The door was opened, but the door was closed.

Li Yin thought as he picked up the axe and walked towards one of the rooms.

He kicked it once, but it didn't open. He chopped it again with the axe and it opened.

Master Zhao looked over, but was so scared that he fell to the ground the next second.

Four people were dragged into the room, three of whom fell to the ground. The room was full of blood. What was even more terrifying was that they all lost an arm!

The arm was thrown in front of the door, bloody, as if it had been torn off by something, and the cross section was very irregular.

Another person knelt on the ground, with several ghost hands holding down his body, and several others were tearing his arms, as if they were teasing their prey, tearing them bit by bit, leaving blood marks on his arms.

The man screamed desperately into the air, his voice had become hoarse, filled with fear and powerlessness.

Li Yin did not go in, but just stood at the door, watching everything quietly.

Master Zhao was so scared that he trembled all over and kept backing away until his back hit the wall and stopped.

" could this happen..."

His face was pale and his lips were trembling, obviously he was very scared.

Li Yin did not show any surprise, she seemed to have guessed it all.

" you know what's going on?" Master Zhao looked at her, his eyes full of fear and confusion.

Li Yin turned to look at him, shook his head, and said nothing. He dragged Master Wang into the room with an axe in his hand, and waved his hand casually, and all the ghost hands in the air disappeared.

She came to the man and patted his shoulder: "Don't be afraid, I will save you."

After that, she turned and walked to the door, and said to Master Zhao: "You go find some bandages and hemostatics, I will go to save others."


Li Yin knew that he was afraid, afraid that the ghost hand would appear again and drag him into the room, and become so miserable.

Putting down the axe, Li Yin reached into her pocket and took out a yellow talisman, which she had picked up on the ground before. At that time, she thought it had some strange effects, but she didn't expect it to be a lie.

Now it's just right to use it to deceive its owner.

She tried to inject a little of her own strange energy into it, and then handed it to Master Zhao: "I have blessed it, and no ghost can hurt you with it."

She didn't know whether it worked or not, but Master Zhao obviously believed it. He held the yellow talisman like a treasure, and didn't dare to delay for a moment, and ran downstairs to find a medical kit.

Li Yin used an axe to smash the door of this room to pieces, and immediately went to the next room.

The situation in this room was much better. Only one person had his thigh torn off, and blood was flowing down. The others were huddled together, shivering in the corner.

"Help him stop the bleeding, otherwise he will die soon."

Li Yin threw down this sentence and hurried to the next room.

There were seven rooms on this floor. She seemed to have thought of something, her face became extremely gloomy, and her eyes were full of murderous intent when she looked at Master Wang.

Because of the timely rescue, the people in the next few rooms were not hurt. It seemed that the ghost hand also hurt people according to a certain rule, or in a certain order.

The frightened people finally came to their senses, mustered up the courage to carry the injured to the corridor, and took measures to stop the bleeding.

Li Yin looked at the four people lying on the ground and frowned.

We must get out quickly, otherwise these people will die from excessive blood loss.

What is the next scene?

At this moment, the seven doors in the corridor were restored and closed at the same time, and bursts of shrill screams came from them, as if countless ghosts were struggling in pain.

The people around who had originally calmed down fell into panic again. They clung to each other, as if only in this way could they find a sense of security.

Master Zhao's face was pale, and he tightly grasped the yellow talisman that was "opened" by Li Yin. This was his only life-saving straw.

Suddenly a faint voice sounded from his ears. He didn't hear it clearly the first time, until the third time, he couldn't help but repeat it: "Find me... I'm in the room, where am I? Choose one..."

After he finished speaking, he found that the faces of the people nearby changed, because they all heard the same voice.

Master Zhao swallowed his saliva: "What do you mean? Just let us guess which room it is hidden in? If you choose the wrong one, you will die?"


Li Yin looked down at the quiet Taoist Wang, and suddenly asked: "You do all this for a purpose, right? What is the purpose? Become a ghost?"

Taoist Wang did not reply, but quietly lowered his head, as if he had fainted.

Seeing that he did not speak, Li Yin did not continue to ask. He raised his head and looked at the rooms in the corridor one by one, but his face became colder and colder.

Ignoring the panicked and screaming crowd beside him, Li Yin dragged the rope that bound Taoist Wang with his left hand, held the fire axe in his right hand, and walked directly to the first room.

He kicked the door open and threw Taoist Wang's body in: "Where did you put it? Find it yourself."

Taoist Wang's face was uncertain: "What do you mean? What are you looking for?"

For the first time, Li Yin's face showed anger: "You dismembered your daughter with your own hands, and hid her arms, legs, torso, head and internal organs in seven rooms. How did you torture her when she was alive, so that she was treated like this after death! Are you human!?"

Seeing that Taoist Wang was still silent, Li Yin said no more, walked into the room with the axe, and then closed the door.

The room was instantly plunged into darkness. She could feel a force tearing her arm, but the force was very small, similar to massage.

She ignored it and looked around the room for a while, then swung the axe violently and smashed the wall with the back of the axe.

With just one hit, a big hole appeared on the wall, but there was nothing inside. She changed to another place and hit it again.

Soon the whole room was smashed to pieces, but still nothing was found.

Li Yin sighed, walked out of the room, and smashed the door by the way. She shouted to everyone: "Go downstairs, I'm going to let the ghost out."

Hearing her say this, who dared to stay here? They all rushed downstairs, even the unconscious Shen Feiyu and several people who lost their arms and legs were carried down.

Seeing that everyone had left, Li Yin took the axe and began to destroy it.

Doors, walls, glass... smash whatever she saw. Using her body strengthened by energy, she planned to smash the entire third floor to pieces.

Following the procedure was too slow. What she wanted to do now was to flip the table!

Of course, the load-bearing wall was not broken, otherwise the whole building would collapse and no one below would survive.

Just as she smashed the wall of the last room, a cold air suddenly rushed out of the room, rolling up a cloud of dust and debris.

Li Yin immediately felt a strong malice coming at her. She could feel the emotional fluctuations that were so strong that they seemed to be real, mixed with resentment, disappointment, confusion, anger... but the most was fear.

These had no effect on Li Yin, but she could also feel that these were the despair and helplessness that the little girl experienced before she was abused to death.

Gripping the axe in her hand, she chopped hard at the gloomy wind.


The miserable screams rang throughout the building, and even the people in the lobby on the first floor could hear them clearly.

The dust cleared, and Li Yin saw the true appearance of the ghost.

It was no longer recognizable from its pre-birth appearance. Its skull was split in half, and opened to both sides like a petal, with only flesh connecting them to its neck, revealing the dark brain and white bones inside. Its upper body was crawling on the ground, with its ribs abnormally turned outward, supporting its body. Its internal organs were all over the ground, and were dragged very long as it moved, like a mollusk parasitic on its body, constantly wriggling.

Its limbs were shriveled and twisted, as if they had been squeezed by something heavy for a long time. The original shape could no longer be seen, and only skin and bones and twisted joints were left connected together. Its fingers and toes became abnormally long and thin, bent at impossible angles, as if it wanted to grab anything it could cling to.

The girl's eyes had turned into two black holes, with no whites or pupils, only bottomless darkness that could swallow all the light.

It screamed, the sound was sharp and shrill, like a blade scratching glass, making people's ears hurt.

Looking at this extremely twisted monster, Li Yin thought of the ghost she encountered for the first time, which was the one that attacked her at her uncle's house.

In appearance, the two actually had a slight resemblance.

But she didn't think much about it. After all, she had seen too few ghosts and couldn't tell the rules.

Li Yin looked down at Taoist Wang, only to see that he was actually laughing.

"Hahahaha, we really succeeded. It really became what we wanted!" Taoist Wang laughed wildly, with twisted and excited light flashing in his eyes. His laughter echoed in the empty corridor, giving people a creepy feeling.

This man really needs to be tortured.

Li Yin retracted his gaze and looked directly at the monster in front of him.

Unlike the beastly parents, it was obvious that it had lost any consciousness, leaving only the endless despair and fear before death.

Li Yin loosened his grip.

Holding the rope, he took two steps forward, turned around and looked at Master Wang again: "Aren't you going to escape?"

At this time, Master Wang had recovered from his madness, with a smile on his face, as if he had been satisfied: "Why should I escape? My experiment was successful, my most perfect work is now in front of me, why should I escape?"


Li Yin keenly captured the key words, this guy... actually took his daughter's life to experiment, making her become the monster she is today in extreme pain.

Simply, worse than a beast!

"By the way, do you know Feng Qi?"

Feng Qi is the murderer who calls himself a 'murder artist', Officer Liu told her this afternoon.

"Feng Qi? Who is that?"

Thinking about it, the time doesn't match. Feng Qi started committing crimes in recent months, and this guy had been dead for several years at that time.

Ignoring him, holding the axe handle with both hands, facing the monster that suddenly pounced on him, without the slightest fear, he chopped the monster's claws with an axe.

With a slight "puff" sound, the monster's arm broke, leaving only a little skin, and black and red blood splattered the entire wall.

Li Yin was not surprised. So far, she had never seen a ghost that she could not chop down with one axe, and this one was obviously not much stronger than the previous ones.

However, this gave Master Wang a great shock. He stared with disbelief on his face.

He could not accept this result. His "work" was so vulnerable.

In his eyes, this ghost was the product of all his efforts and expectations. It should be extremely powerful and invincible. However, reality gave him a loud slap in the face. His "work" was like a fragile paper tiger in front of Li Yin, vulnerable.

"Who are you? What is your axe?"

With one hand chopped off, the monster screamed shrilly, and the other hand grabbed Li Yin more frantically, while opening its big mouth full of fangs.

Li Yin dodged sideways and chopped the monster's head with an axe, which made it roll out again.

Without waiting for it to get up, he took two steps forward and chopped its neck with an axe, completely smashing its head.

The monster let out a scream that was not like a human voice, and then its body twitched violently, but it never fell down.

Li Yin did not give it any chance. He swung the axe and smashed it hard until it was smashed to pieces, and there was no trace of intact organs. Then he stopped.

After taking a breath and preparing to turn the pile of rotten meat with an axe to see if it could still move, a cheer broke out downstairs, and someone shouted: "The door is open! The door is open, run!"

It looked like it was dead.

In order to prevent the corpse from resurrecting, Li Yin hit it twice more. Those who didn't know would think she was making hand-made beef balls.

She didn't stop until the light flew into her body.

"Okay, now tell me everything you know."

Li Yin turned around and prepared to interrogate the monster in Master Wang's body, but found that Master Wang was lying on the ground motionless.

I had been paying attention to him just now, but I didn't see anything coming out of his body.

Li Yin was surprised and walked over to poke and sniffed, and he was still alive.

So... Fool, this guy and the monster his daughter turned into are one and the same! If the daughter died, they all died?


Li Yin didn't want to say anything anymore, or he was inexperienced. Next time he encountered a similar situation, he would definitely ask before killing!

He took out his mobile phone to check the time. It was now past one in the morning. I didn't expect that more than five hours had passed.

After calling the police, he looked downstairs.

Most of the people trapped in the hotel had already run away. Only the injured and a few people from the Internet celebrity company had not left.

Master Zhao was looking up, as if he was looking for something.

Seeing Li Yin, his face suddenly lit up. He wanted to come up to see the situation of his good brother, Taoist Wang, but he was a little scared. He had finally escaped. If he encountered something again, he would regret it too late.

However, after a psychological struggle, he still chose to run up to see the situation of his brother, holding the yellow paper talisman in his arms.

Seeing the third floor as if it had been visited by a whole demolition team, Master Zhao couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

What happened here?

"Little Master, how is he?"

Master Zhao no longer looked as calm as before. Now he is just a middle-aged man in a mess, and his pants are even wet.

Li Yin subconsciously moved away.

"I don't know. You have to ask the doctor.

By the way, did you call an ambulance? "

This tone... Master Zhao suddenly felt that the girl who saved everyone didn't seem so reliable...

And the tone now is quite different from when she was trapped just now. After careful recollection, it seems that the current voice is more normal. The previous indifference and indifference always gave people a deliberate feeling.

"I called, and said they would be here soon."

"That's good, okay, you take him down, I'll go get my things. "

Her luggage was still upstairs. She thought she would have to stay here for several days before encountering ghosts, but she didn't expect the hotel to be demolished on the first day.

Li Yin didn't feel the slightest bit of guilt for demolishing an entire floor of the hotel. After all, the police would have to demolish the hotel to find the girl's body.

She had figured it out. The hotel owner was definitely not a good person. Otherwise, how could the devil couple dismember their daughter and hide her in seven rooms? The owner must have helped them.

Why did they do this? Was there some kind of evil ritual?

Also, she heard the name of the Abnormal Bureau again. It seemed that it was really an official organization to deal with these ghosts. Did they know about her uncle's affairs? ? Should I contact them?

Li Yin carefully weighed the pros and cons, and finally gave up the idea.

Before figuring out the nature of this organization, it is better not to contact them rashly.

Wait, Li Yin frowned, she suddenly remembered that in the forum story, it seemed that there was a sentence at the end: "It is in my brain, it is saying, I can still see you..."

What does this mean?

Forget it, it doesn't matter, the ghosts are dead, and if there are any means, go to hell.

Li Yin stretched and rubbed her stiff face.

It feels that pretending to be aloof is not that cool, mainly because she needs to establish a strong enough image in the hearts of these people so as not to do irrational things under fear and despair.

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