The headquarters of the abnormal bureau is overcrowded.

After the March patch update, Xiongkokuo diplomats and Dongying diplomats were temporarily stranded in Huaxia.

They discussed it privately.

Getting home just becomes difficult.

Huaxia is a very magical country.

The country has an ancient shipbuilding technology and is the fastest human-powered ship today.

Sailboats, if downwind, can reach a maximum speed of 50-60 kilometers per hour.

At this time, Huaxia had already sent people to build ancient sailing ships for Dongying diplomats in advance.

Therefore, they planned to challenge Mr. Ning and go back.

Bear diplomats also intend to do so.

It’s easier for them, it’s a big deal to ride a bike back.

After all, they don’t need to cross the sea to go home.

However, when they asked about Mr. Ning’s situation, Yang Zhong was at a loss.

“Director Yang Zhong, Mr. Ning is from Huaxia.”

“Don’t tell me that you don’t know Mr. Ning’s identity.”

“It’s not a big country.”

Hovsky. Gura’s rough voice echoed through the hall.

“Challenge Mr. Ning, poof~” Guan Qing laughed.

“We are all gamers and understand the horror of dungeons.”

“Normal dungeons only have 100 experience points to clear the level.”

“Hidden dungeons can reach 1000 XP by passing.”

“Mr. Ning’s level can reach level 16, which means that most of the hidden copies he clears are hidden copies.”

“And the difficulty of hiding the copy, everyone understands.”

“Mantis blocking the car, self-sufficient, hum~”

“I’m Guan Qing here.”

“Beat me to death, and then talk about challenging Mr. Ning.”

“Or I’ll kill you and challenge Mr. Ning instead of you.”

Guan Qing’s temper also exploded, and the smell of gunpowder in the abnormal bureau was very heavy.

Yang Zhong glared at Guan Qing, and then coughed a few times.

“Everyone calm down.”

“Guan Qing’s personality is a bit straight, I hope everyone will forgive me.”

“We do know about Mr. Ning’s identity, but we didn’t send anyone to contact us.”

With that, Yang Zhong turned on the screen in the hall.

There are quite a few photos on the screen in the hall.

It’s all the same person.

“Is he Mr. Ning?” Shirako Suzuki and Hofsky. Gula looked curiously at the person in the photo.


Yang Zhong nodded.

Huaxia had long known that Ning Yu was Mr. Ning.

Because Ning Yu didn’t hide either.

Through big data observation, the speed at which copies of Pingliang City disappeared was the fastest in Huaxia.

How can this kind of abnormal data go unnoticed by the state.

So after investigation, they found Ning Yu’s figure.

In many places that Ning Yu has been, the copies have mysteriously disappeared, and it is suspected that they have been cleared.

Finally clear the calculation, come to an amazing conclusion.

The number of Ning Yu clearance copies was much higher than Guan Qing.

This means that Ning Yu’s level must be higher than Guan Qing.

And Guan Qing is the second existence in the global ranking of level players.

Then, he could only be Mr. Ning.

“Whenever we send someone to contact Mr. Ning, he will disappear.”

“This means that Mr. Ning does not want to be distracted.”

“As a respect for the strong, we temporarily dismissed the idea of contacting Mr. Ning.”

Ning Yu had long discovered that people with abnormal bureaus were trying to contact him.

But he ignored it.

He was too busy to bother with the little things.

“He posted.”

Shirako Suzuki, who looked down to play with her mobile phone, suddenly spoke.

That him, everyone knows who it is.

Suddenly, the anomaly was quiet.

Everyone looked down at their phones.

This is the charm of Mr. Ning’s ID.

Any post he makes is phenomenal and no one dares to ignore it.

[Regarding the March Patch update, I have the following speculation].

[The world’s removal of all efficient means of transportation by Blue Star is no less than cutting off the bridge between human civilizations, which is a devastating blow to human civilization].

[I have a hunch that this is a warm-up, and there will definitely be a big update after that].

[So I suggest that while the big update has not appeared, everyone choose the city where they will settle in advance, especially the people in counties, towns and villages, and try to move to large cities].

[The limited-time mount points impact list represents a world-recognized efficient means of transportation and is an important channel for reconnecting cities in the future].

[According to my judgment, the world opens the mount points impact list, not the mount points leaderboard].

[This means that the mount points leaderboard has not officially appeared, and it is still an unstable period of the leaderboard at this time].

[Ranked by mount points, after the official appearance of the leaderboard, players whose mounts are in the leaderboard may be rewarded with their own leaderboards, so each player needs to work hard to get their own mounts].

[The last item is to increase the drop rate of hidden quest tickets].

[With the increase of player level and strength, E-level dungeons can no longer meet the needs of some players, so the drop rate of hidden dungeons has been increased].

[Hiding a copy is more difficult than a normal copy, and I think this is also a warm-up].

[In April, the world may be updated with D-level replicas].

[Finally, happy game]

“Everyone has seen Mr. Ning’s post.” Yang Zhong spoke.

Ning Yu’s post this time is very detailed, directly pointing out the general direction of future human civilization.

Just as he was about to continue speaking, Yang Zhong’s mobile phone rang.

Open a glance, it’s a photo.

“Someone photographed Mr. Ning getting on the 444 bus.”

Yang Zhong held up the phone and said.

Pingliang City does not have a 444 bus, it is a copy.

“It seems that Mr. Ning is ready to get the mount.”

Shirako Suzuki and Hofsky. Gula thought for a moment.

They decided to postpone the challenge to Mr. Ning.

Get mounts first and hit the mount standings.

After the mount points leaderboard appears, go and challenge Mr. Ning.

“Director Yang Zhong, we want to ask, which city is Mr. Ning in?”

Yang Zhong was silent for a long time before he spoke, “Pingliang City. ”

The world has a migration fever because of Ning Yu’s post.

Migration from remote areas to developed areas.

Residents of small cities migrate to large cities.

People with the conditions migrated to important cities such as the capital and the magic capital.

The population around the globe began to concentrate.

Chaos is inevitable, but it is no longer possible to take care of it.

And this is also a major trend of human civilization in the future.

It even determines the pattern of the future world.

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