The gyro spins around on the desktop.

It is full of unknown magic, and it can’t help but attract everyone’s attention.

Even Reihua was attracted by the spinning top.

It has been spinning rapidly for more than ten minutes, and there is still no sign of stopping.

“Seriously, every time I come to a dream, I feel like I’m in a trance.”

Ning Yu took a cigarette and stood in front of the window.

Outside the Pingliang City, the sun is shining, and the spring breeze is blowing.

Here, there is no eclipse.

Here, too, there is no copy of Advent.

But there are substantial legends here.

People here have their own memories, their own lives, their own feelings, just like real people.

They will be sad, they will be happy, they will fight hard for life.

This is the horror of eternal dreams.

Without special props, it is difficult to tell.

If you fall into it, you will sink.

“Dreams are inherently magical.”

“It has no beginning and no end.”

“It’s like life is like a dream, where no one knows.”

Linghua didn’t know when she appeared behind Ning Yu.

Ning Yu looked at Linghua with a wry smile.

Linghua still has the old saying: “When you live in pain and cannot be freed, the only thing you can do is to relieve the pain with thinking.” ”

“You have twenty days, what are you going to do?”

Ning Yu squinted his eyes and sniffed the fragrance of April spring.

“Look for legends.”

Eternal Dreams has no copies.

But eternal dreams have legends.

Each legend is a special mission.

Its difficulty has something to do with the month in which it appears.

Eternal dreams come out in March.

March is an E-level quest, so Eternal Dreams’ special quests are stabilized to E-level quests.

Unless, in a certain month in reality, the Eternal Dreams Monster rule appears again, the difficulty will be increased to the level of the latest copy.

Therefore, the rewards of the Eternal Dream Special Quest are not high, only a hundred times rewards.

Once you clear the level, you can get 10,000 experience points.

This is its upper limit, after all, it is the most basic E-level copy.

The upper limit is a hundred times, not 04, the multiple of special tasks should have been a thousand times.

What really makes special mission rewards a thousand times greater is the D-level Weird Talk Quest.

When the C-level Weird Talk copy appears, the upper limit will reach 10,000 times.

The limit of special tasks is a thousand times, and in any case it cannot appear ten thousand times.

Therefore, a hidden copy will appear in the C-level Weird Talk Quest.

The hidden quest inside the weird dungeon triggers the most difficult mission.

This difficult task is no longer a special task, but a challenge task.

The difficulty is very, very terrifying.

It can almost be described as self-defeating.

It is also very difficult to open the challenge mission.

It first swipes the Hidden Quest ticket in the Monster Quest, then uses the ticket to enter the Hidden Quest of Monster Talk before triggering the Challenge Mission.

“10,000 experience points is also meat.”

“No matter how little meat there is, it cannot be wasted.”


Ning Yu disappeared into the rental house with Linghua.

Blue Star, there is no shortage of legends.

“My husband can sleep.”

Meng Jiangnu pillowed Ning Yu’s arm.

Ning Yu had been sleeping for almost a day.

On this day, Meng Jiangnu had grown to the appearance of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl.

Youthful, beautiful, lively and beautiful.

Her feelings are rich, not like a ghost, more like a person.

Her eyes are simple, innocent, innocent, and curious about everything.

She was like a blank sheet of paper, spotlessly clean.

But she was very close to Ning Yu, very close.

Even if the invisible roar of Ning Yukai’s talent last time scared Meng Jiangnu.

But she was still very close to Ning Yu.

In her eyes, Ning Yu was her only light.

And her raison d’être is simple.

If Ning Yu died, she wept for Ning Yu.

“I’m waking up.”

Meng Jiangnu carefully bit Ning Yu’s wrist and muttered in her mouth: “I can eat now.” ”

“My husband is waking up.”

“After waking up, my husband should become fat immediately.”

In Meng Jiangnu’s expectant eyes, Ning Yu gradually opened her eyes.

His eyes were in a trance, and for a moment he couldn’t tell whether he was in reality or in a dream.

I wanted to take out the top and spin it, but I found that I didn’t even have the strength to raise my hand.

The contour mirror I bought before happened to shine on Ning Yu.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it, Ning Yu is cracked when you see it.

He was like a dry corpse, crumpled.

The face is as white as paper.

Looking back at Meng Jiangnu, who was quietly sucking herself, Ning Yu had a heart on her face.

Quickly took out a few blood clots and chewed heavily.

The dry body quickly plumped, and blood appeared on the face.

“Lie down, forget Meng Jiangnu.”

“If I come back for a while, my TM will be sucked dry.”

Ning Yu was speechless.

She also bought blood bags, but Meng Jiangnu was not interested in other people’s blood, so she was interested in her own blood.

“My husband is really fat, hey.”

Meng Jiangnu no longer restrained herself and began to suck in large gulps.

This day and night starved her.

She had been sucking slowly, deeply afraid that she would suck Ning Yu flat.

Now that Ning Yu woke up, she didn’t have to endure it anymore.

“It’s so fast.”

“I’m fifteen or sixteen in the blink of an eye.”

“Sure enough, when you fall in love with Weird, you never need to worry about age.”

“The body development is also good.”

“It’s bouncing, it feels good.”

Ning Yu ate the blood clot while checking Meng Jiangnu’s growth.

Since raising Meng Jiangnu, the blood clots have become Ning Yu’s jelly beans.

The quality of the blood clot is not high, but it also has more than 60 rolls.

Ning Yu bought hundreds of pieces as soon as he bought it.

In the whole world, it is estimated that only Ning Yu dares to squander it like this.

“It’s okay, you keep eating.”

“Leave me alone.”

Ning Yu rubbed Meng Jiangnu’s hair.

Only then did he take out the spinning top and start turning.

A minute later, the spinning top fell on the table, and Ning Yu was sure that he had returned.

He glanced back at Meng Jiangnu again.

“Perhaps, Meng Jiangnu is also a benchmark for me to determine whether it is in a dream or in reality.”

There is no Meng Jiangnu in the dream anymore.

The rental house of Dream also does not have Meng Jiangnu.

So, she is more accurate than spinning the top.

“Level 37.”

“Twenty days of dreamland, brushed more than forty special tasks.”

Ning Yu rubbed his temples.

Things in the dream, as he woke up, he forgot a lot.

But he remembered that he was about to vomit on special tasks.

At least brush more than 40, otherwise it is impossible to rise to level 37.

The Condor Master also inquired in the Eternal Dream, but unfortunately did not inquire about his whereabouts.

Next time you go to Dreamland, you can inquire about it in a different place. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Look at the time, April 30, 2023 3:5436 seconds.

“It’s quite immediate, and there are more than 4 hours before the world will release an update notice.”

Take out your phone, and the Internet is indeed hotly discussing the update content in May.

The only thing that is certain is that a C-class copy will definitely arrive.

Mr. Ning’s netizens are even more numerous.

After browsing for a while, Ning Yu put down his phone and waited patiently.

Coming up in May.

In May, in addition to the third part of the Fright series and the Weird Tale quest, he will officially deal with Maple Leaf Ghost City.

“It’s here, Baizi, we’ve finally arrived in Pingliang City.”

After many hardships and trekking nearly 20,000 kilometers through the mountains, Shirako Suzuki and Hofras. Gula, on the last day of 4, finally arrived in Pingliang City.

A large group of them set out from the mighty capital.

The extremely cold weather on the road is terrifyingly eerie.

As a result, less than ten people stepped into Pingliang City alive, and the rest were killed on the road.

But these few people who can step into Pingliang City alive are not simple.

Shirako Suzuki, the top player in the leaderboard, is currently in fourth place.

Top player on the leaderboard, Hofsky. Gura, fell to ninth place.

There was also the Master of Silence who followed behind, originally ranked 19, but this way he rose two places to rank 17.

The rest are also leaderboard players, not between a hundred, but among a thousand.

After all, they were the first team to travel long distances since the beginning of the strange era.

“Poor Dao has already contacted the person in charge of the Pingliang City Abnormal Bureau.”

“They’re already waiting for us.”

“Is Mr. Ning there?”

Shirako Suzuki hurriedly asked, she only cared about Mr. Ning.

Master Silent Heart shook his head: “If you don’t know the poor road, you will know when you go.” ”

Hovsky. Gula whispered: “Don’t come to pick us up either.” ”

“That’s how the etiquette of Huaxia is.”

His complaining, no one paid attention to, and even wanted to roll his eyes.

Figure it out, now the temperature outside is almost minus 50 degrees.

Pingliang City was frozen.

Every family shivering at home.

This ghost weather, who TM dares to come out to pick up people.

They were able to stand outside thanks to their winter suits.

This winter suit is still provided by Shanghu City, and it was modified by Zeng Aerospace Suit.

Look from afar.

Their group is like a moon landing team.

But then again.

The trek from the capital to Pingliang is more difficult than landing on the moon.

2023 year 430 at 8 o’clock.

With everyone waiting, the voice of the world spread all over the world.

【May Update Announcement】

[Bluestar 1.5 version will be updated non-stop from 00:00 am on May 1, the main content and adjustments of this update are as follows]

[1. New Weird Talk: In the Dark]

[2. New: C-level copy]

[3. New content: Add dot roll mall products]

[4. New: Open Global Player Equipment Impact List]

【5. New setting: temporary open photometric detection】

[6. New patch: Delete Moon]

【Finally, happy playing】

The world update has appeared.

It blew a huge tornado in the world.

Some cheered, others were silent.

“The damn eclipse is finally coming to an end, and the sun is coming back.”

“Yes, I’d rather be eaten weirdly than freeze to death, it’s too TM cold.”

This month has been really torturous.

“What are the weird rules in the dark, I don’t feel good.”

“Please the world to breathe.”

“I still think that eternal dreams are good, now I don’t sleep late, and my routine is very normal.”

“Coincidentally, no, I also think that the eternal dream strange talk is the best weird talk.”

Countless people are nostalgic for the eternal dream of March.

In March, it really made countless people gasp fiercely.

More people are shocked that the moon is about to be deleted.

“In the dark.”

Ning Yu sighed.

To be honest, this weird copy, I really don’t want to go.

In some ways, it is more dangerous than eternal dreams and feasting hell.

No, it should not be said in terms of danger, but in despair.

True despair.

The Internet has sparked a wave of heated discussions.

There are no more than two topics around.

First, analyze the situation of the world of reasoning.

The second, Mr. Crazy Ning.

“Mr. Ning came out to explain, we can’t live without you 693.”

In the thousands of calls from netizens, Ning Yu’s post was finally uploaded.

His post, once uploaded, became popular all over the Internet, and the entire Blue Star was quiet.

Everyone was carefully browsing Ning Yu’s post.

【About the analysis of the May update】

[First of all, the strange talk that everyone is most concerned about]

[This strange talk in the dark, I was fortunate enough to learn about it in the copy, it says that danger is extremely dangerous, and it is not dangerous and not dangerous]

[From May, unknown horrors will breed in the dark, no matter what happens, do not be in the dark, otherwise you will die]

[Even if you are lucky not to die, if you stay in the dark for more than ten minutes, you will be forever in darkness and cannot escape]

[But don’t worry too much, the weirdness of the darkness cannot leave the darkness, just like a fish cannot go ashore]

[So don’t be in the dark]

[C-level copies arrive as promised, and the dangerous level weird and super dangerous level weird base of the copy has been greatly improved, it is recommended that you do not go to the wild without authorization, from May, the wild will become a weird paradise]

[But you don’t need to worry about disaster-level weirdness, in May, disaster-level weirdness is still limited, even if you recover, you can’t get out of the copy, even if you get out of the copy, the strength is also. ]

[The new products in the point roll mall, you can check by yourself, I am not convenient to say more]

[The global player equipment impact list has opened, and like the previous global mount rating list, it will become a global player equipment ranking after a while, and rewards will be issued according to the ranking]

[Settings need to be emphasized, photometric detection is a new setting specifically for opening in the dark]

[It can detect the luminosity, the higher the luminosity, the safer, the lower the luminosity, the more dangerous, less than 40%, everyone should pay attention]

[There is nothing to say about the patch, the deletion of the moon will not cause natural harm, because the blue star is no longer the blue star it once was.] 】

[But it is undeniable that after the moon is deleted, the night of the blue star will become extremely terrifying, and everyone should not go out at night as much as possible]

[In addition, the cities close to the Goryeo Kingdom should be evacuated as soon as possible, and once they are shrouded in ghost lockdown, they will no longer be able to escape]

【Finally, happy playing】

May update content, Ning Yu said in detail.

After reading Ning Yu’s post, people swallowed their saliva one after another.

They looked at the closed toilet doors, the kitchens, and the fear in their eyes hit.

Ignoring the cold, he rushed over frantically to turn on all the lights he could turn on.

At this moment, the world is brightly lit and the city is shining.

Viewed from above, the dark blue star appears with a large number of points of light.

These points of light are scattered and concentrated, scattered in various parts of the blue star, as if telling the word “hope”.

But if you look closely, you can see two other words in the gap in the point of light.

All the points of light have two words written “despair”!.

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