Shirako Suzuki finally inquired about Ning Yu’s residence.

She was surprised.

She couldn’t figure out why Ning Yu lived in a rental house.

Han Xiaoxiao couldn’t figure it out either.

Pingliang City had provided Ning Yu with a better place to live, but Ning Yu did not move in.

He still lives in a rental house.

Therefore, whenever Han Xiaoxiao came here, his heart would be nervous.

She always felt that Ning Yu was only temporarily living in Pingliang City.

He will one day leave without leaving anything behind.

Shirako Suzuki knelt in front of the rental house for nearly ten hours before waiting for Ning Yu.

“Come in.”

For Suzuki Shiroko’s appearance, Ning Yu was not surprised.

Suzuki Baiko silently followed Ning Yu into the room.

She looked at Ning Yu’s back.

It’s like a mountain that you can only look up to.

The purpose of her coming to Huaxia was to challenge Mr. Ning.

Now that I think about it, how funny and ridiculous this is.

At the moment when he really saw Ning Yu.

She didn’t even have the courage to take out the Ghost Tooth Pill.

After returning to the rental house, Ning Yu first went to the balcony to look at the Five Bone Fengdeng flower pot.

The vegetative people who have grown up in the five-bone abundance pot.

Absorbed by sunlight and blood rain, it grew into a strange humanoid plant.

It is Ning Yu’s replacement body.

The missing part can be replaced with its part.

Nothing is more precious.

Once the vegetative person grows to a complete body, he can let Ning Yu be reborn once.

This is the most precious ability of the Five Bones Fengdeng.

Although Meng Jiangnu was born, she still likes sunshine very much.

Except for Ning Yu, she was unwilling to communicate with anyone.

At this time, she moved a chair and lay on the balcony basking in the sun.

Something suddenly came to mind.

She quickly ran to open the refrigerator to get the blood bag, put ice cubes, and plugged in the straw.

I went to the bedroom again and pulled out the tablet.

Only then did he lie on the balcony chair with a comfortable face, drinking blood, playing with the computer, and basking in the sun.

That’s life.

“Mr. Ning, please help us deal with the scoop ghost, please.”

Shirako Suzuki plopped down on the ground, palms facing the sky, and kowtowed heavily.

Dongying Guo asked someone to do something without mentioning anything else, his attitude was really speechless, and he knelt down at every turn.

They don’t have a man in this country who has ten thousand taels of gold on his knees.

“Funny ghost.”

Ning Yu leaned on the sofa and silently lit a cigarette.

He was able to successfully imprison the Blood Corpse God, which was really a coincidence.

Under various weakenings, the Blood Corpse Statue was successfully imprisoned.

But in fact, it was not completely detained.

Its head is at the headquarters of the Deep Web Group.

Its upper body is in the Ning Yu Ghost Gate.

Its lower body is in the feast hell.

Only if these three parts are held together can it be considered a perfect detention.

Otherwise, even if Ning Yu sacrificed half of the statue inside the ghost gate, the blood corpse statue would still not die.

But Slippery Ghost is different.

It is at its peak, an absolute top-level ultra-dangerous level weirdness, which has not been weakened in the slightest.

Its final stage can even be called a catastrophic weird without a weird domain.

Ning Yu calculated it.

He brought Meng Jiangnu, Linghua, and Wen Jing, and all the hole cards were out, and at most they were five or five with the slippery ghost.

As for detention, it is difficult.

Suzuki Baizi saw Ning Yu frowning, and quickly shouted loudly: “As long as Mr. Ning helps us deal with it, we Dongying are willing to pay any price.” ”

Many countries wanted Ning Yu to help them deal with some almost unsolvable weirdness.

It was a pity that they could only try to get Ning Yu’s reply through the Huaxia Abnormal Bureau.

Shirako Suzuki has a benefit.

She was the first foreigner to come to Ning Yu and hope to ask Ning Yu for help.

“Even if I can dispose of it, how to get to Dongying Country is the biggest problem.”

“Pingliang City is more than 100,000 li away from Dongying Country.”

“It also has to cross a sea area.”

“After the May update, you should know about the dangers in the sea online.”

Shirako Suzuki said loudly as she knelt on the ground.

“Mr. Ning, Hashimoto Yukina has awakened his talent.”

“Her talent is called psychic gate.”

“The psychic door can open the door of death and summon the weird to fight.”

“You can also open the door and ask for player help.”

Ning Yu touched his chin.

He had forgotten that Toei Kuni also had Yukina Hashimoto.

In the last life, a total of four players with awakened talents appeared in the Dongying Kingdom, which were also called the Four Emperors by the Dongying Kingdom.

Yukina Hashimoto and Shirako Suzuki are among them.

The remaining two are Princess Kaguya and Yamato Naoki.

Princess Kaguya, one of the four emperors, was originally a member of the Dongying royal family and had the most noble status.

Yukina Hashimoto’s talent is psychic doors.

Psychic Gate has two abilities.

Open the door of death and summon the weird.

Open the door and summon the living.

The power of summoning weirdness is closely related to spiritual power.

It does not extract spiritual power at once, but slowly.

So you can use consumables of resilience to increase the power of the dead door.

The weirdness of the summoning is also related to spiritual power.

It can fight for Yukina Hashimoto, and kill.

Because the weirdness of the door of death does not exist intelligence, only instincts remain.

With the help of the psychic gate, Yukina Hashimoto can add a command to its instincts.

The opening door summons the player, which consumes spiritual power according to distance.

In advance, the summoned player is willing to push the door to help, otherwise it is all for nothing.

Let’s say the player is willing to push the door to help.

The limit time for a player to exist is also only an hour.

After an hour, they will be forcibly sent back.

The most important thing is that Yukina Hashimoto cannot add instructions to the player.

Therefore, to summon the player’s help, it needs to be agreed in advance to avoid accidents.

“It seems that there are already players awakening talent.”

Ning Yu looked at Suzuki Baiko who was kneeling on the ground.

His talent was forcibly opened with the egg of the feast.

Because he didn’t want to wait for the opportunity of talent.

This kind of opportunity can not be sought, maybe tomorrow, maybe next year.

This instability Ning Yu did not like.

“If memory serves, Shirako Suzuki’s talent is four guarantees and one.”

“Very strong talent, stronger than the talent of my last life.”

Four guarantees and one refers to four dimensions and one dimension.

The four general attributes of strength, agility, physique, and spirit.

It can temporarily pile the four-dimensional total value on one attribute, and the remaining three regular values are reduced to 1 point.

This is called the four guarantees and one.

Shirako Suzuki is powerful in the last lifetime and can enter the top three in the world.

Relying on the four guarantees and one day’s endowment.

At that time, she developed this talent to the limit.

No gaps, four guarantees and one, perfect switching, perfect control.

Once battled, strength is equivalent to a fourfold increase in all aspects.

Ning Yu’s previous step forward was only double his strength.

“Funny ghost.”

Ning Yu touched his chin.

In the last life, it was almost the end of May to solve the funny ghost.

At that time, Hashimoto Yukina was able to open the door.

Suzuki Baizi also did not ask Ning Yu for help, she was looking for Guan Qing.

At that time, both Shirako Suzuki and Guan Qing awakened their talents.

With the cooperation of Yukina Hashimoto and the top members of Toei UNC, this successfully dealt with the slippery ghost.

“Okay, I promise you.”

“However, when the time comes, I need Yukina Hashimoto to help me do something.”

Ning Yu nodded: “Okay, then a hundred things.” ”

Suzuki Shirako was stunned.

She was just polite, probably meaning that as long as she dealt with the slippery ghost, Ning Yu would agree to whatever he asked Dongying Kingdom.

Where did the virtue of modesty in China go.

“Xiao Ning, my sister-in-law wrapped dumplings today, you will eat them at noon.”

“No, sister-in-law, I’ve eaten.”

This is the virtue of Huaxia modesty, even if the other party is enthusiastic, it must be tactful.

“Xiao Ning, my sister-in-law wrapped dumplings today, you will eat them at noon.”

“Okay, no problem, after all, dumplings are delicious, and sister-in-law is fun.”


Shirako Suzuki encountered the second situation, and for a while he would be stunned in place and would not speak.

That was that she didn’t know Ning Yu.

If she knew Ning Yu, she would definitely not say kind words.

After all, at that time, Wen Jing said that I would not go, and I would not go to death, and Ning Yu was really ready to kill Wen Jing.

“Overheard, let me all get in.”

Ning Yu looked at the door.

The door shook for a long time, and then the gate collapsed, and a stack of human arhats appeared in front of Ning Yu.

The visitors are all top players in Pingliang City.

Han Xiaoxiao, Jiang Fat, Wei Qing, and Master Silent Heart and Hofsky, who had just arrived in Pingliang City. Gura. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Shirako Suzuki was called into the room by Ning Yu.

Their inner curiosity is really unbearable.

So he quietly crawled in the doorway to eavesdrop.

Who expected that Ning Yu suddenly drank loudly, frightening them to lose control for a while, and directly overturned the door.

The group of people lay on the ground, looked at Ning Yu’s glaring eyes, and swallowed their saliva wildly.

The fastest reaction was actually Hofsky. Gura, a strong man.

He quickly got up from the ground.

“I used to only hear of Mr. Ning’s name, but now when I see it, it really deserves its name.”

“In Nizhnekhovsky . Gula, meet Emperor Ning. ”

Bump, Hofsky . Gula knelt on the ground.

The head slammed on the floor, and the wooden floor exploded directly.

That scene was quite explosive.

The corners of Ning Yu’s eyes twitched.

The country of bears does have a great emperor, and there was a great emperor before the strange era, known as the Pujin Emperor.

Wei Qing and Jiang Fat held the door, crackling and repairing the door, that serious and rigorous state, very professional.

Han Xiaoxiao brushed his hair and stood awkwardly next to him.

Master Silent Heart is cheeky.

He walked towards Ning Yu with a smile: “Benefactor, your seal hall is full, your temperament is amazing, you look like a dragon from afar, and you look like a Buddha up close.0….”

“I wonder if the donor is interested in my Buddha.”

“Introduce yourself, Master of Poor Dao Silent Heart, abbot of Nanling Temple.”

Ning Yu did not speak, staring at Master Silent Heart indifferently.

Fine sweat gradually appeared on the bald head of the Master of Silent Heart.

Fortunately, Ning Yu looked away and did not continue to look at Master Silent Heart.

“You came by coincidence.”

“I have a C-Class Hidden Team Quest ticket here.”

“With double experience cards, 6.6 million experience points.”

“I don’t know if you’re interested.”

Jiang Fat is like a wind.

That speed is outrageous.

Before everyone could react, Jiang Fat hugged Ning Yu’s thigh.

“Big guy, interested, extremely interested.”

Immediately afterwards, everyone was excited.

Pinch your fingers and calculate it, 6.6 million experience points.

Oh my God, what a horrible experience this is.

Jiang Fat is the highest, reaching level 29.

After he returned from Black Crow Town, he lay down for half a month and never upgraded.

Originally pulled the rest of the players 14.

As a result, because they lay down for half a month, the rest of the people’s ranks caught up.

Shirako Suzuki, Xiaoxiao Han, Qing Wei, Master Silent Heart, Hofsky. Gula, they are all ranked between 24.5.6.

If they get 6.6 million experience points, they can almost reach level 40.

But for Ning Yu, this massive amount of experience points could only be upgraded by 2 levels.

He relied on the 100,000 experience points that he had made to and from the Deep Net Group to brush the level to level 40.

After level 40, 2 million experience starts, increasing by one million with each level.

After the calculation, everyone was excited.

Sure enough, what is said on the Internet is correct.

As soon as Mr. Ning lost something in his hand, it was enough to make countless people rob it wildly.

Master Silent Heart knocked on the wooden fish, trying to calm himself down.

But knocking and knocking, the wooden fish exploded.

He blinked, stood up and stepped on the wooden fish with one foot, and then threw away the Buddha beads around his neck in his hands.

Pull out a cigar from your cassock and quickly light it.

“Master, you are?”

Everyone was shocked by Master Silent’s actions.

Ning Yu was not surprised.

This kind of action will be repeated by Master Silent Heart in the future.

And it’s exactly the same every time you repeat it.

“A born monk, devoted to the Buddha, the three rules and nine precepts.”

“A high-ranking monk who entered the world, angry eyes, broke the rules and broke the vows.”

“In this world, learning Buddha has a fart use.”

“Can studying Buddhism save the world?”

“At the end of the day, you still have to take this thing.” Master Silent took a Gatling from his backpack.

“Great Mercy Gatlin, my name, it’s good.”

“C-class weapon, unlimited bullets, comes with real damage. I personally opened the light. ”

“The full gun weighs 172.2 kg, the full gun length is 1459 mm.”

“Number of barrels 12 heels, caliber …”

Master Silent Heart carried Gatling and said a fairly professional introduction.

These technical terms, even Hofsky . Gula was a little confused.

It’s so professional.

Some people appear to be monks on the surface, but in fact, 0.1 behind them may be arms dealers.

Ning Yu was very calm.

He had seen it many times in his last life.

Master Silent Heart has always jumped repeatedly between the monk and the Vajra.

This situation is related to the childhood of the Master of Silence.

I heard that he was particularly fond of guns and ammunition when he was a child.

Once secretly went up the mountain to hunt, but was tricked by the monk in the mountain to become a monk.

Then, there is no then.

But people are still very righteous.

“Big brother, if you say do it, let’s do it, I will listen to you.”

Master Silent Heart, who was smoking a cigarette and carrying Gatling, almost hung a large gold chain around his neck.

“Actually, I like the way you look compassionate.”

Master Silent Heart silently put Gatling away, extinguished the smoke, and picked up the Buddha beads on the ground.

“Sin sin, Amitabha.”

The change was so big that everyone thought they were hallucinating.

“Here, bring these things with you.”

Ning Yu placed a bunch of handcuffs and anklets on the table.

These things are produced by the Deep Web Group, and there is the logo of the Deep Web Group on them.

“Mr. Ning, this is…”

Before Suzuki Baizi finished speaking, he found Jiang Fat, Wei Qing, Han Xiaoxiao, Master Silent Heart, and Hofsky. Gula has already brought it.

They were still whispering, this handcuff leg shackle is good in style, good quality, and looks good to wear.

So, Suzuki Shirako also suppressed the words and quickly put on the handcuffed anklet.

According to Jiang Fat and Han Xiaoxiao.

Copy with Ning Yu, don’t ask and listen, what Ning Yu says is what it is.

“It’s very dangerous to go to a copy in a while.”

“So your task is simple.”

“After you go in, just find a way to survive, and you don’t have to worry about anything else.”

Everyone nodded, indicating that there was no problem at all.

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