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Ning Zhu and Zhou Zhengde were both surprised by Li Yin's last question. They didn't know why she asked like this.

But the results surprised them even more.

Actually still alive.

Needless to say, Ning Zhu knew that Shen Cheng was dead and his body had been found and confirmed during the conversation between Li Yin and Xie Yunxiao.

Zhou Zhengde also looked through the information on the incident when he came and learned the whole story.

But now, a person who has been dead for a long time is suddenly confirmed by the people closest to him that he is still alive?

What's more, both of them were affected by strange forces. With her confirmation, it was almost certain that Shen Cheng was not dead.

Li Yin stopped, stared into the woman's eyes fiercely, and continued to ask, "Is he no longer in Linhai?"

Zhou Zhengde shook his head.

Li Yin raised his eyebrows: "Where is he? In the hospital?"

Continue to shake your head.

"Is it at your home?"

Zhou Zhengde was about to shake his head but paused and nodded slowly.

"This is impossible!"

Li Yin said categorically: "I have carefully investigated your home, and there is absolutely no way there is a person hiding in your house!"

The woman didn't answer, she still lowered her head in fear, her expression seemed to be etched on her face without any change.

Seeing her look like this, Li Yin remembered Shen Cheng's appearance before being dissected, snorted, and turned around to leave.

The other two people also left the sealing room together, and the door was closed, leaving the woman alone in the room, with the expression on her face unchanged for a long time.

Zhou Zhengde looked at the girl walking in front and couldn't help but ask: "Don't you think about finding something on that woman's body?"

Li Yin paused, and after leveling up with him, he asked, "Mr. Zhou, do you mean anatomy?"

Zhou Zhengde shrugged and did not deny it.

Under today's special circumstances, some extreme measures are taken to find out the truth and protect more people from harm.

"We once found a corpse, that of Shen Cheng. He was captured by the cult organization entrenched in Linhai a week ago and vivisected. After studying the corpse, our Anomaly Bureau found nothing. It was an ordinary corpse. Human corpses. It can be described from the cult's anatomy records that Shen Cheng's behavior is exactly the same as that of the abnormalities found today. In other words, their bodies are still human bodies, but they are controlled and affected by some unknown force. their thinking and behavior.”

Zhou Zhengde nodded apologetically: "I didn't see it clearly, I'm sorry. But, since you said the clues came from the records of a cult, could they have been left for us on purpose to mislead our investigation?"

Li Yin naturally couldn't say that he only confirmed that the information was correct after looking at Professor Fang's memory. He could only nod and said: "Thank you, Mr. Zhou, for reminding me. After our actions at night, we will bring the monster's body back for study."

The three of them took a car to Shen Cheng's house and investigated it carefully, but still found nothing.

Not to mention corpses, not even a living creature appeared.

At first Zhou Zhengde thought Shen Cheng had turned into a ghost and stayed at home, but this was later denied by Li Yin's cell phone signal theory and the iron plate Ning Zhu took out.

"Mr. Zhou, you said that if the other party doesn't know the truth and says what she thinks is right, you can't judge the truth, right?"

Zhou Zhengde nodded: "That's right."

It seems that the information obtained by the lie detection ability is not absolutely accurate...

Li Yin sighed and looked around the room again, hoping to find some clues. However, everything in the room seemed orderly and there was nothing unusual.

What if she was brainwashed or had some other ability that affected her cognition and thought her husband had not left her yet? Then why do you hold a funeral and explain the news of your husband's unexpected death to your relatives and friends?

Could it be that the person who influenced her was actually her husband, and that guy lived in his wife's head after his death?

Ask when you get back!

In the evening, the three returned to the Abnormal Bureau.

Wang Yi greeted them at the door and took Li Yin and Ning Zhu to the underground conference room, where Chen Jinze was having a secret meeting with the combatants and the head of the office.

He followed Li Yin's advice and avoided ordinary investigators and staff members in the Anomaly Bureau. Even the director, who was an ordinary person, was excluded by him.

At this time, they were meeting to discuss whether to implement a blockade of Linhai.

But this time is no different from the previous splinter ghost incident. The people affected this time retain their past memories and can live like normal people.

Live, unless they take the initiative to expose, it is difficult to accurately find them.

Moreover, the city closure requires a lot of manpower, and the main force is still the police from the police stations and police stations in various districts. These are all ordinary people, and there is no way to judge how many people are affected.

If the abnormal bureaus, offices and police from other cities are mobilized to help, they are afraid that the scale of the incident will be expanded, spread to several nearby cities, and get out of control.

"Have the surrounding cities and counties received the news? Have the self-inspections yielded any results?"

One of the fighters asked.

Another shook his head: "It is difficult for even us to find all the affected people, let alone them. The time is too short, and there is only one method, a leave record, which is really difficult to investigate."

At this time, the basement door was opened, and everyone was alert instantly, but when they saw that the people coming were Li Yin and others, they relaxed, and several office managers even reached out to greet Ning Zhu.

Hearing that everyone was discussing the city closure, Li Yin did not express her opinion, she did not understand these.

Not long after, Zhou Zhengde also rushed over.

He just went to the seal room below to find Shen Cheng's wife and asked about Li Yin's conjecture, but the result was not satisfactory.

Shen Cheng was not in her mind, and it was not Shen Cheng who influenced her.

Seeing this master, everyone's eyes lit up: "Can't Mr. Zhou accurately find the affected people? Let Mr. Zhou guard the key intersections and find the affected people, let the rest go, and centrally manage those with problems, right?"

Everyone looked at the burly fighter and was a little speechless about his plan.

Especially the person involved, Zhou Zhengde, froze in place, and it took a long time to come back to his senses. He coughed and said: "It doesn't matter if I'm a little tired, but... Is this too inefficient? Linhai City has more than 10 million people..."

The fighter also reacted, smiled awkwardly, scratched his head and said: "I didn't think it through, Mr. Zhou, please forgive me."

Zhou Zhengde shook his head and didn't take it to heart.

"But the city must be closed. Once the affected people are allowed to flee, the entire region will probably be in crisis. We need to find an effective way as soon as possible to control the scope of influence within Linhai City." Chen Jinze stood up and glanced at everyone in the conference room: "Now, the only people the city can trust are all of you. Next, we may have to fight for a future with our lives, so I hope everyone can go all out. Of course, I, Chen Jinze, am not a stingy person, and I will not give you less benefits."

"Although Shi Tou's proposal just now cannot be popularized throughout the city, it is okay to let your relatives leave early. Today, everyone should remind their relatives not to go out, lock the door, and don't open it if anyone knocks. Tomorrow, ask them to come to the Abnormal Bureau for unified questioning. After confirming that there is no problem, please escort your family out of the city as soon as possible."

"This is not a privilege for you, but a benefit you deserve. I can't watch you bleed and cry."

After hearing Chen Jinze's words, everyone fell silent.

Some of them wanted to stand up and say something, but when they thought that their families might be implicated, they held back.

They could fight against the weird, but their families couldn't.

All they paid to become combatants was to allow their families to sleep peacefully and not be disturbed by the weird?

If they were forced to stay in Linhai, in this dangerous city, just to show off, they would die with regrets even if they died in battle.

But at this time, no one was the first to stand up and break the silence. They didn't want to be the first to show their vulnerable side in front of their comrades and colleagues.

Li Yin sighed, and just as he was about to stand up and say something, he heard a steady and middle school voice in the basement: "This plan is very good, and I think it is feasible. I wonder if I can bring my family to check it immediately? If the inspection is correct, I can send them out of this Linhai place later?"

The speaker was none other than Ye Lingyun, the current leader of the Yufeng Sword Sect, who called himself the Sword Immortal.

All the fighters and the head of the office looked at him with admiration. Being able to take the lead in taking the pressure in this atmosphere, this Ye Jianxian is worthy of the name of Jianxian!

Chen Jinze glanced at the time, then smiled and said, "Of course, but as soon as possible, Mr. Zhou and I will leave after seven to investigate some things, so I hope Mr. Ye can complete the inspection before seven."

Uncle Ye was not polite, and stepped forward and clasped his fists and said, "Thank you for the opportunity given by Mr. Chen Daoyou, then I will go."

After that, he quickly left the basement, flew to his home on his sword, and went to pick up his wife.

It is six o'clock now, some

The fighters who lived close to home also chose to go home to pick up their relatives, and the atmosphere in the meeting room was relaxed.

But it was only superficial relaxation, they were all waiting for the results of the inspection.

If there were already a large number of affected people, Linhai and his family would be in danger.

Ning Tiannan also moved to the side of Li Yin and Ning Zhu, leaned over and whispered: "My daughter, Xiao Li, why don't you leave first and stay at your friend's house in Beijing for a while, and I will find you after I finish dealing with things here."

Ning Zhu glanced at her father and said nothing. She knew that her father was ready to be a hero, but how much weight did her father have, how could she, as a daughter, not know?

But in this situation, what can she say?

Nothing can be said.

Li Yin knew Ning Zhu's difficulties, so he said, "Uncle Ning, I'm afraid you can't stay here. The invitation letter from Beijing has been issued. Please go there as soon as possible to cooperate with research and teaching. Time is tight. You have to leave tonight."

Ning Tiannan was stunned: "So soon? But, I..."

He turned his head to look at Chen Jinze next to him, hesitant to speak.

Chen Jinze glanced at Li Yin, then smiled and nodded at him.

"Mr. Ning, you really need to go to Beijing as soon as possible. Although the situation in Linhai City is serious, the research in Beijing is crucial to the situation in the whole country. So your safety is very important, please don't stay in Linhai for a long time."

Ning Tiannan looked around the underground conference room, looking at these familiar faces, and couldn't help sighing: "Okay, I'll go to Beijing. But before that, Brother Chen, if there is anything useful in my props, please feel free to use it."

"Thank you, Mr. Ning."

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