Looking at Fan Xiliang’s corpse, Ning Yu fell into deep thought.

Gradually, his eyes became red and fierce.

He had a bold idea.

Since it is impossible to drag Fan Xiliang out, let Fan Xiliang come out by himself.

“Ghost teleportation, with my current physical strength, how long can I leave the high wall with continuous teleportation.”

Ning Yu needed an accurate answer.

He can fight hard, he can bleed, but he can’t die in vain.

“Master, one minute is enough.”

“With double physical exertion, you can leave an afterimage in place for a second.”

“The afterimage is used to confuse it, and I can guarantee that the owner leaves safely.”

Ghost Instantaneous has a strong self-confidence.

“Good.” Ning Yu nodded fiercely.

He took out the pickpocket scissors.

Under the wave of the peel scissors, Fan Xiliang had only a few skin and flesh separated.

The high walls shook violently.

Billions of corpses wailed, as if they were about to awaken.

“It’s not enough, it needs some stimulation.”

Ning Yu put away the peel clippers and took out the cursed scythe again.

The sickle has real damage.

And after the damage accumulates to a certain point, the killing effect can be triggered.

The sickle slashed at Fan Xiliang’s head, stump, and spine.

Sparks splashed.

The walls shook like never before.

Countless corpses let out a desperate wail.

“It’s not enough.”

Ning Yu kept slashing at Fan Xiliang.

But Fan Xiliang never fully woke up.

It’s not nice to say.

Ning Yu was like an ant in front of Fan Xiliang.

The bite of the ants is annoying, but it does not hurt or itch.

“It can’t go on like this.”

“The scythe is cut down, and Fan Xiliang is not expected to wake up.”

Ning Yu sighed awkwardly.

He put the scythe away away and pinched his brow and thought for a long time.

Since physical attacks do not work.

Then you can only attack with magic.

“It’s kind of immoral.”

“But how.”

Ning Yu shrugged.

He couldn’t figure it out, obviously Meng Jiangnu came from far away to look for her husband, and after finding that her husband’s bones were gone, she cried bitterly for ten days and ten nights, cried and collapsed the Great Wall and died.

This is a love story that can be sung and cried.

If Fan Xiliang knew something, he should be very moved.

But who expected that it was Fan Xiliang who trapped Meng Jiangnu.

What it thought, Ning Yu didn’t know.


Ning Yu coughed a few times.

He did not cut Fan Xiliang, but sat next to Fan Xiliang.

Judging from the back, they look like old friends who have not seen each other for a long time.

But what Ning Yu said was dumbfounded.

The so-called non-sounding is enough, and a blockbuster is so.

“Introduce yourself.”

“My name is Ning Yu, Ning Caichen’s Ning, Xiang Yu’s Yu.”

“I heard that Mrs. Meng is as beautiful as a flower, and today she really deserves her name at first sight.”

Fan Xiliang’s body shook violently.

Ning Yu didn’t seem to notice that he was still talking to himself.

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity that you’re dead.”

“Let Mrs. Meng be widowed.”

“Well, I can’t even stand this.”

“On the wedding day, you were arrested to build the Great Wall, and you didn’t even pull Mrs. Meng’s hand, gee.”

“But don’t worry, Mrs. Meng already has me.”

“I have to say that Mrs. Meng is really… Very moist. ”

Saying that, Ning Yu licked his lips greedily.

The two words very runy appeared, and a thunder exploded in the high wall.

The corpses with closed eyes all opened their eyes, and blood overflowed like a fountain.

The hysterical wail spread like a wave, layer after layer, like a great earthquake.

Fan Xiliang’s mutilated head oozed red.

A hysterical wail erupted from its torn mouth.

The fountain-like resentment, malice, and anger locked onto Ning Yu.

Ning Yu turned around and smiled.


In the next second, he disappeared instantly.

The location where he left left was an afterimage.

Before the afterimage could turn around, it was torn apart by Fan Xiliang’s head.

Billions of corpses within the walls are alive.

It’s like a sleeping dragon.

A terrifying dragon where all the corpses are strung together.

It woke up.

It squirms, wanders, roars, and wails.

The unparalleled madness locked on Ning Yu, who was frantically fleeing for his life.

Blood-red eyes kept blooming in the high walls.

Every eye reflected Ning Yu’s figure.

“Faster, faster.” Ning Yu Ghost instantly ran to the limit.

The corpse crying city experienced an unprecedented tremor.

Linghua’s face was solemn and she took a step back.

Meng Jiangnu raised her head, as if waiting for something.

In less than a minute, a blood-stained arm protruded from the crack.

Then, a figure squeezed out abruptly.

He is Ning Yu.

The whole body is covered with mucus.

The scene of squeezing out is very perverted, like a newborn baby.

Wiping a handful of mucus on his face, Ning Yu appeared directly in front of Meng Jiangnu.

“I found Fan Xiliang.”

“You should feel it.”

“Give me the winter clothes that promised me.”

Ning Yu stretched out his left hand and held the jumping capsule with his right hand.

Once he gets the winter coat, he will choose to leave the eternal dream immediately.

This place can’t stay.

As for what would happen after Fan Xiliang and Meng Jiangnu, Ning Yu was not interested and could not participate.

After all, people are husband and wife.

Between husband and wife, it is normal for the bedside to fight and the bedside to get together.

With a boom, the corpse shook violently.

The high wall collapsed in one place.

A “dragon” composed of countless corpses crawled out.

When it comes to images, it’s more like a huge centipede.

The centipede’s legs and feet are made up of mutilated corpses.

Dense eyes spread all over the body.

The face of the wailing and weeping is embedded in the whole body.

This image can satisfy any living person’s imagination of nightmares.

“Ning Yu~”

An inhuman wail erupted.

The voice was mixed with unimaginable resentment and malice.

Linghua’s expression was strange.

It’s hard to imagine what Ning Yu did to make it so angry that it lost its mind.

“Quick, give me the winter coat.”

“That’s what you promised me.”

“Your husband is already out, go find it.”

Ning Yu’s face changed, and he couldn’t wait to snatch Meng Jiangnu’s package.

After anxiously waiting, Meng Jiangnu finally gave the package to Ning Yu.

Her figure disappeared and walked towards Fan Xiliang.

Ning Yu immediately opened the package and took a look.

Yes, it’s winter clothes.

Finally got the winter coat.

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