The police station was in a state of panic, and the police station was in a state of panic.

In the Abnormal Bureau, there was a joyous atmosphere at this time.

When Chen Jinze heard that Wang Dajun was actually an extremely powerful evil god, his breathing almost stopped.

He was very fortunate that he did not choose to take action directly, otherwise, without the perfect controller, Linhai would really die in his hands.

Although some casualties have been caused now, it is the best result.

He wanted to thank the heroes, but looking left and right, they seemed to be busy.

Duanmu Song was holding his mobile phone to appreciate himself who was popular on the Internet, Ning Chuan was calling his father, Miao Miaomiao was lying on the table and taking a lazy nap, and Li Yin was telling Ning Zhu about the appearance of the evil god.

Seeing this, Chen Jinze also came over curiously, and just happened to see Li Yin holding a pen and drawing a sketch on paper.

The two looked at it carefully again and again, and they really couldn't connect the crooked stick drawing with the evil god.

Not daring to presumptuously evaluate Li Yin's painting skills, he could only change the subject and asked: "Xiao Li, the source of this incident is Wang Dajun, right? As long as the remaining abnormal people are solved, the incident will be over?"

Li Yin didn't dare to give a definite answer to this question.

Because there are still too many puzzles to be solved.

For example, where are the unconscious abnormal people they took away now? Why did they take those people away? At that time, Shen Cheng's wife said that her husband was still alive, and there is still no answer to this.

The most important thing is, what is their purpose?

Obviously, the evil god can directly use black water to turn ordinary people into weird ones, so why does he go to great lengths to create these abnormal people?

How did the abnormal people come into being?

Chen Jinze sighed when she saw that she didn't answer.

He wanted the matter to end here, but he also knew Li Yin's concerns.

Perhaps in the eyes of this girl, the matter would not be over until it was thoroughly investigated, but how many truths are there in the world? Most of the time, people can only accept those vague and incomplete answers.

He understood Li Yin's persistence. After all, he had the same impulse.

"Okay, Li Yin, you guys take a break. Leave the action to us tonight."

Ning Zhu also nodded. She really didn't want Li Yin's nerves to be too tense. It's not bad to stop and rest occasionally.

Li Yin didn't feel how tired she was. She didn't even participate in the battle throughout the whole process. Instead, she got a lot of benefits. The energy in her body soared a lot, and her physical fitness also improved, making her whole person in an excited state.

After Chen Jinze left, she quickly grabbed Ning Zhu and told her about this matter.

"When I have time, I will try to help you strengthen your body. Maybe I can also unlock the starlight form."

Ning Zhu heard this, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, but then he asked with some concern: "Is it really possible? I'm afraid I can't bear it." Li Yin patted his chest and assured confidently: "Don't worry, I know my limits."

She wanted to try whether she could let Ah Zhu get energy directly from the outside world without injecting it like herself.

In this way, maybe she can also strengthen her body by passively absorbing energy, without worrying about the side effects of forcibly integrating energy into muscles.

She had checked just now. Whether it was Chen Jinze or Uncle Ye, the energy she injected into their bodies disappeared quickly and could not be retained for a long time.

So far, there is only one special case of Ah Zhu.

Li Yin guessed the reason, perhaps because the black crystal from Li Muyi was not in her body, nor in the axe space, maybe it was in Ah Zhu's body.

But she had already explored Ah Zhu's body inside and out, and there was no trace of the crystal.

This is a bit strange.

Did I not explore it carefully enough? I will find time to explore it again.

Ning Zhu seemed to see something from Li Yin's eyes, and her face could not help but blush, and she remembered that she lied to herself that only this way and that way could transfer energy...

Miao Miaomiao in the corner pretended to be resting, but she was actually eavesdropping on the conversation between Li Yin and Ning Zhu.

Especially the part about swallowing energy, which surprised her.

Is it really absorbing energy?

This ability, including the perfect controller, has never been seen in any human being, not even Duanmu Song.

On the contrary, it is very common among evil gods, absorbing some unknown energy generated by humans before death, or

Some are like the evil god just now, turning humans into black water and swallowing them into their bodies.

In short, none of them are good.

No, the fox in the northeast is okay, it doesn't hurt people.

Then what kind of girl is this Li Yin? Is she also a fox-like existence? Why haven't I heard of it?

Wait until I go back to ask the fox.

It was evening, and Chen Jinze stood in front of the window, looking at the dense dark clouds in the sky, feeling a little uneasy.

He turned around and called several senior fighters to confirm the details of the operation again, as well as the plan for dealing with emergencies.

It was confirmed, but the uneasiness in his heart did not disappear.

"Tonight's cleaning operation, everyone must be very alert and there must be no omissions."

Several senior fighters nodded one after another. They also felt Chen Jinze's worries, and no one dared to take it lightly.

The original plan was very thorough. Now there are two perfect controllers who are not affected by fear as candidates to participate in the operation, and there is also Commander Miao in the rear, so there will be basically no problem.

Chen Jinze nodded, thanked several fighters, and got up to go to the underground sealing room.

Li Yin and Zhou Zhengde were questioning someone there, Wang Dajun's wife.

As Wang Dajun's closest relative, and the other party was the initiator of this incident, she was very suspicious, and not being killed immediately was the most rational decision.

When Chen Jinze came to the basement, he saw that the two people frowned, and hurried forward to ask about the situation.

Zhou Zhengde said uncertainly: "She seems to be an ordinary person, and she doesn't know about the abnormal person, nor does she know about Wang Dajun's changes."

Li Yin also nodded, confirming Zhou Zhengde's words.

She also used the axe space to test, and even directly injected energy into her body for detection, but Wang Dajun's wife did not react at all, just like a completely ordinary person, which was very different from their previous speculation.

But her behavior was a little abnormal.

She was not surprised or sad at all when she learned about her husband's death. Instead, she wanted to chat with Li Yin.

"Is this where Xiao Li works? It's too dark. There's no sunlight. You're still growing up. Don't let this cause you any illness."

"Sister Huang was talking to me about you yesterday. She said she missed you. When you were not at home, no one appreciated the braised pork ribs she made. She said she would make more dishes you like next time you come back."

"I still remember when your family just moved to the community, you were still a child. You were such a cute girl, but you didn't like to wear skirts. Everyone thought you must be very cute in skirts."

Listening to her words, a strange feeling came to her mind again.

Li Yin knew where the strangeness came from.

In the hearts of the residents in the community, she has always been a girl, but after leaving the community, people who have a deep impression of her vaguely remember her previous gender.

For example, Professor Fang, Officer Liu...

Is this a coincidence? Obviously not.

It must be related to this abnormality.

Li Yin ignored her, but the woman continued to talk about the past, as if she was immersed in her own memories, every detail was very clear, and she even ignored the current situation.

Chen Jinze wanted to interrupt her, but he had no way to divert her attention from Li Yin.

Just as he was about to force her to shut up, the woman suddenly stopped, struggled slightly on the chair, and then spoke again, asking: "What time is it now?"

Chen Jinze looked at her vigilantly, raised his hand to look at his watch, and said in a deep voice: "It's 7:30 in the evening, it's late."

Hearing this, the woman's face showed a look of realization, and then her eyes gradually became empty, as if she was pulled out of consciousness by some force.

"In this case... let's start..."

As the voice fell, the woman's face suddenly became extremely pale, her hands fell weakly on both sides of the chair, her eyes lost focus, and the whole moment lost her life.

Li Yin was startled and hurried forward to check the situation, but found that she was dead!

Before they could react, the ceiling suddenly broke open, and a petite figure appeared in the sealed room. It was Miao Miaomiao.

Her voice echoed in the dim basement: "There is a flash of evil spirits, what are you doing?"

Evil spirits?

Zhou Zhengde and Chen Jinze looked at each other, and quickly stepped back a few steps away from the woman's body, and then recounted what had just happened in detail.

Li Yin suddenly felt something was wrong.

Before she could speak, another person ran upstairs.

It was a captain of the Linhai Abnormal Bureau. He looked panicked, and his eyes were filled with fear that could not be concealed: "It's not good, Miao Miaomiao!"

Commander, Captain Chen! The abnormals are rioting! All the monitoring points we are responsible for have been attacked by large-scale abnormals! A lot of strange black fog appeared over there, instantly swallowing up several monitoring points, and the abnormals became extremely violent in the black fog! It seems that something is coming out over there! "

Riot? Black fog? Something is coming out?

Li Yin's eyes condensed.

This scene is exactly the same as when Wang Dajun transformed into the evil god!

And Miao Miaomiao's reaction was even faster. When the captain said the word "riot", she had already opened the deceleration field covering the entire city. After hearing the following words, she disappeared directly from the spot and went straight to the monitoring point.

In the sky, Ye Lingyun was returning to the headquarters quickly with two seriously injured old friends. His face had long lost its indifference, replaced by anxiety and despair.

Flying in the air, he could see much more clearly than ordinary fighters.

Looking at the purgatory on earth below, he now had only one idea.

Linhai, it's over!

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