During Ning Yu’s raid on Horror Black Crow Town, a strange thing happened to Blue Star.

The day after he entered the town of Frightened Raven, a movie went viral on the Internet.

The movie is called: Fright Scarecrow.

Blue Star also has scary movies similar to Scarecrow.

But why is this horror movie going crazy.

Because, there is Ning Yu in this movie.

Since Ning Yu imprisoned the chef, it has been exposed globally and everyone knows about it.

A short video of a detained chef firmly holds the throne of the number one click.

Without it, just because this is Mr. Ning’s video.

He is not only the world’s number one player, but also a world-famous prophetic emperor.

To put it bluntly, Ning Yu has become the backbone of Blue Star and has become a benchmark in strange times.

As long as he is there, even if it is strange, the end will come, and there will be hope in people’s hearts.

This is the lighthouse effect.

It is dark, as long as the lighthouse is still there, it can calm the anxiety and panic of countless people.

This crazy scarecrow on the Internet has the figure of Ning Yu.

At first, people thought it was p.

But soon professionals and directors jumped out and said that this was definitely not a special effect for the movie.

Movie special effects can achieve a similar effect, but traces of special effects can be detected.

And this movie, there is not a single special effect.

It’s more like a real recorded film.

Some directors shamelessly admitted that they filmed it themselves, but they were quickly flesh out by netizens.

In the end, it was completely impossible to find which director shot the film.

The only clue is the end of the movie.

The end reveals the director’s name: Moriya.

Who uploaded the movie.

Hackers from all over the world are looking for it, but they find nothing.

The plot of the movie is also very simple.

As soon as Ning Yu entered the scene, he was chased and killed by the scarecrow.

It’s just that Ning Yu, who has just entered the market, is very strange, and it should even be described as half-wasted.

Scarecrows, too, are the same as waste, taking “six three zero” one step and card three steps.

The opening credits of the first few minutes warmed up, and the audience watching it was almost asleep.

Sunset Red Calisthenics are all more wonderful than the beginning.

Next, three men and two women met Ning Yu by chance.

On the way to Black Crow Town, he encountered a flat tire and sneaked into a wheat field.

Then a series of strange things happened.

When Ning Yu and Zhao Zhen tried to return to the road, they couldn’t find the road.

They were trapped in a wheat field.

Then came the accident of the people who remained on the off-road vehicle.

One by one, they were killed and turned into weird scarecrows.

The picture is bloody and cruel, without the slightest mosaic to hide.

The scalp of the people watching was numb, and their hands and feet were cold.

After that, Ning Yu and the only two remaining survivors hid in the wooden house.

In the wooden house, Ning Yu told about the custom of crow burial in Black Crow Town.

This strange custom, although they have not yet witnessed it, has also given goosebumps.

It’s so weird.

Whether it’s a wheat field or Black Crow Town, it’s a weird place.

After talking about the crow burial customs, Ning Yu led everyone to rush out of the wooden house.

They are heading to Black Raven Town.

Only by reaching Black Crow Town can you escape the pursuit of the scarecrow.

During the runaway, narration sounded.

The voice next to it is accompanied by a memoir like a paper man, which briefly tells the story of the salvation of the saint.

In the final end, only Ning Yu fled into Black Crow Town at the last moment, and the rest were all killed.

This is the approximate plot of this scarecrow.

“To be honest, this plot is a bit old-fashioned, I can guess the beginning and the end.”

“Don’t make trouble, if this is real, someone escaping is an unexpected ending.”

“Yes, did you say that Mr. Ning was really in the movie?”

“If it’s really Mr. Ning, even he will die nine times for the rest of his life, let alone us.”

“I think this should be a foreshadowing, and the movie mentions Black Crow Town and the Holy Daughter.”

“If there is a sequel, the follow-up movies must be related to Black Crow Town and the Virgin.”

Countless people are discussing the plot of the movie and analyzing the subsequent plot.

Although the plot of the movie is very straight, one shot to the end, and you can even guess the ending by looking at the beginning.

But this immersive feeling is extremely high.

What happened after Ning Yu arrived in Black Crow Town.

After the saint was saved, what happened.

This is the focus of discussion for all audiences.

Quite a few players have also popped up.

They said that the movie is likely to be Mr. Ning’s real experience of clearing a copy.

But why it was posted online is unknown.

“Director Yang Zhong, Mr. Ning took Jiang Fat to Horror Black Crow Town.”

“Yes, yes, they have been there for two days and have not come back.”

“Okay, I’ll contact you immediately when Mr. Ning comes back.”

Han Xiaoxiao hung up the phone.

She was also watching this movie that suddenly appeared on the Internet.

“Frightened Scarecrow.”

“Frightened Black Raven Town.”

“This is definitely a copy of Mr. Ning’s experience, but who will make a movie about Mr. Ning’s experience and put it on the Internet.”

“Who is this palace guard?”

Han Xiaoxiao rubbed his temples.

This matter is so bizarre that I can’t figure it out.

But the world is looking for clues to guard the palace.

Because it’s the director of this movie.

“Jun Nan Jushi, Mr. Ning may be in trouble.” Yang Zhong looked sad after hanging up the phone.

Jun Nan touched his beard and slowly spoke: “Director, you suspect that guarding the palace is strange. ”

“Good.” Yang Zhong nodded: “If guarding the palace is weird, then everything makes sense.” ”

“It has its sights on Mr. Ning.”

Jun Nan nodded, he thought so too.

Because, there is also a weird situation in the Internet circle.

Tianzhu appeared a telephone trick.

The people who answered the phone were mysteriously missing.

So far, no survivors have been found.

Now the people of Tianzhu are panicking, and the sound of the phone has become a desperate magic sound.

Although Tianzhu’s top players tried to deal with it, it didn’t help.

They believe that the act of answering the phone is the key to enter some hidden copy.

Phone copies are extremely dangerous.

The most terrifying thing is its influence, not even worse than the slippery ghosts that swept across the Dongying Kingdom.

Therefore, the upper echelons of Tianzhu had already contacted Yang Zhong and were willing to pay any price to ask Mr. Ning to make a move.

The strange thing that happened to Blue Star, Ning Yu was still not clear.

He was still in Black Raven.

The sea of blood worms in Deep Black Crow Town gushed out.

It is like a plague of locusts, spreading all around.

The golden wheat fields instantly became desolate.

The fertile land turned into bloody soil, and there was no longer any possibility of cultivation.

A large number of scarecrows and surviving townspeople were flooded with blood worms.

The mourning crow felt fear.

It chirps, not entangled with the weird scarecrow, flaps its wings and chooses to escape.

The weird scarecrow let out a terrifying roar.

It wields a scythe and frantically harvests blood worms.

But in the face of the overwhelming blood worm, all the struggles were in vain.

Soon, it was overwhelmed by blood worms.

Ning Yu and Jiang Fat sat in the iron pot.

The iron pot is a life-saving prop.

Pour water, light a fire, lie down, and you will be subconsciously ignored by all beings.

The sea of blood worms flowed all around, devouring everything, but not the iron cauldron.

Fortunately, the iron pot is big, otherwise Jiang Fat really can’t sit down.

Of course, even if Jiang Fat can’t sit in the iron pot, he probably won’t have an accident.

“It’s spectacular.”

“The whole world is burning.”

“The resentment of the Holy Lady has pulled the world back into the age of famine.”

Ning Yu lay comfortably in the iron pot, and took a beautiful breath of smoke.

His mission is over.

Now just wait for the weird scarecrow to die completely, and wait for Black Crow Town to burn out.

At this point, he can clear Black Crow Town and leave here.

“Mr. Ning, I’m so hot.”

Jiang Fat’s face was flushed.

The temperature inside the pot has already risen.

He was already fat, large in area, and the temperature rose the fastest.

“Can’t help it, just go out to cool off.”

Ning Yu shrugged.

This is the defect of the iron pan.

After ignition, the temperature will continue to rise.

If you don’t leave the iron pot for a long time, it will really be stewed and become a pot of broth.

Physique is Ning Yu’s strongest one, so Ning Yu’s resistance is strong.

But Jiang Fat’s physique is average, and he has been boiled red.

“Forget it, I’ll still endure.”

Jiang Fat fanned his hands while sticking out his tongue, trying to disperse the temperature. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He was stupid though.

But he is not a real fool.

Now leave the iron pot, what is the difference between sending to death.

Time was passing, Ning Yu’s skin was red, and he was also uncomfortable.

Jiang Fat is even worse.

The smell of meat appeared on his body, and he was already half-cooked.

The mission is also coming to an end.

Because Ning Yu saw the strange scarecrow crawling out of the Blood Worm Sea with difficulty.

It roared up to the sky, with unwillingness and fear in its eyes.

“The peak produces hypocritical adherents, and dusk witnesses true followers.”

“Saint, do you understand?”

This is the unwilling roar of the weird scarecrow before he disappears.

It buried the truth in Black Crow Town and gave Black Crow Town a future.

It weaves lies throughout the world and allows the saints to be canonized.

He is a legend, but in the end he cannot escape the wrath of the Holy Virgin.

“This is dead, it’s a pity.”

Ning Yu sighed.

The weird scarecrow is by no means as simple as the restriction and danger level weirdness.

Because, Ning Yu had never seen the true peak strength of the scarecrow.

Every time it appears, its strength is limited.

For two lifetimes in a row, it passed away in this moment.

So what is its true peak strength, Ning Yu is not clear.

But what made Ning Yu most curious was the weird scarecrow’s final roar.

“The peak produces hypocritical adherents, and dusk witnesses true followers.”

This sentence, Ning Yu listened to it for two lifetimes, but did not fully understand.

But there was no time to continue thinking, because Jiang Fat was really ripe.

The obese body skin is beginning to fall off.

The grease floats on the pot noodles and gives off an amazing fragrance.

[D-Class Hidden Quest: Fright Black Crow Town] [Clearance]

[Reward: Death Roll (Skill Drop Card)]

【Reward: Fright Lost Domain Movie Ticket】

【Reward: 60,000 experience points (double)】

【Reward: 6000 point roll】

【Hidden Mission: Deep Black Crow Town】【Clearance】

【Reward: Kerosene lamp】

【Reward: Black Feather】

【Reward: 600,000 experience points (double)】

【Reward: 60,000 rolls】

[Congratulations to Ning Yu for rising to level 21]

[Congratulations to Ning Yu for rising to level 22]

[Congratulations to Ning Yu for rising to level 30]

The two missions combined with the double experience card directly allowed Ning Yu to rush to level 30 0….

The soaring scene of rising 9 levels in a row is shocking.

“Time to go.”

As soon as Ning Yu lifted Jiang Fat, who had fainted, he turned around and got into the black hole that appeared in front of him.

Looking back, he saw Ruth walking in the sea of insects.

Ruth is a saintly recognized being.

Plus she is the heroine of the second Black Crow Town.

So she won’t die so easily.

In the third part, there will be two heroines, and Ruth is one of them.

At the moment when Ning Yu left the copy, the whole world froze.

Not even the plot of the Scarecrow movie is discussed.

Because, the ranking of the global player level ranking has been refreshed.

【Global Player Level Leaderboard】

【NO1:Mr. Ning (anonymous)-Huaxia-Level 30】

【NO2: Fat Master (anonymous)-Huaxia-Level 29】

【NO3:Guan Qing-Huaxia-Level 15】

【N04 Shirako Suzuki-Toei-Grade 15】

There is a huge gap in the leaderboard.

The third and fourth were twice as different from Ning Yu.

Such disparities almost made them desperate and suffocated.

Jiang Fat rubbed 660,000 experience points, directly soared to the second place in the world, and the level was also faulty, only 1 level behind Ning Yu, reaching level 29.

But don’t underestimate one level.

Because at this level, there is a difference of 100,000 experience points.

Everyone knows that the fat master is Jiang Fat.

Before Jiang Fat entered Black Crow Town, he posted a circle of friends.

The circle of friends was once popular on the whole network.

Many people think that this is a scandal and is eye-catching.

Unexpectedly, this is actually true.

“Lying groove, what Jiang Fat said is true, he really hugged Mr. Ning’s thigh.”

“My God, hugging Mr. Ning’s lap, from obscurity directly to the second in the world.”

“That’s an exaggeration.”

“The fat master really took off, it’s over, I laughed at him before he was dead fat.”

The most talked about on the Internet is not Ning Yu, but Jiang Fat.

Because, everyone is accustomed to Ning Yu’s dominance, which leads to his topic degree not being as high as Jiang Fat.

“Mr. Ning is back.”

The moment the global player level ranking was updated, Han Xiaoxiao knew that Ning Yu was back.

She hurried over.

The moment she pushed the door open, she was stunned.

Jiang Fat was lying on the sofa like a roasted suckling pig.

The whole human skin is open and the meat blooms, and the meat in some places is cooked.

He smirked bitterly.

Look at the global player level leaderboard and giggle.

Looking at the message netizens gave themselves smirked.

After laughing, he gasped for air, because the meat laugh cracked.

“Find someone to drag him to the hospital.”

“Severe burns, if not in good health, you can add meals now.”

“With his consumables, skin grafting cultivation, it is estimated that he will have to lie down for more than half a month.”

Within half a month, Jiang Fat was considered wasted, and he couldn’t do anything.

But what about this.

Compared with 660,000 experience points, lying for half a month is nothing.

“Mr. Ning, next time there is such a good thing, you can contact me at any time.”

“I’m on call.”

“Even if you shave my body next time, it’s like 5.2 Ho.”

When the people carried Jiang Fat out, Jiang Fat was still shouting loudly.

It is obvious that the scar forgets to hurt.

In Black Crow Town, he also felt that Ning Yu was too crazy, and planned to keep a little distance from Ning Yu in the future.

After the copy, it was beaten by 660,000 experience points and the world’s second ranking.

After sending Jiang Fat away, Han Xiaoxiao stood in front of Ning Yu with a worried expression.

“Mr. Ning, your previous experience of raiding the Scarecrow was uploaded online.”

“We investigated, and we couldn’t find out who posted it.”

“The final signature of the movie is a director named Shougong.”

Han Xiaoxiao’s words made Ning Yu’s face change greatly.

He took the tablet sent by Han Xiaoxiao.

Open the tablet and watch the movie for nearly two hours.

Yes, this is my experience in Scarecrow.

He spent twenty hours in Scarecrow, and the film was compressed to two hours, apparently edited, leaving only the wonderful plot.

“Guard the palace, it’s it.”

“Why does it notice me.”

Ning Yu looked at the name of the filmmaker and director of the palace guard, and his face changed suddenly.

Shougong is the ghost director that Ning Yu once mentioned.

The Psycho series and Once Upon a Time in the Woods were filmed by it.

In the previous life, Ning Yu had seen the palace guard once.

It is catastrophic and weird, extremely terrifying, and has almost incomprehensible abilities.

“It didn’t pay attention to me in its last life.”

“In the last life, though, it did publish movies online.”

“It’s all movies with some heavyweight copies.”

This is its obsession.

It takes movies that it thinks are great and posts them online for people to watch.

“Is it because I am so outstanding in the Psycho series.”

Ning Yu touched his chin.

The horror series does not have a male protagonist.

This series is a big heroine series.

But after reading the scarecrow uploaded on the Internet, he obviously took the male protagonist route.

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