Don't try to deceive me with the corpse you control!

Li Yin's face became extremely solemn, analyzing the meaning of this sentence and analyzing what happened to her.

But the more she analyzed, the more her heart sank. Her heart was already full of bad guesses, waiting for Xuanyuan Xueluo to confirm.

"Senior, what do you mean by this?"

Xuanyuan Xueluo did not answer. Li Yin only felt that the sky above this mountain seemed to be condensing towards one point.

Obviously, she was not going to continue talking, but to take action directly.

Is this the power of the evil god level? The strength comparable to that of the perfect controller is indeed much stronger than that of Xie Yunxiao.

Li Yin slowly closed her eyes, with starlight flickering in her translucent skin. She clenched her right hand, waiting for the attack to come.

Seeing this, Xuanyuan Xueluo snorted coldly, and her nine tails swung violently, and the whole space seemed to tremble under her power.

In the sky, there seemed to be a bright light spot like a star that suddenly smashed down, and the strong wind it brought instantly overturned the roof. In the dust, Li Yin's figure still stood quietly in the same place, as if she had merged into the surrounding starlight, allowing the force to hit her.


The light spot instantly reached the top of her head, carrying the momentum of destroying the world, and the target was Li Yin alone.

Xuanyuan Xueluo wanted to test who this strange and powerful god was, what was his purpose here, and who was stronger compared to herself.

For this reason, she deliberately chose the most familiar attack method for gods like her.

She stared at Li Yin's petite body with burning eyes, ready to see how she would deal with such an attack.

Li Yin had her eyes tightly closed, seemingly unconcerned about the coming attack.

However, just as the light spot was about to touch her body, she suddenly opened her eyes, with stars shining in her eyes, as if embracing the entire universe.

At some point, she had an ordinary fire axe in her hand, with a hole on it, as if it had been drilled by an electric drill.

But at the moment the axe appeared, the entire space seemed to be locked by an invisible force, and the light spot that was about to destroy everything actually became slow in front of the axe.

Xuanyuan Xueluo's feeling was even more obvious, and she was shocked to find that the power of faith and the great trend of heaven and earth lingering in this world were broken!

Under the axe, it seemed that this place was no longer her territory. The power of faith that had been filled for thousands of years was fleeing here frantically, dispersing in all directions, as if it had encountered a natural enemy.

Li Yin gently swung the axe in his right hand, and the axe blade came into contact with the light spot. There was no deafening explosion, only a slight "hiss" sound, and the light spot seemed to be bounced off by the axe and turned into a stream of light, spreading rapidly backwards.


Behind him, the wall shattered instantly, and the whole house collapsed under the huge impact. Looking back, a large forest was swept by the shock wave, as if it had experienced a storm, and the trees fell one after another, and smoke and dust filled the entire mountain forest.

In the Abnormal Bureau, whether it was combatants, investigators, or civilian staff, all rushed out, looking at the scene in front of them in shock, not knowing what had happened.

Some people wanted to go and check, but were stopped by Xie Yunxiao.

She knew very well that this was probably just a test. As for why there was such a big commotion, it was naturally because the two people inside were too strong.

She even felt that such a scene was small, and it was very restrained not to blow up the entire mountain.

As expected, not long after, the fallen trees automatically floated up and returned to their original positions, and even the broken bricks were reassembled. A moment later, a brand new house appeared on the top of the mountain.

It was no longer a retro-style bungalow courtyard, but a two-story villa.

In the house, Li Yin was also shocked by this move.

Even she had to admit that these gods and perfect controllers were indeed not comparable to her in some aspects.

For example, building a house out of thin air, she couldn't even figure out how to do it.

If it were me, I would only demolish the house.

Turning her head to look in the direction of Xuanyuan Xueluo, she had already retracted the nine tails behind her, and her eyes turned back to normal black.

With a wave of her hand, the wood chips on the ground formed a chair out of thin air, and she turned around and sat on it.

A smile appeared on her face again, and she pointed in front of her

, a chair appeared out of thin air, motioning Li Yin to sit down.

"You really surprised me, sit down and have a good chat."

Li Yin took back the axe in his hand, scattered the starlight, slowly sat on the chair, and looked directly at the head of the Northeast Abnormal Bureau with a pair of fox ears.

"What do you mean by controlling the corpse?"

Li Yin frowned. She asked the question she wanted to know the answer to the most.

If she really knew, perhaps this would reveal the secret of her current appearance.

Xuanyuan Xueluo didn't care that Li Yin no longer used honorifics. For the strong, addressing them as peers is the most basic respect.

Xuanyuan Xueluo didn't answer her question directly, but asked back: "Is this really your body?"

Li Yin nodded: "This is me, absolutely genuine."

She wanted to find a way to prove it, but after thinking for a long time, she couldn't think of any good way.

Xuanyuan Xueluo was a little surprised. She looked at Li Yin's body carefully and frowned slightly: "You, have you died once?"

Li Yin remembered the photos in Professor Fang's mobile phone and nodded silently.

Xuanyuan Xueluo still frowned, leaned forward, and almost stuck to Li Yin. She was still making a "tsk tsk" sound in her mouth, very puzzled: "Your real name is Li Yin?"

Li Yin took out her ID card and handed it to her.

"No, are you sure you are Li Yin? And not something else?"

After saying that, she looked at Li Yin's eyes seriously, trying to find some clues from it.

But nothing was found. Li Yin's expression and eyes did not change from beginning to end.

Xuanyuan Xueluo scratched his head and sat up straight: "At first I thought that you might be a local belief god like me, attached to a girl named Li Yin to come here to see me. But now it seems that you might be something else. Li Yin, do you know why you can move?"

Li Yin shook his head and waited for her to continue.

"I know that there are two situations similar to yours in the data. I have already mentioned the first one, which is being possessed by something after death. Although it is not common, it is not uncommon. As for the second one..." She paused, then asked: "Did Xiao Xie tell you how the perfect controllers gain power?"

"No, she said it was a state secret."

Xuanyuan Xueluo nodded: "It is indeed a secret... I can't say it. But I can tell you one thing, that is, their souls, or wills, are not in their own bodies, but are hosted in another special existence. Through some method, they can call on the power of that existence and project it into the real body, thereby obtaining powerful power."

"Separation of soul and body?"

This reminded her of Su Ji's transformation of personality, which is slightly different, but roughly the same principle.

"But, does the soul really exist?"

Xuanyuan Xueluo looked at Li Yin's frown and smiled: "No, at least from my point of view, it doesn't exist. Whether it is the reason for the formation of ghosts or the means of moving away from the body, they are essentially the actions of human will, not the soul body."

"You mean, I may be similar to the perfect controller, using the will that resides in something to control the original body?"

"It's very different."

"What's the difference?"

"You are a corpse."

Li Yin: "..."

"Can't corpses move?"

"How can they move if they are all corpses?"

"Then why can I still move?"

Xuanyuan Xueluo thought for a while and said: "Li Yin, does your family believe in any gods?"

Li Yin recalled and shook his head.

"Never. My parents are researchers and firm materialists."

Looking at Xuanyuan Xueluo's expression, she asked, "Do you suspect that my resurrection is related to a certain god? Have you seen an evil god similar to me just now?"

She still remembered the recording left by her uncle. In July, she seemed to have brought something home. Even her uncle didn't recognize it and showed extreme fear.

She still didn't figure out what that thing was.

And her death and resurrection may have been caused by them.

The terrifying clone she summoned in Luoan Town may also be them.

Of course, it is not ruled out that it is the terrifying creature that encompasses the entire universe that she saw in her illusion.

It's just... that thing is a bit too shocking. Unless she has to, she really doesn't want to associate it with it.

Xuanyuan Xueluo shook her head: "No, I suspect that you are that god."

Li Yin frowned: "Why?"

"I feel in you

"I felt a familiar breath, which was the energy gathered from faith, and it was more than mine, so much that it was simply unimaginable."

As she spoke, she stretched out a hand and condensed a ball of energy with a faint white light in her palm.

Li Yin felt a familiar breath on it, which was six points similar to the strange energy in her body, but not as condensed.

Is this... the energy born from faith?

Li Yin was a little unbelievable. Who believes in me? What did I do? Why should I be believed in?

But she soon found the difference.

"Senior, your identity is the head of the five immortals in the Northeast, right?"

Xuanyuan Xueluo did not deny that the role she played now was a local deity based on folk beliefs.

So, her energy came from the faith of ordinary people, while hers came from killing ghosts.

She did not say this.

"What can faith energy be used for?"

"What did you use it for?"

"Fighting, killing ghosts, strengthening the body."

"And driving this corpse? "

Li Yin was speechless: "Can you please stop talking about corpses? I feel like I'm still alive. If you don't believe me, feel it?"

She stretched out one of her arms, and Xuanyuan Xueluo gently held it. She was surprised to find that it was actually a little warm.

Although it was lower than the body temperature of a normal person, it was not as cold as a corpse.

"You haven't told me yet, what can the energy of faith be used for?"

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