The invisible wave spread in the room. In Ning Zhu's perception, the breath in front was extremely powerful, as if it had the terrible power to destroy everything. However, there was also a familiar breath in it, which seemed to be showing friendly emotions to herself. As the wave gradually spread to her surroundings, the familiar and friendly feeling became stronger. Li Yin closed her eyes, felt the wave in her hand, and the corners of her mouth gradually curled up. She already understood what the two fire axes wanted to express to her. They were God's creations, restricted by a certain will, and could only appear in the form of fire axes. Now that the axe space collapsed, they finally got out of trouble. It is inaccurate to say that they do not have their own consciousness, but just follow an instinctive guidance and resonate with Li Yin's consciousness. They longed to become part of Li Yin's power and continue to fight side by side with her.

Slowly opening her eyes, she moved her mind, and the fluctuations lingering in her hands immediately changed.

Stars of light slowly appeared in her hands, and under the urging of her mind, a huge sword flashing with cold light appeared in her hands.

Ning Zhu widened her eyes and said in disbelief: "So ordinary!"

She was referring to the extra sword in Li Yin's hand.

It looked to be two meters long, with a thick sword body and a metallic luster, but without any decoration. It looked like an ordinary sword.

Li Yin's face was also a little embarrassed. She had tried her best to make a better-looking weapon, but she was a science student and had never held a paintbrush since she was a child, so her aesthetic ability was really limited.

"Isn't it right? Where is the pattern I want?"

Looking at the giant sword in her hand, Li Yin just wanted to explain, but found that she couldn't lift it!

The fire axe in her previous hand did have some weight, the weight of an ordinary axe, but because of her terribly strong physical fitness, she could hardly feel it.

But now her physical fitness is that of an ordinary little girl, and it is really difficult for her to hold a two-meter-high giant sword.

Seeing this, Ning Zhu hurried over to support her shaky body, and also reacted: "Is this the previous fire axe?"

Li Yin nodded a little depressed: "That's them, now there is no form, so I can give them a new look at will."

As she said, she moved her mind, and the giant sword in her hand quickly separated, and turned into two ordinary fire axes again, but the hole that was punched by the black crystal disappeared.

However, even if it turned into a fire axe, Li Yin still couldn't lift it, so she could only put one of them on the ground first, and picked up the other and handed it to Ning Zhu.

Ning Zhu took the axe with both hands and carefully felt the handle.

She was sure that this was the previous fire axe, a powerful weapon that had fought side by side with her many times.

The aura coming from it seemed to convey friendly emotions to her.

Did it recognize me?

Ning Zhu thought so in her heart, and the fire axe in her hand disappeared instantly. Then the invisible wave condensed in her hand again, and a long sword with exquisite shape, complex patterns and exquisite decorations appeared in her hand. It flashed with cold light and looked extremely sharp, which formed a sharp contrast with the simple sword that Li Yin had just made.

Li Yin was shocked: "Awesome!"

She looked at the remaining fire axe beside her, and tried again in disbelief. This time she was going to make a one-to-one replica according to Azhu's design style.

In the end, it still failed. The sword made looked like a mosaic sword, and the lines on it were all blurred together, which looked like a child's graffiti.

Looking at the extremely ugly sword in her hand, Li Yin could only helplessly admit that she didn't have that talent.

Just like rubbing energy bombs, she couldn't rub them out no matter how hard she rubbed them, but Azhu could throw out several at will.

It can only be said that everyone has their own specialties. Who let her family inherit the skills to learn handicrafts since childhood? I can't compare with them.

And with my current physical fitness, I can't use these weapons for the time being.

Seeing Ah Zhu constantly changing the forms of various weapons over there, Li Yin also smiled.

She could see that her girlfriend was a little anxious because she thought her strength was improving slowly.

Anyway, I can't use this weapon for the time being, so I just gave it to her, which can be regarded as a disguised way to enhance Ah Zhu's strength.

Now that I think about it, the two axes given to a little girl do look bad in terms of image.

It's not very beautiful, and it's not very convenient to use.

It wasn't until Ah Zhu had enough fun that Li Yin took them back. The fluctuations disappeared, and the room returned to normal.

It was now past seven in the evening, and the night was getting darker. The stars outside the window and the lights of the city intertwined into a brilliant ocean.

After three days, although Ninghe City was no longer as prosperous as before, it had restored most of its order.

Many shops around were open, and pedestrians could be seen on the road.

The two left the family building and walked slowly on the streets of Ninghe City.

It had only been less than a week, but both of them felt as if they were in another world.

Peace, it's so good...

Listening to the noise around them, Li Yin and Ning Zhu slowed down their pace at the same time, enjoying the tranquility and serenity.

"By the way, I forgot to ask you, what are you going to do next?"

Ning Zhu remembered the previous question and asked it again.

Li Yin thought for a moment and replied with a smile: "There are still many things to do, such as investigating Xie Yunxiao's commission, the follow-up of the previous monk incident, the fishing village under the reservoir near Linhai, and continuing to track down the traces of the cult. My uncle is still in their hands."

Hearing the last sentence, Ning Zhu looked at Li Yin with some concern: "Uncle..."

Li Yin shook her head gently. She is no longer worried about her uncle.

My uncle is definitely not simple!

At that time, in the nightmare, the self who kept appearing was definitely the backup left by my uncle. If it weren't for him, I'm afraid I would really be lost in the dream at that time.

Combined with the scenes seen from Professor Fang's memory before, and the stone and pattern engraved with the word "Li" left by my uncle, Li Yin can be sure that the Li family has a family-inherited ability, and this ability is related to dreams.

The Li family is definitely not as ordinary as I once thought, and perhaps there are some unknown secrets hidden.

At the same time, my uncle may have some relationship with the cult.

This is not something she can guess the answer to now, and she can't ask anyone, otherwise she might get into trouble.

She still has to investigate...

Looking at Li Yin's helpless expression, Ning Zhu seemed to have thought of something.

She clenched her fist and whispered, "Li Yin, how about I take you back to Linhai now? Let's get some energy from the big ball to replenish your consumption. Otherwise, when investigating those things, you won't be able to protect yourself, which is very dangerous, right?"

Li Yin was a little surprised: "How do we go?"

"I'll hold you, and we'll run over!"

Li Yin was very upset, feeling that this idea was super unreliable.

Not to mention the distance of more than 300 kilometers, even with her small body, she would fall apart directly after being bumpy all the way.

But she really wanted to get some energy, and now she was too weak, which made her very uncomfortable.

Finally, she decided to go and have a look, but she couldn't just go there with her arms around. The high-speed rail in the county near Linhai had stopped running, and no one dared to drive to Linhai by car. Moreover, the area was now blocked and outsiders were not allowed to approach.

After thinking about it, she could only choose to contact Miao Miaomiao.

Since this guy helped her hide her identity, she definitely had a purpose.

Anyway, she already owed someone a favor, so it didn't matter if she owed another one.

She sent her a message, and the other side called her soon: "Li Yin, what do you want to do in Linhai? Do you want to absorb the energy you left behind?"

Li Yin did not deny that her purpose was indeed this.

Miao Miaomiao was silent for a long time, and finally sighed, with a tone of negotiation, even pleading: "Li Yin, it is very important to us, and it may affect the future pattern of the country. You..."

"Can I leave it to you?" Li Yin asked back.


Miao Miaomiao hesitated for a moment, but still nodded: "I don't want to force you with justice. This may be a little selfish, but please understand..."

Li Yin felt a little surprised: "Commander Miao, didn't you disdain the lives of ordinary people before? What's wrong?"

Miao Miaomiao didn't answer, but made a "meow", as if she was acting cute, and as if she was hiding something.

After a long while, she said: "The incident in Linhai had a big impact on me, and made me re-examine some things."

Li Yin naturally couldn't believe it. It was estimated that this guy was plotting something, and it was related to the energy in the ball.

Since the other party didn't say it, she didn't continue to inquire, but said: "Don't worry, what we need may not be the same. Even if there is a conflict, I won't take it all away, I promise."

Hearing her promise, Miao Miaomiao's tone was obviously much more relaxed, and her tone became lighter: "You take everything away, in fact

I can't say anything, after all, it's your stuff. And you're so powerful, even if you come to get it directly, we can't do anything to you. "

Li Yin didn't tell her about her current weak condition, but asked her to come and pick her up quickly.

"Find an open place to wait for me, I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, Li Yin turned to look in the direction of Ning Zhu and found that she was holding some chrysanthemums in her hands, which she had just bought and was going to take to commemorate the victims of Linhai.

Li Yin also sighed.

Linhai is such a big city, it disappeared without a trace of existence, even she still felt bad.

Standing on tiptoe and touching Ning Zhu's head, the two set off to the suburbs to find an open place.

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