The battle was over, and the enemy was in chaos.

Outside Linhai University, Chen Jinze led a few combatants to wait in a vigilant battle array, guarding against mutant students who might rush out at any time.

He had heard about the situation in the school from Ning Zhu.

Others might not know, but he, who had returned from the front line in Yunan City, knew it very well.

The starting event of the large-scale pollution in Yunan City was the loss of control of pollutants in a certain laboratory. In just a few days, half of the people in the city turned into bloody monsters.

He even witnessed the process of people turning into monsters with his own eyes.

Those polluted people ate their own flesh and blood crazily, chewed it in their mouths, but did not swallow it, but spit it out.

When they were eating themselves, they were even conscious, but they continued to tear their own flesh and blood, as if they were extremely interested in their own flesh and blood tissue, as if it was some kind of delicacy on earth.

They would never stop and would not die until they had eaten their own bodies completely.

After they had finished eating and died, the minced meat spit out on the side would begin to wriggle, covering the original skeleton, forming a variety of extremely disgusting twisted monsters.

The whole city was dyed red by the blood of millions of citizens. Even hell on earth could not describe the scene at that time.

And those flesh and blood, if covered with buildings, could become monsters as tall as buildings, and if covered with cars, they could become monsters in the shape of cars.

They had no thoughts, only instincts. Relying on their huge bodies, hard skin, and powerful regeneration ability, they were almost invulnerable.

Chen Jinze still remembered the scene when he first faced this kind of monster, when several truck-sized monsters rushed towards him.

What's more terrifying is that it can also blend into the earth and flow into the water source...

The several giants formed in the later period are even more desperate. They are almost impossible to kill. They can only be constantly repelled and hide again, waiting for the next attack.

Linhai must not become the next Yunan!

At this moment, a strange laugh suddenly came from the security office in front of the school: "Hahahaha, I understand! It turns out that all this is arranged by God! Look! He is watching me!"

As he said, the door of the security room was suddenly knocked open, and a man with cracked skin all over his body ran out. He knelt on the ground, looked up at the sky, and the flesh and blood on his body kept coming out of his body, and strange lines began to gradually appear on the remaining skin.

Seeing this, Chen Jinze's pupils shrank, and he suddenly shouted: "Everyone, don't look at him! Wang Yi!"

The young man who lost an arm at the beginning has now mutated into a monster with skin like bark all over his body, but his mind is still clear, and his eyes reveal determination.

Hearing Chen Jinze's call, Wang Yi rushed to the security guard who was changing without any hesitation. The bark on his arm turned into spikes, and he swung his huge fist and hit the kneeling man on the ground.

But he seemed to have no sense of pain. He was still praying while lying on the ground. As he prayed, the lines on his body became clearer and clearer. The flesh worm even left his body and tried to get into Wang Yi's arm.

He acted decisively and used his whole arm as a hammer to hit the man on the ground fiercely. After a few hits, the prayer stopped and the man was smashed into a pool of meat.

Then, in order to prevent the patterns on the body from being seen, he got some soil and buried the body of the security guard.

Just when everyone thought the crisis was temporarily resolved, an ordinary investigator behind him suddenly squatted on the ground and kept rubbing the cement road with his fingers until his skin was worn out and blood flowed out.

And the lines he drew with his own blood were exactly the same as the lines on the security guard's body just now!

Fortunately, Uncle Xiong, who was standing next to him, saw him and pulled him up, wiping the pattern off the ground.

"What are you doing! Are you crazy?"

Uncle Xiong slapped the investigator in the face with great force, trying to wake him up, but the investigator didn't appreciate it at all, and even glared at the burly man in front of him.

"Why are you hitting me! I remember those patterns! As long as I study their specific content, I will definitely find a way to solve the crisis! Then I will be a great hero of the Abnormal Bureau!"

Uncle Xiong was also someone who had heard about the way the pollution spread in the school. He knew that this person had been affected, and now was not the time to deal with him, so he could only call a few people to tie him up to prevent him from continuing to spread on the ground.

Scribble on the ground.

There were more than one person who had the same situation as the investigator, but they were all discovered and stopped in time, so no disaster occurred.

Chen Jinze reassessed the seriousness of the matter, waved his hand and ordered: "All ordinary people and investigators, retreat, stay away from the school! Monitor each other, and knock out or tie up anyone who is abnormal on the spot, and never let the contamination spread!"

"Okay, Captain Chen!"

Everyone agreed in unison, and then retreated to the distance in an orderly manner.

Chen Jinze took several fighters and a group of masters from the firm to continue defending on the spot.

At this moment, a riot suddenly broke out in the isolation belt deployed by the police not far away.

"We are reporters! We have the right to know the truth! You can't block the news like this! We need the right to report freely!"

Several people dressed in reporter uniforms are trying to break through the isolation belt and move towards the school. Behind them is a group of people who don't know the truth, all holding mobile phones to take pictures, trying to record everything.

Chen Jinze frowned upon seeing this. The most feared thing at this time is that public opinion will ferment. Once a photo is circulated, the incident may no longer be controlled. It will be a disaster that sweeps the whole country.

Now the Abnormal Bureau has joined hands with the police to start checking online whether there are any photos leaked from the school.

The good news is that it seems that some kind of force has deliberately controlled the spread of the photos within the school, and the outside world has not yet found any leakage.

Over there, the reporters who don't know the truth are still shouting and trying to rush through the isolation belt to shoot first-hand news to make a fortune.

They seem to think that the police are deliberately hiding something and want to reveal the truth in this way.

Uncle Xiong, who had a hot temper, wanted to rush over and beat up the group of people, but was stopped by Captain Chen. He looked at Ning Tiannan and asked, "Old Ning, do you have any hypnotic props at home?"

Ning Tiannan sighed, "Yes, I'll take care of it..."

"Thank you for your help."

Not long after Ning Tiannan left, the noise over there completely quieted down, and the police also had a new task, moving the sleeping people to a safe place.

Even Chen Jinze couldn't help but sigh.

As expected of the man called Doraemon Ning by the young people in the bureau, his family's methods are really rich.

Turning back to look in the direction of the school, from such a distance, he could feel the suppression of the monster on the playground from the source of his nature.

This feeling is exactly the same as that time in Luoan Town.

I'm afraid that the only one who can fight with him in the whole Linhai now is Xie Yunxiao, right?

If even she fails, I'm afraid Linhai will be finished.

On the battlefield of the playground, Xie Yunxiao was shocked to see the girl at the monster's feet who did not dodge or evade at all, but fought with him and gained the upper hand. His jaw almost dropped.

Who is she?

Isn't she an apprentice of the Ning's office? What's the matter with this terrifying power? And what is the means of that transparent body? She actually suppressed the terrifying monster in the brute force competition.

Are you still human?

She now remembered what the Ning's office was. Wasn't it the family method of the old Ning among her classmates?

If I remember correctly, his family should be a refiner who makes all kinds of useless props, right? Is there any hidden means?

Old Ning, old Ning, your family really recruited an incredible apprentice...

Li Yin jumped onto Su Ji's huge body and swam on it at a high speed. Every punch and every kick could make this huge body shake.

But this monster is really big. The current situation is that it can be beaten but not killed.

Her recovery ability was too fast, and she was still using the tentacles underground to continuously devour the mutants in the school into her body. Even if she chopped it with an axe and bombarded it with energy, making it unable to recover part of it, it would immediately abandon this part and fill it with more mutant flesh and blood.

Li Yin had never seen such a difficult monster. No matter how many times it was knocked down, it could stand up again and even become bigger.

And here she was just a clone, with limited energy in her body, and could not rub out a super large energy bomb to kill her.

And she didn't want to do that.

So, there were only two ways now.

First, wait for the original body to come back, work together to destroy the monster's body, rush in and pull Su Ji out; second, use all the energy of the clone to cooperate with Xie Yunxiao's physical fireball to give the monster a fatal blow that could not be recovered, forcing Su Ji inside to give up this body.

Whether it will succeed remains to be considered, but it is worth a try.

In addition, she has her own little thoughts.

That is to use the monster controlled by Su Ji to kill all the mutant students in Linhai University.

Devour it alive to avoid further problems in the subsequent treatment.

Xie Yunxiao also kept attacking with fire from below.

She didn't dare to come up and fight it. This thing was too big, and there were those terrifying tentacles. Once entangled, it would be very troublesome.

Now she is no longer a girl. Her body is covered with fiery red scales, and her body has expanded several times. Her left hand has turned into a sword, and her right hand is a cannon. Her whole body exudes a terrifying high temperature. Every step on the ground can melt the rock, and the surrounding air is distorted by the high temperature.

The high-temperature rays shot from her hand will be accompanied by a shocking explosion as long as they hit, as if she has turned into a human tank.

Xie Yunxiao is now considering whether to use another use of the physical fireball, condense it into armor, and fight in close combat like Li Yin.

Or rub a bigger fireball and try to blow the monster into ashes along with Linhai University and several streets outside.

At this moment, Li Yin flashed to her side, swung the axe in her hand, cut off several tentacles that attacked, and then told Xie Yunxiao her plan in the shortest words.

"What? Your energy can prevent it from healing itself?"

Xie Yunxiao was shocked. This little girl named Li Yin had more and more secrets, even for her, a well-informed candidate for the perfect controller from the capital, who couldn't see through it.

However, after listening to Li Yin's plan, she smiled happily: "Okay! Let's make a fireball together, so that you can also experience the joy of the fireball!"

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