“Dream Spring and Autumn.”

Ning Yu looked at the dream spring and autumn of the skull flower land.

The name of the flower was given by Mrs. Rakusakura.

Because Mrs. Rakusakura believes that the best season to raise flowers is spring and autumn ~ days.

It would be nice if there were only spring and autumn in this world.

Therefore, she gave the name of Meng Chunqiu.

“Slut, I’m going to kill you.”

“Slut, I will definitely kill you.”

Mengchunqiuhua’s head roared and cursed.

It was Mrs. Rakusakura’s husband.

It stared at Mrs. Rakusakura with great resentment.

But it doesn’t know.

Its resentment is the most beautiful color for Mrs. Rakusakura.

Ning Yu didn’t care about the problem of the butterfly stone door not being closed.

Because Meng Chunqiu is Mrs. Falling Ying’s weakness.

Pinching Meng Chunqiu is equivalent to pinching Mrs. Falling Ying.

And what he wants is the flower pole of dream spring and autumn.

This flower pole is a very powerful prop.

It is originally the trunk that absorbs nutrients in the spring and autumn of dreams.

By inserting it into the ground, you can absorb nutrients continuously, just like plants.

Once used, it will be detected by the Holy Virgin.

Without the remains of the Holy Daughter, Ning Yu could not resist the breath of famine.

There are some props in the trading house that resist the breath of famine, but unfortunately the quality is too low to meet Ning Yu’s requirements.

Not to mention, this time into the Lost Domain, Shangmeng.

They are also affected by the smell of famine.

So think about it, the flower pole of Mengchunqiu is the most suitable prop.

Although it cannot resist the atmosphere of famine, it can absorb nutrients continuously.

These nutrients can be absorbed by Ning Yu, Meng Jiangnu can also be absorbed, and Linghua and Wen Jing can also be absorbed.

It’s like a straw inserted into the world.

Take a sip when you’re hungry.

This way of eating will not be controlled by hunger.

“Meng Jiangnu, hit me…”

Ning Yu was about to take out the pressure cooker.

He hid Meng Jiangnu in the pressure cooker just for this unexpected bump.

Meng Chunqiu is not a catastrophic weirdness.

Therefore, as long as Meng Jiangnu can hit it, she can break it.

Who expected that it was not Ning Yu who made the first move, nor was it Mrs. Luo Ying.

It’s a paper bride.

She pointed directly at the red lips on Ning Yu’s face.

Red lips chewed up and down and quickly ate one of the arms of the paper bride.

Then a white mist came out of the red lips.

The white mist quickly wrapped Ning Yu.

The paper bride also blew a breath at Ning Yu at this time.

The entire sea of skull flowers set off a violent wind.

The wind blows away the sea of colorful flowers.

The fierce wind carried hundreds of millions of butterflies and Ning Yu and landed on the flower core of Meng Chunqiu.


The paper bride gently spat out a word.

Mengchunqiu’s flower core head instantly exploded.

Ning Yu Wu’s body became a new flower core.

Then it was wrapped in thousands of death flowers and became a new dream spring and autumn.

All this happened too suddenly, too quickly.

Soon, Ning Yu didn’t have time to open and restart himself, too late to open absolute defense, too late to throw Meng Jiangnu, too late to shout out Linghua.

In an instant shrouded in white mist, he lost all consciousness.

Mrs. Falling Sakura was also shocked.

As soon as she took out the leather whip in her hand, Ning Yu was attacked by the bride of the network.

What the situation was now, she was stunned in place.

“People have heard about you planting Dream Spring and Autumn a long time ago.”

“I finally saw you today.”

The paper bride returned to her original appearance, born with charm and amorousness.

“This dream carries your expectations and hides your pain and hatred.”

“The flower core is something you never want to face.”

“So I’m curious about what the little brother is hiding in his heart.”

“He, wrapped in a thick shell, is like a cocoon, what is hidden inside, people are really curious.”

“As for you, stand by and watch.”

“If you dare to disturb people, people will not let you go.” The bride licked her red lips.

Mrs. Rakusakura recognized it.

She had felt that the queen was a little familiar before.

Now I found out that she was really a bride.

The name of the bride is thunderous.

She thought she had met two big fat sheep.

Unexpectedly, one of the sheep was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

And he managed to enter his most precious garden.

“Shh, it’s about to start.”

The bride held her finger up.

Mrs. Falling Sakura was also attracted by the strange sound of Mengchunqiu.

Two illusory figures appeared on the skull flower field.

One knelt on the ground and burst into tears, and the other lay on the ground and raised his arms.

“Why? Why? Tell me why? ”

“I just want to live.”

“I want you to live too.”

“Is it wrong to live?”

“Ning Yu, it’s people who are tricky, it’s not people who decide, but you decide by yourself.”

“Ning Yu, come with me and become treacherous.”

“That way, we can always be together.”

“Ning Yu, this world is terrible, desperate, do you understand?”

“Everything is in vain.”

“Why force me, why do you have to do this?”

“You have too many bonds.”

“That’s the chains that wrap around you, and you can only fly if you cut them off.”

“Ning Yu…”

The lying phantom did not finish his last words, and was pierced through the heart by the kneeling phantom.

The kneeling phantom left no words, it disappeared.

But the phantom lying down has not disappeared.

She tilted her head sideways and lay on the ground, although she could not see her facial features clearly.

But Mrs. Rakusakura and the bride were cold all over.

They felt that something was staring at them.

That invisible sense of fear has not been felt by the bride for a long, long time.

“Who is she?”

“It’s just a memory that the little brother doesn’t want to face.”

“Can she see me through memory?”

The bride’s face changed drastically.

Fortunately, the lying phantom disappeared.

Next, an even bigger aberration emerged.

These abnormalities are all memories that Ning Yu does not want to face, or even deliberately forgot in the corner.

At this time, under the control of the bride of the network, it gradually emerged.

Meng Chunqiu is trembling.

Countless black waters dripped down the dream spring and autumn.

Soon, a boundless darkness appeared in front of the bride and Mrs. Falling Sakura.

The Black Sea is boundless.

There is a thin layer of ice on the surface of the sea.

Thin ice blooms everywhere, as if it will crack in the next second.

“Such a rich black aura of death.”

“Black gas condenses into water, and water gathers into sea.”

“How is this possible.”

The bride was stunned.

She knew that Ning Yu’s death aura was very strong, but she had never thought that the death aura on Ning Yu’s body was so strong.

All she felt was a little death aura seeping out of this boundless sea of death.

There is a difference between this sea of death and the sea of death before it.

Linghua was not something that Ning Yu did not want to face, so Linghua did not appear.

“There’s something in this sea.”

The bride’s eyes widened.

She felt the sea shake.

Something is rising in the sea.

One, one, ten, ten and thousands of hands appeared.

They frantically pat the ice.

It’s like a prisoner in captivity, trying to smash the window and escape.

Too much.

Scalp tingling.

At a glance, all hands are under the ice of the boundless sea of death.

“Kill you, kill you.”

“Devil, you are the devil.”

“I curse you, I curse you to live forever and never to be superborn.”

“I curse you, I curse you in the most vicious language.”

“Even if I become a ghost, I will not let you go.”

“Ning Yu, why?”

Roar under the ice, with hysteria, boundless resentment and malice.

They curse, curse, and roar.

That kind of sky-rushing malice and hatred tried to seep out of the ice, and then vented on Ning Yu in the most cruel and terrifying way. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Boom, boom.

The blood rain was shrouded in a huge black fog.

The black mist swirled and spread, like a huge funnel.

“You ants~”

Sound erupts in the clouds.

It was like the roar of the Demon God hiding in the bottomless abyss.

“What do you understand, you don’t understand anything, you don’t understand anything.”


“Damn ants~”

“Noisy to death, quarrel to death, shut up Lao Tzu.”

The terrifying sound mixed with thunderclouds rolling down from the sky.

An indescribable breath surged from the deepest part of the whirlpool.

The rotation speed of the vortex has slowed down.

Something is going to come out of the whirlpool.

Bang bang, the sound of huge chains shattering one after another.

It is breaking free, it is trying to come into the world.

Only fear remained in Mrs. Sakura’s eyes.

She couldn’t imagine what great terror was hiding inside the whirlpool.

It has not yet been born, and its butterfly manor is trembling and disintegrating.

The bride’s eyes widened as well.

Her pale face turned even paler.

Her cold heart seemed to be revived and began to beat wildly.

It was a beat of fear.

“Damn, what the hell is the little brother hiding.”

“He’s just a living man.”


The bride was afraid.

She was scared.

Butterfly Manor is trembling.

Under the violent trembling, a gap appeared in the place where the bones were buried.


Han Xiaoxiao was the first to discover the gap.

Inside the gap, there are all corpses.

These corpses are the roots of the flower of death.

The dense peduncles resemble a forest of vine thorns.

But they already have no choice.

Although it is not clear what is happening outside.

But now is their only chance to escape from the place where their bones are buried.

“It’s Mr. Ning, this huge shock must have been caused by Mr. Ning.”

0 ask for flowers

“Master Silent Heart, quickly see where Mr. Ning is?”

“Let’s go out to find Mr. Ning.”

“Mr. Ning really hasn’t forgotten us.”

Jiang Fat hugged Master Silent Heart excitedly.

Master Silent Heart was also excited, and quickly wiped the copper mirror.

After a few wipes, the copper mirror exploded directly.

This explosion, everyone was dumbfounded.

“This, this should be the position where Mr. Ning is now, there is no way to projection.”

“Let’s go out first.”

Master Silent Heart pondered for a moment and gave an answer.

This answer is still very believable.

Projector mirrors, which are projected according to distance.

The distance is too far to be projected.

But as for why it was fried, this master of silence had to go back and study it well.

“Ning Yu~”

A terrifying roar came from within the whirlpool.

“You choose to forget what you dare not remember.”

“You choose to avoid what you dare not face.”

“But don’t forget, you are me, I am you.”

“It’s a fact that can never be changed.”

“Ning Yu, your shell… Can’t hide us. ”

“Can’t hide.”


Maniacal laughter spread out from the whirlpool.

Mrs. Rakusakura crouched on the ground and covered her ears.

She was terrified.

Just listening to these voices, she felt despair like never before.

The color of the paper bride continues to melt.

The diffusion of sound shattered her and shook the paper man out.

The slapping sound of the Sea of Death was even denser.

Like a tsunami, like a storm.

Countless voices are converging, shouting.

“Ning Yu~”

“Ning Yu, you must not die well.”

“Ning Yu, you will never be born beyond life.”

“Ning Yu…”

What an amazing hatred this is.

The bride understood a little at this moment.

She found that the sea of death under Ning Yu’s feet was not gathered by him alone.

The black mist rises, and the Sea of Death is dissipating.

Booming, the swirls of the sky are fading.

This was Ning Yu’s resistance.

He pressed down these things that he did not want to face, that he did not want to remember.

As the sea of death and the vortex of terror dissipated, dreams withered.

Ning Yu fell from the flower core.

He slowly got up from the ground.

The eye socket is pitch black, like a bottomless black hole.

He walked slowly towards the bride.

“Little brother, people are just curious, people don’t mean it.”

The bride retreated one after another.

Ning Yu seemed to be engraved in her pupils.

No matter how she retreated, Ning Yu’s figure was reflected in her eyes.

Mrs. Falling Sakura covered her head and looked at the strange scene in front of her in fear.

Ning Yu was still walking slowly.

He was like a demon god crawling out of hell, and his body exuded a monstrous death qi.

He obviously did not walk in front of the bride of the network.

But the bride retreated frantically, as if Ning Yu was right in front of her.

Then, the bride’s whole body trembled, turning into bubbles and dissipating.

Dissipated bubbles, falling a small paper man.

How she turned into bubbles, Mrs. Falling Sakura’s eyes widened.

She thought of the pupil steps of the Blood Corpse God’s statue.

This is the pupil step of the blood corpse statue.

But why did Ning Yu have the pupils of the blood corpse statue.

Ning Yu walked to the paper man, picked it up, and tilted his head to think for a moment.

Then stretch out a finger and insert it into the red lips on your cheek.

As her fingers stirred, Mrs. Rakusakura vaguely heard a scream.

After that, Ning Yu stopped moving.

He stood in place with his eyes closed as if he were a sculpture.

He didn’t move, and Mrs. Rakusakura didn’t dare to move.

She felt that it was not a human being standing in front of her, but a demon god.

Ten minutes later, Ning Yu opened his eyes.

The whites of his eyes appeared, as did his smile.

The big hand stretched out and held the dream spring and autumn flower pole in his hand.

“Take this thing, you don’t have an opinion.”

Mrs. Falling Sakura quickly shook her head, indicating that she had no opinion.

“The living people I brought before, I have to take them when I leave, you don’t have an opinion.”

Mrs. Falling Sakura quickly shook her head, indicating that she had no opinion.

Ning Yu looked at the time.

“I’m going to stay here for another day, don’t you have a problem.”

Mrs. Luo Ying shook her head three times, indicating that Ning Yu could live as long as she wanted.


Ning Yu carried the flower pole, swaggered forward a few steps, and then turned back.

Mrs. Falling Ying quickly opened the butterfly stone door and watched Ning Yu leave.

“What the hell did he do?”

After Ning Yu left, Mrs. Falling Ying looked at the ruined skull flower field.

She was very distressed, and there was really no good thing to lead the wolf into the house.

She was scared too.

Because, she didn’t know what the man who swaggered away with the flower pole was.

She only knows one thing.

That man, she couldn’t afford to mess with.

[Recently, I want to change the introduction, the introduction is so difficult to write, much more difficult to write than the content… Beggar].

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