here.

Don’t bother, no matter what the disturbance, just follow the compass.

As Ning Yu said, the magnetic field of the E-grade copy could not affect the compass.

This method is also only available for E-level copies.

Relying on the compass, Ning Yu walked smoothly to the other side of the road.

It’s that simple.

[E-level copy: crossing the street] [Clearance].

[Reward: 100 XP].

[Reward: 20 point roll].

[Congratulations to Ning Yu for his promotion to level 7].

Turn back and the intersection disappears.

After passing this copy, Ning Yu did not quickly move on to the next copy.

Instead, he pulled out his phone and sent a message.

[After actual measurement, it is not difficult to copy of the E-level at this stage, keep thinking, face it calmly, and don’t panic].

Two days ago, the reason why Ning Yu did not release this information.

That was when he couldn’t be sure if the copy of this life was the same as his memory.

After two days of testing, he could be sure that it was completely consistent.

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