“Feast hell~”

After a long time, the painter woman sighed meaningfully.

“Do you know what place it is?”

Her tone was even more serious than the last time Ning Yu brought the Blood Corpse God Statue ~ head.

“I don’t know.” Ning Yu shook his head.

The painter laughed: “I don’t know if you dare to go-ah.” ”

“Interesting, interesting.”

“You’re getting more and more interesting.”

“What do you want?” The painter asked.

Ning Yu was waiting for this sentence.

“President, I want to bring a helper.”

“As you know, I’m not very familiar with the business of the Deep Net Group.”

“So, looking for a helper.”

“I look good at human skin ghosts.”

“The first time I saw a human skin ghost, I had a feeling of hatred when I saw each other.”

Ning Yu was the first time to praise a human skin ghost.

But the human skin ghost did not dare to swell at all.

How dare this swell.

What Ning Yu is going to is a feast hell.

The human skin ghost was wilted at that time.

“It can’t work~”

“Renpi is an old employee of the group, and if it goes, a lot of business can’t be handled.”

The painter rejected Ning Yu.

It seems that she also knows that human skin ghosts are special.

Let it go to the feast hell to die, the painter can not bear it.

She had already acquiesced that Ning Yu was going to die.


Ning Yu’s gaze began to scan.

When looking at the ghost sales, the ghost salesman’s head is directly stuffed into the soil and loaded with ostriches.

The corners of Ning Yu’s mouth twitched slightly.

Rest assured, he will never choose a ghost to sell.

The gaze fell on the First Building.

The ghost employees of the first building all bowed their heads.

The second building retracted into the ground, not knowing the internal situation.

So, the eyes fell on the third building.

The toothed man who was still interested in Ning Yu just now, the blood and sweat on his forehead ticked and rolled down.

The ghost employees behind it, each bowed their heads, as if they had done something wrong.

Until now, there was no way to dare to look directly at Ning Yu’s gaze.

One person actually overwhelmed all the strange pressures of the three buildings of the Deep Net Group.


Ning Yu pointed his finger at the toothed man.

With this action, the blood and sweat on the top of the toothed man’s head overflowed like a hot spring.


It swallowed its saliva and pointed at itself, unable to believe that Ning Yu would choose it.

“Come here.”

Ning Yu hooked his finger.

Before the tooth man could speak, the ghost employee behind it kicked the tooth man down.

Then, the third building shrunk into the ground with a whoosh.

The toothed man sat on the ground, and the whole trick was not good.

The huge body, trembling body, hideous blood basin and mouth, and face full of blood and sweat look terrifying and funny.

“What are you rubbing, come here.”

Ning Yu stared at the toothed man.

It’s rare to see weirdness that scares like this.

But think about it, it’s impossible for them not to be afraid.

After all, even Linghua, who is not afraid of death, is afraid of the feast hell.

“Let me ask you, what did you go to Maple Leaf Ghost City for the other day?”

Ning Yu walked in front of the toothed man, stepped on the back of the toothed man’s head, and wiped his shoes by the way.

That’s it.

Don’t believe you bite me.”

Bit, let you follow me to the feast hell.

“I sent a shipment.”

“To whom?”

“Mrs. Falling Sakura, the ghost servant that her family ordered before was eaten by her husband.”

“Mrs. Rakusakura.” Ning Yu nodded.

This weirdness, I know, have seen, and have dealt with.

The horror of Maple Leaf Ghost Town is divided into several grades.

It’s like a pyramid.

Gourmets, blood corpse statues, big fish, belong to the top.

Mrs. Falling Sakura is the great horror of the second layer.

“On the Crimson Train, did you notice a ghost in a dress.”

“It stuffs a lot of stuff into the skirt.”

The toothed man shook his head, indicating that he had never seen it.

The Crimson train has a lot of carriages, and they should not be in one car.

“Help me find out where it went.”

“When I come next time, I hope to hear a satisfactory answer.”

The most special ability of the toothed man is its identity.

Before his death, he seemed to be a conductor or a conductor.

So, it can freely enter and exit the Crimson Train.

With this train, you can reach many places, even beyond the Blue Star.

The toothed man was stunned for a moment, and then nodded wildly.

It figured it out.

Ning Yu didn’t choose it, just called it over and asked something.

A weird, hard to be scared out of the gratitude that should not appear.

You can imagine how terrible the feast hell really is.

“President, I choose a half-frog.”

Kicking the toothed man, Ning Yu said into the phone.

“Half-frogs and I can also be regarded as living and dying together, and we are both hated by the Blood Corpse Gods.”

“A half-frog belly can hold a lot of things, which is very useful for us to open up new markets.”

“Moreover, the body of the half-frog is very sensitive, with strong jumping power and strong sight, which is helpful for opening up new markets.”

“The most important thing is that I saw the half-frog at first sight, and we hated each other.”

“The last time I brought the head of the Blood Corpse God, the half-frog knew that touching the head of the Blood Corpse God’s statue would be remembered.”

“But it still didn’t hesitate to help me pick up the head of the Blood Corpse God.”

“At that time, it patted me on the shoulder and said, “There are difficulties and blessings, which is the purpose of the Deep Web Group.”

Ning Yu hadn’t finished speaking.

A crazy frog cry erupted from the second building.

“You fart, croak~”

“You talk nonsense, croak~”

“You’re sick, croak~”

“President, don’t listen to his nonsense.”

“This guy is crazy, absolutely crazy.”

The frog has not yet arrived, the sound has arrived.

Looking up, a black shadow descended from the sky.

With a boom, the half-frog landed in front of Ning Yu.

Strong legs, muscular, like rocks, even the strongest bodybuilders do not have these beautiful legs.

Even the sweat hairs on the beautiful legs carry a strong color.

The upper body is a frog body, which was originally green, but now it has turned purple.

Two bulging frog eyes, a line of tears rolling.

“Okay, noisy.”

The painter yawned and returned to her lazy appearance: “Half-frog, you can go with him.” ”

“Anyway, if he dies, the first person the Blood Corpse God Statue will find is you.”

“So it was decided.”

Without waiting for the half-frog to speak, the painter hung up the phone.

The half-frog mouth cannot be closed for a long time.

After a long time, he roared up to the sky: “No ~ croak ~”

The purple skin turned gray and no longer reacted.

“Ning… Mr. Ning, save me, save me. ”

Wei Qing finally dug a hole in the sack and stuck his head out.

He didn’t know what was going on outside.

But it was just very lively outside.

This means that Mr. Ning has not left, and he is still saved.

“Someone called me?”

Ning Yu turned his head and looked around, and his gaze fell on a sack.

The sack was torn and a head stuck out of the hole.

The head yelled at himself, and two lines of clear tears rolled down.

When he found that Ning Yu paid attention, his head became even more excited, just like taking ecstasy, shaking vigorously.

“It’s a little familiar.”

Ning Yu scratched his head, unable to remember who it was for a while.

“Wei Qing.”

“Wei Qing, how is it in the sack.”

Suddenly, a face appeared in Ning Yu’s mind.

Ning Yu remembered.

That head is Wei Qing.

“Humanskin, let that chain black shadow stop.”

Ning Yu pointed to the chain black shadow and said. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Human-skinned ghosts dare to say no.

Ning Yu had already scared the weirdness of the three buildings of the Deep Net Group out of the shadows.

“Wei Qing, it’s really you.”

“How do you… Over here. ”

Ning Yu untied the sack and took out Wei Qing.

Wei Qing’s whole person is not good.

Just almost taken away.

If he hadn’t dug a hole in time and stuck his head out, maybe his waist would have been gone.

“Mr. Ning, you: Do you want to hear the truth or falsehood. ”

Wei Qing looked around, a little scared in his heart.

Because there is a lot of weirdness around.

Especially the weirdness of that half-human, half-frog, petrified up to the sky, white and gray, tears rolling.

The suit that was lying on the ground and pretending to die was strange, and the huge body put great pressure on Wei Qing.

“The truth is, I saw Mr. Ning driving the train and taking away a lot of weirdness.”

“I think that Mr. Ning may have a big move, so I want to rub Mr. Ning a wave of rewards.”

Wei Qing said without tears.

Sure enough, Mr. Ning’s legs were not so easy to rub.

Han Xiaoxiao was lucky, and he was the only player who retreated with his whole body and got the black bus.

Jiang Fat is still lying in the hospital.

He tried to rub Mr. Ning to reward, but as soon as he arrived at the place, he was almost caught in the deep net group’s waist.

Sure enough, the place where Mr. Ning went was too dangerous, far beyond the imagination of ordinary players.

“What about falsehoods?”

“I’ve heard about Mr. Ning’s train driving technology for a long time, so I’ve always wanted to feel it once.”

“Now feel it, it really lives up to its name, car god.”

Wei Qing said with a thumbs up.

“Pretty honest.” Ning Yu nodded, pointed at Wei Qing and said, “This guy, my friend, I’ll take it away in a moment.” ”

Terraneees have no opinion at all.

Don’t talk about this guy.

Even if Ning Yu wanted to take away all the weirdness he brought over before, he had no opinion.

Wei Qing’s expression was strange.

He’s also a player, and he’s on the list.

The weirdness all around is very terrifying.

But why did he look at Ning Yu’s eyes, but with fear.

Weird is afraid of people, which has broken Wei Qing’s common sense of three views.

Never heard anything so outrageous.

“Brother Frog, it’s time for us to hit the road.”

Ning Yu kicked the half-frog.

The stiff body of the half-frog fell straight to the ground.

Even if he fell to the ground, he maintained a roaring posture on his back.

The eyes are already wooden.

The whole trick is silly.

Wei Qing swallowed his saliva.

He had no idea what was going on here.

Ning Yu said rude to the half-frog, and he kicked it at every turn.

The half-frog in front of him, if Wei Qing hadn’t looked away, it would be even more terrifying than the chef who appeared in Pingliang Ancient City before.

Just like that, he was kicked down by Ning Yu.

On closer inspection, it seems a bit autistic.

The weirdness of autism is really rare.

“Stop holding on.”

“Climb in by yourself, or let me tuck you in.”

Ning Yu took out his marijuana bag.

Half-frogs are dangerous-level weirdness and can temporarily leave the quest, but with restrictions.

So it needs to be taken out in a sack.

In this way, it is also convenient to bring half-frogs into the feast hell.

Wei Qing was dumbfounded.

He felt like his ears were broken.

Climb in yourself or I’ll tuck you in.

Listen, is this what people say?

But the truth made Wei Qing’s life collapse.

Under Ning Yu’s urging, the half-frog was like a half-pushed, half-bride with fear, unwillingness, anger, and numbness, slowly climbing into the sack.

Then hide your head at your knees, put your feet together, and finally hold it, not moving, which is distressing to watch.

Ning Yu was still scolding: “Real ink, it’s weird, how to twist and pinch.” ”

As soon as the sack was tied, Ning Yu threw it into the backpack.

There were ghost employees in the first building who ran out, bent over and bowed their heads, and raised their hands.

If Wei Qing was not mistaken, this ghost employee was afraid.

Its whole body couldn’t stop shaking.

“Mr. Ning, this is the corrupt heart approved by the president.”

The human-skinned ghost leaned in front of Ning Yu and nodded.

“Stay away from me when you speak, you have bad breath.”

Ning Yu took the rotten heart and kicked the human skin ghost angrily.

The human-skinned ghost quickly nodded and bowed, extremely respectful.

“Okay, I’m leaving.”

Mentioning Wei Qing, whose life collapsed and did not want to speak, Ning Yu got on the train.

Bang bang woo, the train drifts away.

Far away, you can hear the three buildings of the Deep Net Group exhale.

As soon as Ning Yu left, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The human-skinned ghost wiped the sweat on his forehead: “You said, why is Mr. Ning not dead yet.” ”

“He should be dead this time.”

“Seriously, I’m a little scared to see him.”

Ghost Sales quickly nodded in approval.

The toothed man got up from the ground and patted his clothes: “That guy is dead.” ”

“Also, today’s matter, whoever dares to say it, I will eat it.” The toothed man said viciously.

It is terrifying, and people are even more terrifying.

“Deep Net Group don’t mess around, that place is very dangerous.”

“I’ll send you here.”

Ning Yu saw Wei Qing get out of the car.

After getting out of the car, Wei Qing looked at the sky.

He didn’t know if he was crazy, or the world was crazy, maybe they were all crazy.

He didn’t even know how he got home.

“Hey, contact a psychiatrist for me.”

“Yes, I’m going to stay in the hospital for a few days.”

Wei Qing plans to go for psychological counseling and stay in the hospital for a few days to slow down.

Otherwise, the whole person may be stupid.

Ning Yu, who returned home, was still making final preparations.

【Name: Rotten Heart】

【Type: Consumables】


[Ability: Rotten Heart, Carrion Body]

This thing, not of high quality, is only D grade, but it is very rare.

It is taken orally, and the effect lasts for 48 hours, that is, two days and two nights.

Within 48 hours, the meat that fell from Ning Yu’s body would instantly become carrion.

Carrion is not Ning Yu’s meat, and it has nothing to do with Ning Yu itself.

Therefore, even if the starving ghost bites a piece of Ning Yu’s meat, it will not be able to assimilate Ning Yu.

In addition to this, new flesh grows quickly in the injured area.

New meat lasts for 48 hours.

It will fall off in 48 hours and turn into carrion.

Because Feast Hell is limited in resilience, new meat is key.

In a way, taking rotten heart is equivalent to having an immortal body.

But it is not a real immortal body, if the whole person is swallowed, it will also die.

But relatively speaking, this immortality is already very perverted.

With Shangning Yu’s restart himself, within 48 hours, even if he was seriously injured, he could recover.

I entered the bedroom and looked at the five-bone abundant flower pot.

The vegetative man in the five-bone abundance pot already has a baby shape.

It has grown rapidly during this time, and it has been able to barely replace some parts of Ning Yu’s tissue.

The flowers of Meng Jiangnu’s pot have been thanked, and small melons have grown at this time.

Meng Jiangnu is not far from birth.

“The last thing, the bone domain enters the second stage.”

After Ning Yu finished disposing of the Five Bone Fengdeng Flower Pot and Meng Jiang Nu Flower Poiser, he left Pingliang City for the first time.

He was going to the crazy skilled bone domain outside Pingliang City.

Strive to let the bone domain enter the second stage within two days.

At that time, it’s time to go to the feast hell.

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