After a long time, Li Yin was still asleep.

Finally, Ning Zhu was coaxed to sleep, but Li Yin was tossing and turning in bed.

Recent events kept replaying in her mind, from the moment she woke up at home, she recalled her experiences one by one, looking for any omissions.

For some reason, she was always a little uneasy.

She closed her eyes, quietly entered the axe space, stood in front of the broken door, and looked at the scene in front of her that was exactly the same as last time, which made her a little confused.

How often does this place refresh? What would happen if I was there when it refreshed?

But she immediately dismissed this idea. She didn't have so much time to waste in the axe space, and there were still a lot of things waiting to be dealt with.

Walking slowly in the broken corridor, gently stroking the window that she had smashed last time, and looking at the iron door downstairs that isolated the white fog, Li Yin had an indescribable feeling in her heart.

It seemed that behind that door, there was something very important to her.

But behind it, wasn't it Linhai? Could there be something else in the white fog?

She wanted to go in and find out, but that door and that strange fog restricted her exploration to this unknown school.

Putting her hand on the iron door, Li Yin suddenly had an idea.

Since the wood chip can be used to make a peach wood sword, what about the iron fence? Will it be a good thing too? Will she be very happy if I bring it back to Ah Zhu?

Just do it!

He immediately took out the axe and chopped it hard at the iron door.

With a clang, the sound of metal collision echoed over the school.

The axe was bounced back, and the iron door was completely intact!

Li Yin looked at the axe in her hand in shock, and then looked at the solid iron door, somewhat unbelievable.

Her axe, which was always effective, was defeated in front of this iron door?

She tried again in disbelief, but was bounced back again and could not be cut open.

She touched the axe blade, which was still as sharp as before, and touched the iron door again, which was still cold and hard.

Li Yin looked at the tree next to her in doubt, swung the axe and chopped it up, and heard a bang, and the axe blade was deeply embedded in the trunk, and wood chips flew.

She was even more confused.

It shouldn't be cut so much, but she calculated the strength and could cut the trunk in two, but now it was only cut halfway, which was obviously abnormal.

Li Yin looked at her fist again, clenched it, and hit it with 30% of her strength.


The thick tree trunk was smashed to pieces by a punch, wood chips flew everywhere, and some fragments even flew to the teaching building, piercing the glass and making a deafening sound.

It seems that her strength has not changed.

The only thing that has changed is the axe.

She remembered the scene every time she entered the corridor, the wooden door that could not be pushed open, and the feeling of chopping it with her axe was similar to now, and it took several hits to completely destroy it.

Could it be that the axe is a product of this place, so it is just an ordinary axe here? Will attacking with it reduce its power?

No, it is impossible for a normal axe to chop an iron door without any damage, at least some debris will fall off.

So it is a harder axe!

It seems that there is an independent set of rules in this space. But isn't it floating above Linhai? Why is there such a phenomenon?

The first thing Li Yin thought of was the territory of the evil god.

According to Xie Yunxiao's description, it seems that the territory of the evil god is like the axe space, with an independent set of operating rules.

What about her axe? Why does it have a restraining effect on all abnormal things?

Li Yin turned around and looked in the direction of the school.

It seems that this school still hides a lot of secrets.

Now she also has doubts about whether the axe space is floating above Linhai.

Pushing open the iron gate, slowly walking into the mist, looking at the looming city below, Li Yin closed her eyes, and returned to the room the next second.

Still not sleepy, she got up and went to the window, looking at the night sky, trying to find traces of the axe space, but found nothing.

She lowered her head again and was surprised to find that an old lady living nearby had already gotten up and was walking in the community with a cane.

Picked up the phone and looked at the time. It was only two o'clock in the morning and less than three o'clock. What was she going to do?

The direction over there seemed to be a small square in the community. Seeing that she was holding a small bench, she was not going there to enjoy the cool air. It was too early.

Li Yin silently complained in her heart, always feeling that these grandpas and grandmas

milk, more energetic than contemporary college students.

I walked back to the bed and sat down. I picked up my phone and opened the long-lost Urban Strange Stories Forum. I looked at it and flipped through it again. I felt a little bored.

I don’t know whether it is because Professor Fang was arrested or the Abnormal Bureau has increased its investigation efforts. Recently, the number of posts on the Strange Stories Forum has obviously decreased a lot. Even many of the posts that were common before have been deleted. There are only a few new posts, and they are all serialized short stories.

Just then, Chen Jinze’s information came over.

Seeing that he was still awake, Li Yin sent a message and asked: "Uncle Chen, how is the data that I asked Linhai Strange Stories Forum Company to restore last time? Is there any result?"

"Xiao Li, you are still awake?" Chen Jinze asked in surprise, and then said: "They said that the results will be out tomorrow. There are investigators and fighters supervising there. I will notify you if there is any news."

"Okay, thank you!"

Clicking on the message sent by Chen Jinze, Li Yin read down one by one.

There are more than 30 articles, of which four or five are from the police, two are private jobs received by the firm, and most of the rest are gossips circulating on the Internet, such as stories shared by someone in a chat group, or strange experiences seen in a forum.

Their stories do have many similarities. For example, the victim named Qiao Ran was clearly shown by surveillance cameras that she was dragged into the warehouse by the suspect in an unconscious state, but when the Abnormal Bureau investigated her, she firmly said that it was not her.

The investigators can understand that the other party may be afraid that such things will be spread and affect her reputation.

But in order to continue the investigation, they produced more evidence.

Qiao Ran saw that he could not shirk it, and said that it was all misunderstandings. The two were friends and just made a joke.

But the data showed that Qiao Ran and the other party had never had any contact at all, and even before the crime occurred, the two did not know each other's name.

So the police initially classified this case as a random assault and arrested the suspect.

Prepare to contact Qiao Ran to collect evidence for prosecution, but Qiao Ran's reaction was like this.

Why did she help the suspect to exonerate? Stockholm syndrome?

Li Yin thought of Shen Cheng's wife, who seemed to have a similar attitude towards her husband's affairs.

As for whether it can be confirmed, we have to wait until the website data is restored tomorrow.

Put down the phone, lie back in Azhu's arms, arch your face, hug her waist, and show a happy look on your face.

Don't think about it, go to sleep! Let's talk about it tomorrow.

The sound of even breathing gradually came from the room, and downstairs, Ning Tiannan was still awake, holding a pile of books handed down from his ancestors, flipping through them under the light.

While looking up the dictionary, you must recognize all these words before going to the capital to take up your post! Otherwise, how can you teach students?

The face of our Ning family that has been passed down for hundreds of years cannot be lost here!

Just as the sky was getting light, a person flew to the door of the Ning family office. He was wearing a white robe and looked like an immortal, but there was a snack cart under his feet.

"Daoyou has rested well, let's go. I have to run the business later, time is tight."

Ning Zhu chewed the steamed bun and complained: "Is it too late, your position will be taken by others?"

"Haha, Daoyou are joking. We cultivators value an opportunity. When the opportunity comes, it will come naturally. But business is different. We need to follow the time, otherwise we will miss the opportunity."

Uncle Ye shook his head and lifted the pot on the snack stand.

The two of them came over and were surprised to find that Uncle Ye had started a new business, spicy skewers!

Ning Zhu took two skewers on the spot and ate them with steamed buns. After eating, he gave his comments.

"It's too spicy. It may not be sold."

Uncle Ye didn't take it seriously and handed the snack stand to Ning Tiannan to help take care of it. The flying sword behind him flew to his feet and waved to Li Yin: "Let's go, Daoyou, let's go and come back quickly, so as not to delay the opportunity."

Li Yin smiled and stepped on the flying sword.

I thought I would be unstable, but I didn't expect that the flying sword was as stable as the land, and there was even an attraction that sucked my feet onto it, so I stood firmly.

It is worthy of being valued by the Abnormal Bureau Headquarters. It is indeed unique.

Waving to Ning Zhu, the two of them instantly soared into the sky and flew towards the area pointed by Li Yin.

Li Yin only felt the whistling of the wind in his ears, and the flying sword under his feet cut through the sky like a meteor, with a speed that was astonishing.

It would be great if I could learn it too. This mobility is really enviable.

As the flying sword flew, the city below gradually shrank and finally turned into a vague outline.

The two flew all the way to the sea. From here, they could see the landmark buildings by the sea, and they could also see the city located in the city.

The skyscrapers and signs on them are very close to the scene in his memory, but he needs to adjust the height and angle.

The two of them circled around the sea, looking for traces of the Axe Space.

Seeing a white cloud floating on the sea level in the distance, Li Yin's mind moved, and he thought of the strange white fog outside the Axe Space.

So he pointed to the cloud and said to Uncle Ye: "It's there, go in and take a look."

Uncle Ye nodded, and the flying sword instantly changed direction and flew straight towards the cloud. Approaching the cloud, the speed of the flying sword increased instead of decreasing, and plunged into the cloud.

Then slowed down to avoid hitting the Sky City if it was really hidden inside.

But the two of them searched carefully inside and found nothing.

Uncle Ye frowned, and another flying sword flew out from behind and fell into his hand. He pinched a sword formula with his left hand, and the flying sword instantly turned into dozens of sword lights, dispersing the surrounding clouds and fog with a whistling sound of breaking wind.

Li Yin turned his head and looked towards the sea, silently comparing it with the scene in his mind, and confirmed that it was here.

But why not?

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