“Hide and seek, hide and seek, let’s hide and seek together.”

“I’ll count down a hundred.”

In the middle of the grave stood a little girl.

The little girl covered her face and counted down the numbers.

Every time you count a number, blood spills from the hand seams.

However, at this moment, the ground of the mass grave trembled.

Then, the sound of clanging and whining suddenly appeared.

This sudden abnormality interrupted the countdown of the little girl.

She covered her face, raised her head, and was directly stunned.

A train rushes to the grave.

It shows no signs of slowing down at all, but is getting faster and faster.

The noise of clanging and dangding spread throughout the graves.

It’s so weird.

It’s outrageous.

Even a little girl feels incredible.


The train hit the tombstone.

Pieces of tombstones, graves, and ruins were like tofu, smashed by trains.

The train shows no sign of slowing down.

It ran straight at the little girl.

Another loud bang.

The little girl who stayed in place was like a kite with a broken line, and like a missile launched.

With a graceful arc, the flowing afterimage, set off a cloud of dust and flew over again.

Flesh and blood exploded in mid-air, and blood bloomed in mid-air.

This collision almost shattered her body.

When she got up again.

The whole person is like a broken ceramic doll, miserable, and the flesh and blood are blurry.

Even the hand covering his face was broken.

The exposed face has no flesh and skin, only white bones.

On the white bones are the scraps that have been eaten.

Her face was eaten by something, no wonder she kept covering her face.

After smashing the little girl, the train finally stopped.

Ning Yu jumped down from the train with a cigarette.

He looked at the miserable girl.

Calmly flicked the cigarette ash: “You are injured.” ”


Hearing these words, the little girl couldn’t care about her seriously injured body.

Even rolling on his stomach, he fled the grave without looking back.

[Hidden Mission: Little Girl Hide and Seek] [Clear Level].

【Reward: Palm meat】

[Reward: 1000 XP].

[Reward: 200 point roll].

[Trigger Hidden Quest: Sounds in the Graveyard].

[Mission requirements: There was once a group of children playing hide-and-seek in the mass grave, only injured children could leave, and when there was only the last child left in the grave, the sound of hide and seek still existed].

Strange things happen.

The little girl just now was the last child in the graveyard.

After she left injured, the sound of hide-and-seek was still there.

It was a weird sound.

“Hide and seek, hide and seek, let’s hide and seek together.”

“I’ll count down a hundred.”

Strange sounds spread across the graves.

Perhaps, when only the little girl was left in the cemetery, she was playing hide-and-seek with that ghost thing.

Her gnawed face was probably the work of the owner of the voice.

“Blood corpse coffin.”

Ning Yu spat out three words in his mouth.

This mass grave is part of Maple Leaf Ghost City.

There’s a terrifying weird one living here.

It’s called a blood coffin.

The child is trapped here to hide and seek, and that’s what it does.

The hidden task of the little girl who hides and seek is just an appetizer, which is regarded as the first stage.

The first stage of the task is not difficult.

As long as you are injured and do not die, you can leave the mass grave.

Of course, this approach cannot trigger the second stage.

In the second stage, the little girl needs to be injured first.

After she leaves, the second stage of the hidden mission can be triggered.

The weird voice was still shouting the countdown.

As the countdown counts down, rats emerge from the graves.

The rat’s hair was thin, as if they had some strange disease.

The mouse’s eyes were terribly red, and there were a lot of gnawing marks on the body.

Ning Yu ignored the countdown and the rat swarm, he was looking for something in the mass grave.

Soon, he stopped.

Take out a shovel and start digging.

The surface of the soil layer is black and normal.

The more you dig, the redder the soil becomes.

In the end, the soil layer is red like layers of blood scabs.

“Found it.”

Digging down for a while, Ning Yu saw the corner of the coffin.

At the same time, the countdown to the mass grave is over.

Squeaking, countless rats chirped.

The number of rats in this messy grave is amazing.

Swarms of rats were like locusts, like ocean waves, scrambling to pounce on Ning Yu.

They open their mouths, revealing sharp fangs, and the red glow in their eyes is terrifying.

This terrifying atmosphere, even the sky is dark.

“It’s a bit of a hassle.”

“But the impact is not much.”

Ning Yu waved his hand and summoned a carriage of the train.

The door of the carriage opened and swarms of rats fell into the compartment.

When one column was full, Ning Yu summoned another column.

“Gotta speed up.”

“If it really doesn’t work, you can only use the rotten ghost hand.”

Ning Yu sped up the digging speed.

With the excavation, the coffin was dug up.

It was a red coffin.

The red on it is not pitch red, but blood red.

The coffin was buried vertically in the ground.

The lid door of the coffin was nailed to death by dozens of coffins.

On the other side of the coffin, there is a small broken notch.

The gap is not large, at most an arm is tucked in, and it is filled with rich black.

Looking through the gap, it gives a creepy sense of déjà vu.

It was as if something was lying on the gap and watching outside.

“I found you.”

Ning Yu grinned and began to pull out the coffin nails.

As the coffin nails fell, the blood red on the surface of the coffin really turned into blood.

It begins to flow, staining the soil layer red and soaking it.

If it weren’t for the better water absorption of the soil layer, the deep pit dug by Ning Yu would have become a pool of blood long ago.

Bang, as the last coffin nail fell, the sealed coffin lid could finally be pushed.

I don’t know that the coffin, which was not opened many years ago, has finally been resealed today.

“Don’t hide, I’ve already found you~”

“This time I won.”

“I see where else you can hide.”

Ning Yu grinned and pushed the lid of the coffin hard.

The lid of the coffin seemed to contain a sea of blood.

As soon as a gap was opened, a large amount of blood gushed out.

Keep pushing, and the blood rushes to float even more.

In the end, the blood almost gushed out.

The entire ground of the mass grave was stained red with blood.

There are more rats in the graves.

They frantically pounced on Ning Yu, trying to tear Ning Yu to pieces.

But train after train held them.

As a result, they could only watch Ning Yu lift all the lids of the coffin, but they could not do anything but roar madly.

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