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When Li Yin returned to the Abnormality Bureau with Shen Cheng's wife, Chen Jinze had already found some of the people suspected of being affected and imprisoned them.

This is not to alert the snake, but to lure the snake out of its hole.

Let those affected by the abnormality know that they have been discovered, but only a few people know about it, so as to guide them to attack and determine their strength and ability.

The prerequisite for doing this is to capture some and keep others. At the same time, you must also show trust in the few people who stay and share the secret with them. Only in this way can you achieve the desired effect.

After hearing Chen Jinze's plan, Li Yin immediately caught the loophole: "If you do this, what if the other party is not stupid and realizes that there is fraud? Or they may in turn take advantage of the 'trusters' like us left behind, Spreading false news to mislead us?”

Chen Jinze was stunned: "We are definitely the suspects, so naturally we can't believe what they say."

“You’re not afraid of complete lies, you’re afraid of truth and lies…”

However, the lie detector master will be here soon. With his help, he won't be afraid of these people telling lies.

"Besides, you haven't thought about what if you can't defeat them?"

"Someone has to do that. I will take several captains from the Abnormal Bureau to fight. We are already the highest combat power in Linhai. If we all fail, then..."

At the end of his speech, he raised his head and glanced at Li Yin, his meaning was very clear.

Linhai can only rely on you.

Li Yin sighed: "Don't throw away your life in vain. It's meaningless. There are still many people in Linhai waiting for you to protect."

Chen Jinze nodded silently.

Fortunately, in the past, various emergencies that occurred in Linhai could be solved by the joint efforts of the Anomaly Bureau and the Office. However, these recent times, he felt deeply powerless.

Counting Luo'an Town and this time, it has been three times. The first two times were a fluke, with unknown power, or relying on the support of the capital.

But if you count on this kind of luck every time, something will happen to Linhai sooner or later.

Therefore, he must lead the members of the Abnormal Bureau to deal with these threats head-on. Even if the final result is failure, someone must stand up and do their part for the safety of Linhai.

After sending Shen Cheng's wife to the sealing room, Chen Jinze dispersed the people around him and sat in a surveillance corner with Li Yinningzhu to talk about the abnormalities in Linhai.

Chen Jinze agreed very much with Li Yin's plan to squat in front of the company to see if anyone had slipped out, and to take the opportunity to follow or test them.

The company is now cordoned off and no one is allowed in or out unless given special orders.

Therefore, it is the most appropriate place to stay here. Anyone who goes out must have a problem, and maybe we can get some important clues by following them.

"By the way, Uncle Chen, is there any result in the investigation about the driver?"

Chen Jinze shook his head: "Not yet. Because you said that the police cannot be trusted now, we can only investigate by ourselves. A lot of video data needs to be reacquired, so the progress will be slow."

Li Yin nodded: "It's best to arrange for combatants to investigate these matters. I guess they may not be able to affect the combatants."

"Why?" Ning Zhu asked curiously.


Naturally, Li Yin couldn't say that he had summed it up through the memory of several cultists with missing arms and legs in the memory of the house-watching professor, and what happened in the abandoned factory a few days ago when they were attacked.

Also, having only two samples proves nothing, so it’s really just a guess.

Chen Jinze nodded: "I understand, I will make arrangements."

"By the way, Uncle Chen, have you contacted the capital? How did they respond?"

"The capital has received our report and said it will send people to assist in the investigation as soon as possible."

"Is there a similar situation in the headquarters' information?"

"No, they guessed that it might be some kind of...well, evil god is at work. As for what the evil god is, I don't know."

Li Yin was a little surprised: "Then why did they tell you?"

Chen Jinze said dullly: "You didn't tell me, someone was discussing it nearby, and I overheard it."

Li Yin was dumbfounded: "Okay."

The three of them discussed the plan for the night's operation.

As Li Yin imagined, the number of people must be small but refined, so the final list was determined to be the three of them plus the polygraph master who would arrive soon.

In addition, Chen Jinze is also preparing to contact the heads of all Linhai offices to unite them to deal with possible disasters.

Li Yin had no objection to this, but he also made it clear

, his father-in-law will go to Beijing in advance and will not be able to participate in this operation.

After listening to this, Chen Jinze showed a touch of joy on his face: "I know that Mr. Ning's methods will definitely be taken seriously. If we can really find a way to mass produce them, our country will have more options when dealing with abnormal events."

At this time, Li Yin suddenly asked: "Uncle Chen, how many years have you been a combatant?"

"Eight years."

In other words, the man in front of him who was fighting to protect Linhai only had more than a year to live...

Chen Jinze knew what Li Yin was thinking and smiled: "I am already very lucky. Like me, few people who became combatants at the age of forty can survive eight years. But I feel that there is no problem now. I am very sober and can still fight for the country for a few years!"

The three chatted for a while, and Chen Jinze received a message on his mobile phone that the polygraph master had arrived.

To be on the safe side, Li Yin stood up and prepared to greet him in person.

The master's family-inherited methods are also quite rare in the country, and nothing can go wrong.

Before leaving, Li Yin summoned a fire axe and handed it to Ning Zhu.

Even though she said that she was protected by the energy in her body and would not be hurt, Li Yin was still a little worried. But the axe was different. This thing had a passive effect on suppressing the weirdness. With it, Ning Zhu's safety would be more guaranteed.

Ning Zhu did not refuse. Now was a critical moment, not the time to be hypocritical.

But when Chen Jinze saw the axe, he subconsciously took two steps back.

Even though there was a distance between them, he could feel the extremely terrifying aura on the axe. It was an inexplicable fear, a fear from the heart. He felt that if he stood in front of it for even a second, he would be torn to pieces.

But in front of the two little girls, he forced himself to hold back the idea of ​​running away.

Li Yin got in the car and headed to the airport. Wang Yi was still driving. At this time, he had put gloves on the tentacles to prevent ordinary people from seeing and causing panic.

The two of them met the person at the airport smoothly. Li Yin chatted with him and learned that the polygraph master was called Zhou Zhengde. His method was very strange. It was a kind of telepathic ability, and he also brought some methods of using telekinesis. He could tell whether a person was lying through some ways that he couldn't explain clearly, and it was 100% accurate.

Mr. Zhou was also very impressed by Li Yin. When she arrested and interrogated the two people in the Beijing Abnormal Bureau, the words and methods she used surprised him, a person who had dealt with ghosts and criminals for decades.

He asked Li Yin about what happened here. After listening to the whole story, his brows frowned and he understood why Li Yin asked him to come.

In the current situation in Linhai, the effect of his polygraph ability is obviously the most direct.

"Mr. Zhou, what's the situation in Beijing? Have you found the superpower organization?"

Zhou Zhengde nodded: "We found the organization, but it's empty. We found traces of fighting inside, extracted blood from the ground for testing and comparison. One of them is your landlord's uncle, and the rest are not clear for the time being, but several of them are not human."

"Not human?"

"Yes, the DNA sequence is somewhat similar to that of humans, but the details are different. It is greater than the similarity between humans and chimpanzees, but less than humans. It's like the product of genetic mutation, or humans that have been forcibly distorted by pollution."

Li Yin nodded. As expected of an office in the capital, it knows more than Linhai.

However, speaking of similar and different DNA sequences, it reminds her of the strange fish that she and Su Ji studied in the laboratory, that is, the evil god's followers from the fish village.

It seems to be the case.

In other words, the so-called superpower organization is essentially the omniscient god religion in a vest.

Or in other words, it is a small group of evil god's followers that are evolving in that direction.

Xie Yunxiao said that she didn't know about this.

In other words, his guess at the time was probably correct. Someone in the Abnormal Bureau was supporting this organization.

This person might be the mastermind behind the arrangement against Xie Yunxiao, and there might be a perfect controller behind him.

Since his power is so huge, why would he set up such an organization? What's the point?

After finishing the work here, he had to hurry back to Beijing to investigate this matter, otherwise the clues might be cleared up by the people behind the scenes as time went by.

The three arrived at the door of the Abnormal Bureau. Without much nonsense, they went directly to the underground sealing room, found the two people who stayed behind, and began to wake up Shen Cheng's wife who was knocked unconscious and interrogated her.

After waking up slowly from the sealing room, the woman's performance was similar to Su Ji's at the beginning, and it was obvious that

Got a little confused and frightened. She looked around and saw the unfamiliar environment and people with evil eyes around her, with deep fear in her eyes.

Li Yin took a step forward and asked straight to the point: "Are you Shen Cheng's wife herself?"

When this question was asked, the five people present held their breath, waiting for her answer.

Perhaps this answer will reveal the tip of the strange iceberg shrouding Linhai and bring new breakthroughs to their investigation.

Zhou Zhengde was even more focused, using his spirituality to detect whether the woman's answer was true.

The woman was stunned for a moment, as if she was a little confused, but she still nodded, her voice weak and trembling: "Yes, Shen Cheng is my husband."

The four of them turned to look in the direction of Zhou Zhengde. At this time, the polygraph master frowned slightly, as if he was trying to sense the fluctuations in the woman's mind.

He took a deep breath and spoke slowly: "What she said is the truth..."

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