After a while, she was still very tired.

Li Yin stood up and moved her hands and feet.

The feeling of weakness and numbness made her feel a little uncomfortable for a while, as if she had suddenly changed from a domineering tiger to a docile kitten.

This feeling is quite fresh...

The feeling of powerlessness of a real little girl.

"How long have I slept?"

"Four days."

Ning Zhu reached out his hand to support Li Yin, and asked with concern: "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?"

Li Yin touched her stomach. It would have been fine if she hadn't said anything. Once she said it, she was really a little hungry: "Okay, what's delicious?"

"Have some porridge first. You haven't eaten for so many days. Your body needs to be adjusted slowly. I'll go make it for you now."

Li Yin was about to say that she didn't like porridge, but meat, but when she heard Ah Zhu say that he would make it himself, her heart suddenly felt warm and she was more looking forward to it.

Watching Ning Zhu leave, Li Yin's face became serious. She looked at the two and asked: "Where are we now? How is Linhai?"

Xie Yunxiao turned around and said with some emotion: "We are in the family building of the Ninghe City Abnormal Bureau. As for the monsters in Linhai, you..."

"Ahem, it was destroyed by a mysterious force, and there is not a single one left. As for Linhai... it has completely disappeared from the map..."

Li Yin already knew the result and the cause and effect.

The two nightmare creatures that played their parents were originally clones or puppets created by that guy. They only had simple self-awareness and were used to drag themselves into a deeper dream.

But then those things happened, the god who controlled them disappeared, and they gradually gained independent consciousness and became real creatures.

Because they were puppets created by God himself and given life, the status of the two of them was quite high, far above ordinary nightmare creatures.

After the disappearance of God, they naturally became the new masters of the nightmare world.

When these two guys were still controlled, they were already afraid of their creators. After they were freed, this fear turned into strong hatred.

They didn't want the nightmares of the past to return to the world. After realizing that the nightmares might die or fall into an extremely weak state, they planned this nightmare invasion of reality.

There are two purposes in total.

First, find Li Yin, who is suspected to be the backer of the nightmare, and wipe him out! Completely eliminate the trouble! This is also their task when they are controlled, to wipe out Li Yin's consciousness.

Second, collect energy, feed yourself, and become the god who truly dominates nightmares!

As for why those nightmare creatures who execute the plan insist on maintaining human form, it is because when they were created, they were based on the nightmare city that Linhai reproduced.

They have memories of reality and really think they are human. They want to be human, want to really bathe in the sun, and walk between cities.

But they are not human after all, but creatures living in nightmares. When they come to reality, all they can do is spread despair.

"How many people escaped from Linhai?"

"Less than 10,000 people..."

"Have nightmares...same monsters appeared in other cities?"

"Yes, but the scale is very small, at most two or three, and their identities are all related to Linhai. It doesn't look like a large-scale outbreak, but it seems that they have fled from Linhai through regular channels."

This is normal. Linhai has such a large flow of people, it is inevitable that the replaced people will leave for various reasons.

This kind of thing is also easy to investigate. Just investigate the people who have left Linhai recently and have not returned, and check them one by one, and the threat will be eliminated soon.

"The matter of Linhai can't be concealed, right?"

Xie Yunxiao nodded: "The higher-ups are not going to conceal it, and are planning to inform the people of the whole country about the abnormal things and the next response measures. After all, Linhai's disappearance cannot fail to attract attention, and similar things are increasing, and it has reached the point where it has to be made public."

She paused and continued, "However, the panic of the people needs to be appeased. We must show enough strength to reassure ordinary people, so as not to cause social unrest."

"So the expansion of the Abnormal Bureau is indispensable, and Uncle Ning's methods are also indispensable, right?"

"Well, we now need more means to fight against weirdness. Even if they are not strong enough, it is a good start to arm ordinary people so that they can have a certain degree of self-protection ability when facing abnormalities."

Li Yin thought of those who only had a lifespan of ten years, but for

The Abnormal Bureau warrior who was willing to burn everything in order to protect the ordinary people behind her couldn't help but sigh.

If she could find a better way, she also hoped that similar tragedies would not happen again.

"I have one last question."

Li Yin took out the necklace, pointed to the crystal on it and asked, "What is this?"

The two people in front of her shook their heads at the same time: "I don't know, the origin of the crystal is the country's biggest secret. We only know that it exists and is the reason for the birth of the perfect controller, that's all."

Qin Yu asked curiously: "Li Yin, where did you get your crystal?"

"A gift from my parents..."

She said this, but she already had a goal in her heart.


At this time, Ning Zhu's voice came from outside: "The meal is ready, go wash your hands and eat."

Li Yin put the necklace back into her clothes, smiled and nodded at the two people, then got up and walked towards the restaurant.

When she put her hand on the door handle, she was suddenly stunned.

She looked up at the ceiling, then looked at her legs, and a big question mark appeared on her head.

"Why do I seem to have become shorter?"

Xie Yunxiao beside him nodded: "It's not seeming, you just became shorter."

Qin You asked again in confusion: "How tall was she before?"

"One meter five or six?"

Looking at it now, she is four or five centimeters shorter.

Damn! Can insufficient energy affect height?

Li Yin looked at the two people in despair and asked: "Are there any examples of our perfect controllers growing taller?"

They shook their heads together.

Especially Qin You, she cares a lot about this matter, because when she became a substitute, she was just fifteen years old, and her body was forever fixed at that age.

Three years, there has been no change at all!

Li Yin felt like the sky had fallen.

Qin You walked up, gently put his hand on her head, and comforted her: "It's okay, small and cute."

She had always wanted to find an opportunity to say this sentence once, but as the shortest in the perfect controller team, even the new Yu Yuner was a little taller than her, so she never had this opportunity.

Now I finally said it, so cool!

Xie Yunxiao, who was standing next to her, stared at Qin You's movements with her eyes wide open. She remembered that this posture and tone were what she had said to her before, that's right!

Is this girl so vindictive? It's been several years, and you still remember it?

Qin You smiled happily. She remembered that this guy was always a little taller than her when she was a child. She didn't expect that he would shrink as he grew up. However, the touch was really good, and she couldn't help but touch it a few more times.

The three of them walked out of the room. There was a corridor outside. Downstairs was the restaurant, which was connected to the cafeteria of the Abnormal Bureau.

There were two more people in the corridor, Duanmu Song who continued to pretend to be cold and Ye Bufan who looked ugly.

In the end, only a few thousand people escaped from the disaster in Linhai, which was almost extinct. Most of his friends and relatives disappeared in this nightmare. Even if he was open-minded, he couldn't get out of the shadow in a short time.

Ning Chuan also walked out, and his face was also not good.

There were sequelae from the body being smashed, and there was also huge consumption caused by the ultra-long-distance control of the drilling vehicle, but more of it was the destruction of Linhai.

Like Ning Zhu, he lost his mother when he was young, and he had long regarded the elderly people in the community who took care of them as relatives, but they were all buried in the disaster.

This kind of pain cannot be described in words.

Fortunately, his father and sister were not in trouble, and there were Uncle Ye, Uncle Yan, Uncle Xiong and others, which made Ning Chuan feel a little comforted.

He turned his head and looked at Li Yin with some appreciation in his eyes.

He didn't know how the incident was finally resolved, he only knew that the girl went upstairs alone to face the final enemy.

Presumably she succeeded, otherwise the riot of tens of thousands of evil gods would probably be a disaster for all mankind.

My sister really found a powerful girlfriend...

He remembered the constipated expression on his father's face when he told him about this, and took a deep breath.

Decided to wait until he got back and had to talk to him.

As the eldest brother-in-law, he agreed to this marriage!

At the table, Li Yin looked around. Most of them were familiar faces, all of whom were candidates for perfect controllers. Except for Yu Yuner, the rest of the people were already there.

She didn't know the girl sitting at the end of the table. The girl looked a little shy, lowered her head, and was fiddling with her phone.

Qin You noticed Li Yin's gaze, so she introduced in a low voice: "Her name is Lin Lanlan, also a candidate for perfect controller. She joined longer than me and has awakened her ability. She is..."

The people present were not ordinary people. Even if she lowered her voice, the other party could hear it.

Before Qin You could say it,

Before he could speak, the girl immediately put down her phone and said with a red face: "Don't, don't say it!"

Li Yin immediately understood what she said, smiled at Lin Lanlan, and said hello: "Hello, my name is Li Yin."

Lin Lanlan looked at Li Yin gratefully, showed a shy smile, and whispered: "My name is Lin Lanlan, nice to meet you. My ability is... well, you will know it sooner or later."

Except Li Yin, everyone else already knew it, including Ning Zhu.

It's just because of Lin Lanlan's own reasons that they didn't choose to say it.

Li Yin looked in the direction of Qin You again and asked: "What is your ability?"

Qin You shook his head: "I have been a candidate for too short a time, and I haven't awakened my ability yet. What about you? Li Yin."

Li Yin also shook her head. She could feel that her ability had changed, but because she had no energy, she couldn't be sure what it was.

"By the way, how long does it take for your perfect controllers to recover after their bodies are shattered?"

"If they are completely destroyed, it will take about fifteen minutes if they have enough energy."

Li Yin nodded. This was a big difference between him and the perfect controller.

He could create another body in an instant, but he didn't have the energy now.

By the way, I squeezed all those nightmare creatures into a ball, right? Didn't that have a lot of energy?

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